Movie / Music / Games Piracy.. Whts your Take ?

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!! RecuZant By Birth !!
I recently came across a thread.. regarding this ... but unfortunately.. Hitboxx Closed the thread..

So i found that this topic can be interesting for discussion ...

So What d o u think guys ?

Does These pirates doing a favor or killing the industry ...

Please note : Dont post any Pirate related content or website... in order to keep this thread alive... or else Mods can lock the thread once and for all...

Here is my take anyway ... ( this is a cut paste of my post in another thread )

look bro .. these big industries are least affected by piracy...

just tell one thing ... recently Batman dark knight was released and it is now the worlds highest collection movie .,.. beating titanic / spider man / harry potter / matrix ... ( all of which were released years before .. keep that in mind.. )

now how do u say each year a film tops / beats the prev record...

simple .. population ...!!!!!

say we had a 1 million theater going population in 2000 .. what would be the current number ??

it would surely around 5 million ... and of which even if 1-2 million don't come to theatre .. this wont affect the producers...

there are more than one thing going on for producers .. which eventually don't bit back at producer...

so to the say the truth .. piracy actually helps people discover more movie genre...

eg ... i have never seen shashank redemption ... until i came to college hostel... where my friends showed me this wonderful movie..

if i was suppose to watch the film only in theater .. then i would surely cant see all the movie and i would have missed many nice movies...
and its not possible for a Indian to see all the movie in theater..

also to say .. why would u want a movie like saawariya to be seen in theater... ( i haven seen but heard that it sucks... )

and if u guys want to know that piracy kills movie business.. i recommend u guys to see .. STEAL THIS FILM II ( link given below )


Just one observation. They say piracy is killing the industry then why do Hollywood movies break all-time-box-office-records every year? Ditto for Bollywood crap.


~Beating Toughest Games~
simply for piracy too...that many copies of movies are atleast sold for pirators...
the industry is actually benefiting from piracy in a way


just tell one thing ... recently Batman dark knight was released and it is now the worlds highest collection movie .,.. beating titanic / spider man / harry potter / matrix ... ( all of which were released years before .. keep that in mind.. )
TDK hasn't beaten Titanic in box office collections.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!

Heard it did for opening day collection , weekend best collection.., and with time it may beat...titanic...

But whatever it may be... Doesnt each film cross the limit of prev film?


Ambassador of Buzz
Well here's what i think... In the indian and gaming perspective ... Games are available for Rs. 1500 and above. PC versions are a little less. The piracy business would only suffer if the game prices come down to lets say Rs. 500 or less. Coz frankly india is dominated by the middle class. So for a game freak buying games for Rs. 1500 average almost every month is somewhat of a pain. The prices to come down to Rs. 500 would take ages. For that game manufacturing should be done in india so that the extra export costs are not needed anymore. So piracy would continue for a long time to come in india. In a way its a direct competition to the game manufacturers! Its what you call "Beating them at their own GAME!!"
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Cyborg Agent
Personally I am not in favour of piracy..but here are my thoughts!

Well first of all I think is it's a way for a hawker to make money and survive with > 12% inflation rate!!!

How many people can go and watch a movie is limited by time and seating capacity of the theaters! It’s not like you can just go out and buy whatever and whenever you want..
So there will always be some who would not actually get a chance to watch a movie though they wanted to. All ‘Piracy’ is doing is giving them a chance to watch the movie, who anyways would have otherwise missed it!

A bus has a capacity of 40..and there are 50 passengers then passenger no 41 thru 50 will either have to drop the journey or look for other alternatives!

I guess this is a reason why a Hit movie anyways would make a profit..who would want to watch a flop movie even if it’s available somewhere else as a pirated vcd ?


Broken In
It costs a lot of money to produce movies and to develop games.

Those who can afford pay for them, those who can't pirate pay through their noses, and those who don't bother about quality pirate them.

Interestingly, pirates are coming up with excellent quality lately due to technology. So I guess the only way out for movies would be to produce them so grand that they can be fully enjoyed only in theaters. And games would have to be authenticated by online servers (like Steam) and played only on online servers (MMORPG and other multiplayer games).

Piracy did help in bringing down the prices of audio CDs, and lately DVD prices are also dropping. I do not believe in 'if everyone go legit then price would drop' crap. Companies would still be greedy.

I do buy good quality games when they come out cheap (e.g. Orange Box), but when a game costs Rs.2000 - now that's too much when the same is available for Rs.30, and who can resist!


Its all bout your pocket size. I would always opt for original stuff if prices are taken to a lower standard.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
I would too... But will the big companies will ever do it...

Mosbier did it...with deal with indian film industry... And now you can get a little old films for cheap rates...

I think the software and games industry should do it..


In the zone
Lowering down the prices would indeed help the dying music industry but at the same time it is not very encouraging for the retailers. Take the example of Moser Baer. MBI flooded the market with cheap movie CDs and DVDs. But the retailers are dying now as their profit margin is narrowed down. But this deal was very profitable for the end users. The MBI act not only discouraged the movie pirates but also changed the view point of the customers. When ppl can buy original stuff for Rs 28/30 then why should they go for pirated CDs.
But again there is a catch to this...the pirated DVDs now come with 5-7-9 Movie in one DVD at throw away prices (Rs. 20 for 5in 1)..again the buyer is tempted to the pirated ones....
Now the question is the middle class families of our country are not aware of the pros and cons of the original and pirated CDs. They're not aware of the pirated and original CDs...they consider these 5in 1 DVds as the original ones...I think to overcome the Piracy we need to educate the ppl first...until and unless ppl are well informed and aware of the facts they'll never turn upto the original it CDs or electronic gadgets....The problem is with the Indian mentality...nobody wants to spend more when they can get it for matter if it is original or not....
We need to educate the ppl first to overcome this problem...


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
ax3 said:
really depends on u ........

have money & dont wanna save 4 urself = buy original

wanna save money = HELP piracy .......

if producers can afford 2 pay stars in crores 4 flop movies [as almost all r] & u wanna c them with ur HARDOWNED money ..... rnt u wasting ur money & do u get it back ???

& movie tickets cost a BOMB [150rs] ....... if it was 20-30rs , then ok ....
Good one.

I have something to say about Software Piracy, particularly Windows.
According to some stats; 1 out of every 5 windows PC is pirated. (I was surprised that its this low :p )
Now lets say Microsoft comes up with some anti-piracy stuff. Some way that even Hacks/Patches cannot bypass. Making Windows totally Pirate-Proof.
What will happen to the average Joe who bought his computer assembled from nearby shop and uses it for basic productivity/entertainment? He opens the start menu to see his favourite MS Office 2007, Photoshop, PowerDVD, and a whole lot of other softwares by default; what will happen to him?
PC assemblers may bundle PCs with Linux and a huge collection of Free/OSS softwares. People may shift towards OSs. Gradually the crowd may increase and as FOSS is somewhat crowd-sourced, the quantity-quality-reliability of the OSS softwares may increase exponentially and give a tough time to propietary softwares. Gradually the users using Propietary softwares may start using OSS alternatives. Its a chain reaction guys. The more people use OSS, the more it will propagate. The market share scenario will change. And Propietary softwares will go down the drain.

So isnt some amount of Piracy directly-indirectly helping software-vendors?


Sith Lord
Staff member
Calling it piracy is a little harsh... pirates were rum drinking bloodthirsty pillaging *******s. We should be given the freedom to share the media we own with our friends, and hear it where we want it. That again, should not be branded as piracy. I would like to know in which stores I can get a copy of half the films I can get on torrents... I am talking about rare and old works like Fritz the Cat, Fantastic Planet or Enemy Mine. Torrents are the only things keeping these movies in circulation. The so called pirates have their own code of ethics... the least of which is a leech ban.
Music, and new movies, would hurt the sales of the DVDs, but most of the films are crap and they don't deserve the money anyway.
Software piracy is uncool, but what the hell, everyone does it because software is so overpriced and substandard. So, I don't support piracy, but the whole term is misunderstood, I don't support the smothering tactics of the record labels, the media conglomerates like viacom, or idiots with good marketing power like microsoft.


Huh ?
Calling it piracy is a little harsh... pirates were rum drinking bloodthirsty pillaging *******s.
. I would like to know in which stores I can get a copy of half the films I can get on torrents... I am talking about rare and old works like Fritz the Cat, Fantastic Planet or Enemy Mine.
Just cause someone doesn't have a certain movie or album in their showcase for sale doesn't mean its right to pirate it.
Software piracy is uncool, but what the hell, everyone does it because software is so overpriced and substandard.
Lol so pirating movies and music is fine but software is not?
So, I don't support piracy, but the whole term is misunderstood, I don't support the smothering tactics of the record labels, the media conglomerates like viacom, or idiots with good marketing power like microsoft.
Oh and what smothering tactics is it that the record companies have been deploying ? And how does this even give anyone the right to pirate.

Hah attitude aside, do I pirate? Yes maybe I do, but I never try to justify that its right.


Call me Sumit
PIRACY rocks !!!

How can in this whole world while sitting on my laptop got all the latest movies,music torrents etc ...and that too worldwide content !

I am a big lover of music..How had I got known bands like Rammstein,Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth,Static X etc..and dloaded and listened to their songs if there were no torrents ?

How had I seen such beautiful films like Amelie(French), Run Lola Run (German),13 Tzameti, My Girl and I (Korean), Hinokio (Japanese) ,Schindler's List etc etc ..Can u find them in a DVD store near u ? no :( .......

Piracy has in fact shrunk the world limits..Today we are not bounded by geography of our nation but we have become globalised citizens thanks to pirates :D

Once again three Cheers for torrents :D :D :D
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