Broken In
Yes...Found 97F1-D1-H2-H01-N413.20120314 this is best suited for funbook. Not a single problem faced so far... Go for it...
I havent tried it myself but see thisHello everyone. I was planning to buy the funbook today but then I found out ICS doesn't support wifi adhoc. The only way I could access internet on this is through the wifi on my laptop or smartphone. So can anyone tell if there is any other way around this? Also, can installing the custom rom make adhoc wifi work?
(2) i have logged into google play, and the phone logged me in, for gmail. now i dont find how to sign out of gmail, how to do this ?
(3) anyone baught a stylus yet ? are those 100-150 rs ones in ebay good ?
Got my funbook yesterday.
Can i connect my Canon A220 through USB on the go cable?
Also,i tried connecting my bsnl 3g Data Card,the Tablet shows that Data Card as bad Sd..
Now i'm planning to buy either iBerry with 3G sim support or Samsung TAB2 P310 both are withing Rs.20k and very clear screen, with 2G/3G sim support. These cheap tabs w/o 2G/3G sim is useless.I was thinking of getting one after it became such a hit.But now it seems it has different problems with different persons.may be i should think again.
Now i'm planning to buy either iBerry with 3G sim support or Samsung TAB2 P310 both are withing Rs.20k and very clear screen, with 2G/3G sim support. These cheap tabs w/o 2G/3G sim is useless.![]()