Making a new website ! Help and suggestions

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greetings to all fellow members and friends !

I got bored of my website and am planning to change it completey,
Regarding the new color and things, i am stuck on Leopard theme for my new website, want a change :p , now i am unable to get any Apple/Leopard style CSS or theme ! (the shiny black and a greyish combination) .
all other suggestions are welcomed as i am really confused for a new outlook.

you can visit my site right now :

i am also planning to run a daily update section. :)

SO, Any Ideas are welcome,i hope i will tons of replies and ideas to use.


Shantanu Kaushik


die blizzard die! D3?
1.Have a look at vishal gupta's site HERE.You can use those shiny icons he has used and that reflection effect looks damn cool.
2.Remove that 'use genuine be genuine' and 'learn the risks of counterfeit softwares' man.They are a big turn off!.
3.You see most of your pages are occupied by images and thats not cool....make it more text based....use some animations.....make the pages bandwidth friendly.


thanks man, good suggestions
vishal has a cool site, but as i said something different from Vista :) , and yeah i was also thinking about the same regarding pics ! keep it coming please.. :) , and i will also think about genuine


The_Devil_Himself hit on the right spot. Your site is having too many BIG images. Frankly it looks like a ad hoarding to me! Concentrate on it. Make it more pleasant look. Font colour of main content text gets mixed with background colour. Try to bring it to front with some good colour. Simplicity is best idea. Keep it simple. :)
All the best.


Gracias Senor
The Website shuld be light on Internet..

If u use lots of images, It takes a long time to load(For dial-up).

Remove images, Use light colors so that the Text is visible, the website whould be pleasant on our eyes, Use css and divide ur sections.

Any more queries??? Pls feel free to shoot.
(Me myself is a Web applications developer)


CG Artist
You can change it completely and use Photoshop created menus.Like shiny buttons,menu bars.Also i dont know its me or not but the text on your site is very arey kya bolte hai usko "aisa lag raha hai jaise chuhe ne kutar liya ho" :lol:

pathiks said:
@ shantanu sir
wd a leopard look suit a ms mvp's site??? :p :D
Haan shantanu bhai site kya discovery channel ke liye banani hai.:D
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The Sexy Beast
change the layout the contact us/search panel should be located somewhere else.use another background for main contents coz the font looks a bit dull specially for the troubleshooting section


thanks guys for great replies.. i was in need of all this... and where to get a good CSS and should i also look for flash work.. ?


Only banner ? i was planning to design the whole website in Dreamweaver ? wat say :) , and will black color theme ok ? and i am not onto photoshopping more than making my pics fair and clear :D (lol) so need help on that !


offtopic : hey man can you name this song of fort minor in your siggy. :p
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CG Artist
shantanu said:
Only banner ? i was planning to design the whole website in Dreamweaver ? wat say :) , and will black color theme ok ? and i am not onto photoshopping more than making my pics fair and clear :D (lol) so need help on that !


offtopic : hey man can you name this song of fort minor in your siggy. :p
fort minor -remember the name :p


die blizzard die! D3?
@shantanu:If you use too much flash animations it will make your website highly bandwidth unfriendly.The pages should load quickly...nobody likes to wait so make your pages lightweight.

Yea black colour theme sounds interesting(but dont the webdesigning gurus always say 'use light background'?).Anyways worth trying.

Offtopic:I have that song in Video.:p
i dont think it wil be a good idea (black theme ) ..... i mean the theme shuld be appealing to eyes with a sense of warmth ... so tht it wld create +ve effect on the viewers depends on ur creativity........


CG Artist
Try a lot of blue and green in your website to give a cool look.Black looks like you are creating any hacking website or illegal websites or p... :D


hmmm cool.. well i have that song in Video , but never knew the name :D (i have two videos of that song)

ontopic : so what should be the color combination ? i will start making the pages today and will post the demo links .. so please check it out guys.. :p thanks


"The Gentleman"
the first impression what i got from ur site is

1) it looks as if it has nothing much... honestly... site impression matters for fast readers/browsing ppl. place a link of whatever is their on ur "subpages"... like indexing

2) proper formatting and alignment is also required for easily locating stuff...
a person should feel that their is something informative in the site,
which will help him... well try to avoid long pages.

3)most important "rapid updation" should be done... this is a little hard sometimes.

4)and remember always post pics along with articles.... remember the saying... "pics say thousands words.... "

i copied ur siggy and manipulated it ;)


should i be offended by the siggy thing ? :D and yeah i know my site has mistakes ! and i was asking the way for rapid updatation.. ?
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"The Gentleman"
a true friend says the truth... even the fact if ur face is dirty(which isnt :D )... i only said ur site is dirty ;)
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