Interstellar (2014) Movie Discussion *Spoilers Ahead*


Wise Old Owl
Interstellar: 9/10
I believe TARS did not send back equations, but data. Data to solve equations. Almost every equation in Physics depend on constants and variables. Finding them is critical. Data sent by TARS can determine those constants/variables, thereby eliminating incorrect solutions. Lets say you have equation x+y=5. This equation has infinite number of solutions. If you know y then this has only one solution. For constants I can name a few like Planck's Constant etc.
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Nothing can be sent after the SC limit. That IS the blackhole information paradox. The pattern, piece, holder and the instance of the information, these properties will permanently disappear within black-hole. Simply because the curvature of time-space near the horizon is greatly deformed. Speed of information propagation in a forward light-cone is the speed of light, which must be exceeded to escape the gravity field near the singularity. From a potential observer outside the black hole, that information will basically freeze and red-shifted until it is phased out. So any information sent from inside will never actually reach the outside the radius. Even if there is some means to boost the information relatively to the safe zone just out side the SC radius, it will get stuck in the Photon Sphere and will orbit the black hole forever.

The paradox arose after Hawking showed, in 1974-1975, that black holes surrounded by quantum fields actually will radiate particles (“Hawking radiation”) and shrink in size eventually evaporating completely. So where the information inside the black hole does go? if the black hole is gone, where did the it disappear along with the black hole?, that violates quantum theory.

There are more solutions and theories about this than there are hairs in my head. Complementarity, holography and so many string theories and quantum entanglement blah..blah...but bottomline is the TARS plan would never work. It was inevitable that the wormhole theory sticks in the movie for the solution to come.


Back to school!!
Nothing can be sent after the SC limit. That IS the blackhole information paradox. The pattern, piece, holder and the instance of the information, these properties will permanently disappear within black-hole. Simply because the curvature of time-space near the horizon is greatly deformed. Speed of information propagation in a forward light-cone is the speed of light, which must be exceeded to escape the gravity field near the singularity. From a potential observer outside the black hole, that information will basically freeze and red-shifted until it is phased out. So any information sent from inside will never actually reach the outside the radius. Even if there is some means to boost the information relatively to the safe zone just out side the SC radius, it will get stuck in the Photon Sphere and will orbit the black hole forever.

The paradox arose after Hawking showed, in 1974-1975, that black holes surrounded by quantum fields actually will radiate particles (“Hawking radiation”) and shrink in size eventually evaporating completely. So where the information inside the black hole does go? if the black hole is gone, where did the it disappear along with the black hole?, that violates quantum theory.

There are more solutions and theories about this than there are hairs in my head. Complementarity, holography and so many string theories and quantum entanglement blah..blah...but bottomline is the TARS plan would never work. It was inevitable that the wormhole theory sticks in the movie for the solution to come.
Yes. The information carried by mass disappears. But TARS could still get quantum data related to the warping of space in the singularity. TARS solved quantum gravity. It sounds farfetched. But it's still a movie. That tiny bit of science fiction was a fresh perspective.


Wise Old Owl
^^Exactly, This reason that I watched it three times with three different groups of people not because I fail to understand the science behind it, but because I do and I want more out of it. This is not a youtube documentary on Wheeler, Kip, Penrose or Stephen Hawking, or even Einstein or Oppenheimer. This movie is about showing human conditions in extreme situations.

Which it did, is like never before, never presented in such form, never comprehended or realized as this. Nobody have seen what it did in A MOVIE. There are huge number of artwork, documentaries, science video journals lying around YouTube and astro-channels about black-holes and stuff, but it was never done on this mammoth scale as in a AAA movie. And the same very reason, that people who love the cosmos and its mysteries and nurture treasured imaginations over their head....will feel lacking what they wanted but could not see.

The only thing I feel lacking, is MOAAAR VISUALS PLEASEE!! We want to see more badass blackholes shots ripping s$it up!, coopers ship struggling through hot mess of surrounding plamsa! more shots of the bloody ship from distance , travelling through space, nearing exo planets, coopers ship entering the horizon and brand sees it freeze in time!...and and Those exo-planets from distance, those visuals, where are those!???


Sith Lord
Staff member
I wish they had shown how light behaves at relativistic speeds, that is the spectrum shifting
also was missing the additional layers of meaning hidden in Nolan movies. Though figured it was constantly referencing 2001 : A Space Odyssey, didn't understand the whole picture till I read this.

The Monoliths Have Faces: Interstellar Answers 2001: A Space Odyssey

Tars was basically a prototype for the Monolith, and they showed how it was a swiss army knife, one device to do a lot of things, with all the different applications
Also, the Tesseract scenes was very similar to what happens to Bowman at the end of 2001

That guy is as uneducated as I had ever seen giving a review. He copied some stuff from the internet, but he didn't read the damn science.

Yes he did lol, some of the phrasing was very similar to some of the other articles on Interstellar on the internets.

Oh and this is a comic by Nolan on what happens to Mann during the Lazarus mission
Revealed: The Lost Chapter of Interstellar | WIRED

quan chi

mortal kombat
Re: Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

Has some flaws, the climax feels like rushed. Moreover no I am not bragging I think I almost guessed the ending when murph started complaining about the falling objects from her shelf.(I think some of you might have too)

Apart from that the movie is pretty entertaining & is better than "primer" in terms of understanding.


The beings cannot send Cooper back in time. They can send him at the exact moment he fell into the Blackhole. You cannot go back in time, visualize it? Yes, but cannot go back physically.

When the ship was close to MIller's planet, the gravitational warping of space could have scattered the signals so it didn't make its way back.

The infinite fall happens only at horizon, the light redshifts continuously till its no longer detectable. But it does not happen even at the critical orbit.

what ? those "future" being could create a wormhole near saturn's orbit, could take a living human being to the centre of BH in 1 piece and push energy or gravity - to the past behind a book shelf - and they cant travel to past ? i thought they could do that. :lol:

i think they caught the signal from miller planet - enough to know it's atmospheric condis were eligible for human habitat, but dont remember for sure,

not sure about redshift thinggy, i was telling about outward light speed vs miller planets orbital speed. they did not reach there in 1 hr, anyways, say light takes 2 months to reach the space ship from there means, they could only see the planets position from 2 months back...... basically they would be chasing the planet's ghost to reach there like that.


What I didn't understand was that how did tars and cooper came back to the ship from blackhole.
I mean how the hell did he end up near Jupiter from Blackhole.

Apparently if the Blackhole vanished , then so did Gargantua ...and thereby the planets sorrounding Gargantua are also pretty much dead , as they were living off Gargantua's energy.
Wonder , how did they came back.
Couldn't find a justification for it.


What I didn't understand was that how did tars and cooper came back to the ship from blackhole.
I mean how the hell did he end up near Jupiter from Blackhole.

Apparently if the Blackhole vanished , then so did Gargantua ...and thereby the planets sorrounding Gargantua are also pretty much dead , as they were living off Gargantua's energy.
Wonder , how did they came back.
Couldn't find a justification for it.

Abe chod the na yaar, movie khatam paisa hazam


The Power of x480
Staff member
Beep beep.. PARTY POOPER coming through:
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Sith Lord
Staff member
The tesseract sends Coop near Saturn in the end.
In 2001 : Space Odyssey, Bowman enters a similar device, sees different versions of himself across time (similar to Coop seeing his daughter), is converted to some kind if star child/ 5 dimensional / higher level being baby and sent back to near earth orbit. This answers why Coop was sent back, not just how.

Those who didnt understand interstellar should probably watch 2001 :p


The Power of x480
Staff member
The tesseract sends Coop near Saturn in the end.
In 2001 : Space Odyssey, Bowman enters a similar device, sees different versions of himself across time (similar to Coop seeing his daughter), is converted to some kind if star child/ 5 dimensional / higher level being baby and sent back to near earth orbit. This answers why Coop was sent back, not just how.

Those who didnt understand interstellar should probably watch 2001 :p

I have watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now the ending makes "somewhat" sense. So Nolan stole the idea from 2001? Or he gave him a tribute?


Sith Lord
Staff member
That switch between some mysterious "them" or godly interference in human activities to Humans taking control of their own destinies, and future humans saving themselves and their past was the point of Interstellar
So in a way, Nolan answers the questions posed by 2001 and turns the movie around.
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