Interstellar (2014) Movie Discussion *Spoilers Ahead*


Sith Lord
Staff member
4. Cooper pushing books while stuck in Singularity:
Someone mentioned on this thread that when Cooper was in the tesseract he didn't have any knowledge on which book he was about to push to let it fall on ground from bookshelf since he couldn't see the titles of them. But he didn't need to. It was clearly shown that he needed to spell out Morse code. To signal a morse code he didn't need to drop book by the book initials, rather just push them in formats of dots and dash.

He spelt it out using regular spelling, it was just a short message, "stay". It wasn't morse, morse was the ticking of the watch. Not sure how you can push out books in dots and dashes format anyway. Im guessing this was easy to do if the books were arranged in alphabetical order.



He spelt it out using regular spelling, it was just a short message, "stay". It wasn't morse, morse was the ticking of the watch. Not sure how you can push out books in dots and dashes format anyway. Im guessing this was easy to do if the books were arranged in alphabetical order.

His daughter says its Morse very early in the movie. To spell STAY in morse, you have to push books like this.

... - .- -.--

Now this image shows us that books has been pushed to spell S (...). IIRC, to spell T or (-) Cooper has to push a fat stack of books.


[MENTION=126812]whitestar_999[/MENTION] I think it is from 'A Scandal in Belgravia', when they are at Irene Adler's house.


Training To Beat Goku

He spelt it out using regular spelling, it was just a short message, "stay". It wasn't morse, morse was the ticking of the watch. Not sure how you can push out books in dots and dashes format anyway. Im guessing this was easy to do if the books were arranged in alphabetical order.

he used morse. Her daughter herself said morse and he also said ,rose when he was in the tesseract

but this gets me. The small crafts they were using couldn't possibly have the velocity to escape gargantua's gravitation fields and neither it could have reached the escape velocity for all those other planets.

PS it doesn't matter how advanced science may have become, it couldn't possibly give a small aircraft that kind of speed. Unless nuclear fission was made feasible inside a aircraft's engine.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Ok have to watch again now
Murph tries to figure out what language the ghost is using and one approach she suspects is that it is morse. This is early in the movie where it is not yet confirmed what language the ghost is using.
Cooper sends co-ordinates for NASA base using binary and sand
Cooper spells out Stay using first letters of books. If there are encyclopedias, this is trivially easy, just pop out the volumes for the letters. Could be morse though, spacing thing does makes sense, not sure atm. But have to agree, dropping any random books and leaving the spacing in morse is simpler than dropping volumes of the appropriate letter, and another way that does not require Coop to know the order of the books.
Cooper sends the quantum gravity constants using morse on the second dial of the watch.


Back to school!!

He spelt it out using regular spelling, it was just a short message, "stay". It wasn't morse, morse was the ticking of the watch. Not sure how you can push out books in dots and dashes format anyway. Im guessing this was easy to do if the books were arranged in alphabetical order.
NASA Co-ordinates: Binary
STAY: Morse
Watch Hand: Morse

- - - Updated - - -

he used morse. Her daughter herself said morse and he also said ,rose when he was in the tesseract

but this gets me. The small crafts they were using couldn't possibly have the velocity to escape gargantua's gravitation fields and neither it could have reached the escape velocity for all those other planets.

PS it doesn't matter how advanced science may have become, it couldn't possibly give a small aircraft that kind of speed. Unless nuclear fission was made feasible inside a aircraft's engine.
If Ranger 1 can escape 1.3G without rocket boosters then the Endurance can surely escape Gargantua.


Sith Lord
Staff member
but this gets me. The small crafts they were using couldn't possibly have the velocity to escape gargantua's gravitation fields and neither it could have reached the escape velocity for all those other planets.

It was a slingshot maneuver, known as gravity assist. Basically the gravity of gargantua itself was used to accelerate the craft, saving on the required propellant.


ok, now sit back and watch this cinematographer's expression about interplanetary human exploration..... :high5:



The Power of x480
Staff member
^ That's actually collection of some of the most awesome shots of space movies along with the voiceover of poem, "Rage rage". And it's pretty cool.


^ fotos AND textures from:
NASA/JPL, NASA/CICLOPS, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, ESA, John Van Vliet, Björn Jonsson (and many others.....

as per the uploader's comments.....
Last edited:


Wise Old Owl
So now I understand that Indians in the past knew all about extreme space travel. Someone had discovered / deduced all these theories.

There is a concept that a minute in Brahmaloka is many years on earth. From the above discussions it looks like Brahmaloka is far away in space. So travelling there has to be at insane speeds and the person who travels there will see slowing down of time in relation to earth time.


The Power of x480
Staff member
This is the exact story of Revati, who traveled to Brahma-Loka and while she was there, many ages past on earth:


It's quite a fascinating story in relation to Time Dilation.

Revati was the only daughter of King Kakudmi (sometimes called Kakudmin, Revata or Raivata), a powerful monarch who ruled Kusasthali, a prosperous and advanced kingdom under the sea, and who also controlled large tracts of land, including Anarta kingdom. Feeling that no human could prove to be good enough to marry his lovely and talented daughter, King Kakudmi took Revati with him to Brahma-loka (the plane of existence where Lord Brahma, the Creator, resides) to ask Lord Brahma's advice about finding a suitable husband for Revati.

When they arrived, Lord Brahma was listening to a musical performance by the Gandharvas, so they waited patiently until the performance was finished. Then, Kakudmi bowed humbly, made his request and presented his shortlist of candidates. Lord Brahma laughed loudly, and explained that time runs differently on different planes of existence, and that during the short time they had waited in Brahma-loka to see him, 27 chatur-yugas (a chatur-yuga is a cycle of four yugas, or Ages of Man, hence 27 chatur-yugas total 108 yugas) had passed on Earth (see time dilation theory). Also see the astronomical explanation. Lord Brahma said to Kakudmi, "O King, all those whom you may have decided within the core of your heart to accept as your son-in-law have passed away in the course of time. Twenty-seven chatur-yugas have already passed. Those upon whom you may have already decided are now gone, and so are their sons, grandsons and other descendants. You cannot even hear about their names."abhiyātaḥ — have passed; tri — three; nava — nine; chatur-yuga — four yugas; vikalpitaḥ — thus measured. [1] 'for many successions of ages have died whilst you were listening to our songsters: now upon earth the twenty-eighth great age of the present Manu is nearly finished, and the Kali period is at hand.' You must therefore bestow this virgin gem (i.e. Revati) upon some other husband, for you are now alone, and your friends, your ministers, servants, wives, kinsmen, armies, and treasures, have long since been swept away by the hand of time."

King Kakudmi was overcome with astonishment and alarm at this news. However, Lord Brahma comforted him, and added that Lord Vishnu, the Preserver, was currently incarnate on Earth in the forms of Krishna and Balarama, and he recommended Balarama as a worthy husband for Revati.

Kakudmi and Revati then returned to earth, which they regarded as having left only just a short while ago. They were shocked by the changes that had taken place. Not only had the landscape and environment changed, but over the intervening 27 chatur-yugas, in the cycles of human spiritual and cultural evolution, mankind was at a lower level of development than in their own time (see Ages of Man). The Bhagavata Purana describes that they found the race of men had become "dwindled in stature, reduced in vigour, and enfeebled in intellect."


Lost in speed
Coherence (2013) - IMDb - 8/10

It's a pretty convoluted movie about the endless possibilities of a reality in its self-contained pocket universe. While a comet passes over a place, it creates (endless) parallel universe with a group of 8 people in each (people from the original universe). The movie gets twisted, when the characters from each universe begins to encounter their parallel selves.

I suggest this movie to all the sci-fi movie freaks interested in space-time continuum/reality-warping movie genre.


Coherence (2013) - IMDb - 8/10

It's a pretty convoluted movie about the endless possibilities of a reality in its self-contained pocket universe. While a comet passes over a place, it creates (endless) parallel universe with a group of 8 people in each (people from the original universe). The movie gets twisted, when the characters from each universe begins to encounter their parallel selves.

I suggest this movie to all the sci-fi movie freaks interested in space-time continuum/reality-warping movie genre.

I've watched it last month. At first, I thought it would be a horror movie, but I'm happy I was wrong.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Thanks Flash for recommending the movie, it looks interesting.

Now I have 78 movies that I need to watch soon!
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