IIT-JEE problems


"The mathematical experience of the student is incomplete if he never had the opportunity to solve a problem invented by himself"- G.POLYA

Source :Chapter 12 Linear Programming NCERT Class XII part 2

I made a maths question yesterday and solved it sharing it here(Please don't use hit and try to solve it):-

There are five variables a,b,c,d,e which satisfy following condition:-

1)a,b,c are in Arithmetic Progression with e as its dth term
2)a*b*c = e
3)a^3 + b^3 +c^3 = e^2
4)a+b+c =e

Question Easy Level :- Solve for a,b,c,d,e
Same Question Difficult Level :-What is the minimum number of above given conditions to solve this problem?


BIOS Terminator
hmm.. 5 equations, 5 variables, can be solved through some hard work, but it seems it can be solved using some identity.

btw have you guyz received the iit-jee admit card yet?? i havent.. :(


hmm.. 5 equations, 5 variables, can be solved through some hard work, but it seems it can be solved using some identity.

btw have you guyz received the iit-jee admit card yet?? i havent.. :(

i got mine 2 days back. Question is easy the first part but second part is what really tickles the mind. Though you will have to solve the first part anyway to reach till 2nd part.

I found both easy as i was their constructor but want to check out the difficulty of this question by someone else.




I haven't got mine AIEEE card till now. They are neither responding back to emails nor picking up the phone . What shall i do?


BIOS Terminator
i also havent received it and there are many of my friends who have not got it, so don't worry


^^ It should start coming from about 15th April. I'm waiting too.

You didn't get your JEE Admit card yet ?

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
guyz i need Tips for studying organic Chemistry. i am good at Physics and Mathematics but my Chemistry is poor due to organic Chem and my overall performance gets affected due to it. teachers say that Chemistry is skoring as well as less tym taking. My friends too score good in Chem. i am really comfortable with basic reaction mechanisms, basics of org chem like isomerism, optical activity,etc. i am also comfortable in hydrocarbons, alkyl halides and alcohols. but as the number of reagents increase, i lose track and am unable to grasp stuffs.

i need to get Computer Science as branch in a very good college so i think its very imperative for me to increase my overall performance in any possible ways.

answer to the chemistry one -> 7
answer to the maths one -> 0
answer to the physics one ->its coming 7 after assuming that it "pure rolls" on the smooth horizontal surface.
i hope these are right
Well I think by now you have done well with organic chemistry I suppose? If not, head over to Free Homework Help Videos from Brightstorm - Math, Science, Test Prep - Brightstorm , MIT OCW or Khanacademy.

Organic Chemistry has NO relevance whatsoever with computer science.

Some Questions :

Could 131g of xenon gas in a vessel of volume 1.0 dm^3 exert a pressure of 20 atm at 25 C if it behaved as a perfect gas? If not, what pressure would it exert?
b)What pressure would it exert if it behaved as a van der Waals gas?

A Problem from Atkins' Phy Chem :
The molar mass of a newly synthesized fluorocarbon was measured in a gas microbalance. This device consists of a glass bulb forming one ned of a beam, the whole surrounded by a closed container. The beam is pivoted, and the balance point is attained by raising the pressure of gas in the container so increasing the buoyancy of the enclosed bulb. In one experiment, the balance point was reached when the fluorocarbon pressure was 327.10 Torr; for the same setting of pivot, a balance was reached when CHF3 (M= 70.014 g mol^-1) was introduced at 423.22 Torr. A repeat of the experiment with a different setting of the pivot required a pressure of 293.22 Torr of the fluorocarbon and 427.22 Torr of the CHF3. What is the molar mass of the fluorocarbon ? Suggest a molecular formula.

And for those experts in Calculus, Can you solve this ? Extreme Derivative Word Problem (advanced) | Khan Academy


BIOS Terminator
Well I think by now you have done well with organic chemistry I suppose? If not, head over to Free Homework Help Videos from Brightstorm - Math, Science, Test Prep - Brightstorm , MIT OCW or Khanacademy.

i am now quite comfortable with organic now(although i hate it, its helping me score significantly more in AITS). MIT OCW was helpful in clearing my mechanics concepts and Khanacademy helped me clear my doubts in ionic eqlb.

Organic Chemistry has NO relevance whatsoever with computer science.


The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
AcademicEarth.org is another good website. Now Harvard has also made some of math and comp.sci videos for free - Open learning initiative
Problem Sets are great.
@Nims11: BTW, Which grade are you in?

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
^^grade? u mean class? am in 12th(till my boards results are out :D)

Wonderful. I've just moved to Grade 12th. :mrgreen:
Can you give me any tips on how to approach it?
Is it all about hard work in terms of memorization for Chemistry and hard work and calculations in Physics and Maths?:evil:. I have a biology as well which entirely depends on memorization:shock:.


BIOS Terminator
just study(in your case, more study as you have taken bio). for boards, Maths and physics syllabus is nyc and i actually enjoyed studying them!! In Chemistry, you won't be able to escape memorization. there is some memorization in organic but it is not a big deal. i faced problem in "p-block" as it is a large chapter with loads of reactions to remember. i was so frustrated that i left this chapter.

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
just study(in your case, more study as you have taken bio). for boards, Maths and physics syllabus is nyc and i actually enjoyed studying them!! In Chemistry, you won't be able to escape memorization. there is some memorization in organic but it is not a big deal. i faced problem in "p-block" as it is a large chapter with loads of reactions to remember. i was so frustrated that i left this chapter.
Do you mean physical,chemical properties,preparation and uses of those p-Block compounds?
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