Thank you
Ishu and
Jaskanwar for your invaluable suggestions.

Will look into upgrading the required components to get whats needed.
I'm basically working on Master CAM, Catia & Ansys at the moment, and would want to try out UniGraphics and Nastran in the future if by any chance i get a copy to practice for home use (a definite change of processor would be needed there!) Would 9800GT under Nvidia (currently i'm under a budget constraint) be good enough or would GTX be the norm in these cases? How do ATI cards (for ex:- 5770), if bought, perform under these applications? And finally which card would be the best bang for the buck for both use of HD gaming and CAD/CAM softwares?
Presently i have a 19' View Sonic (VX1945wm with Ipod dock), which i've been using for over 5 yrs without any issues what so ever. So i thought it'd be better off to stick with the same brand while buying FullHD as well. Also i've not heard of many people in my circle buying or hearing reviews of any BenQ monitors although it may be better compared to many others in the segment. So just in case if i'd want to stay out of buying it, could you throw some light on any other models under the brands of Dell or Samsung?