Graphics Cards related queries here.


Guess Who's Back
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

hey buy another 1 GB ram & you graphics card wil share around 767 MB V- ram , you score will increse alot. Nvidia planted this turbocache feature in there latest forceware drivers.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

smit said:
hey buy another 1 GB ram & you graphics card wil share around 767 MB V- ram , you score will increse alot. Nvidia planted this turbocache feature in there latest forceware drivers.

^^^Exactly,even I noticed that and I have asked a friend in US to get me a couple of 1GB DDR2 800mhz SLI ready modules...lets see if that happens then I guess my score score shud increase even further....


Rising ApocalypsE
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

U know now Days 2GB RAM is a must for gaming....i mean smooth gaming!
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Right off the assembly line
Help me!!!

My PC Config is
Intel 915GAV mobo, 512MB RAM, PIV 3GHz, NVidia 7300GS 256MB PCIe Graphics Card. The screenshot shows my problem. When i play graphics intensive games like COD2, my system hangs after some time and my screen becomes as above. Pls help me wid this problem.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

probobly yes ( over heating ) , does problem solve after restart ? anyway , try updating the drivers.
I hope u dont hav card frm palit . palit cards usually cause probs .


Right off the assembly line
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

No, my card is frm Zebronics. Yeah, the problem ceases when I restart my machine. There isn't much problem when i am doing anything apart from playing games but as soon as i start a game (i.e when i start playing) the problem starts.


NP : Crysis
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

is it true palit cards give prob. i have a sapphire X1600pro. when i was buying it, i almost went for the palit x1600pro coz its considerably cheaper. but bec of unavailability, i took the sapphire. guess it was a blessing in disguise :)


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

xbonez said:
^^if u're into gaming, go in for 1GB ram. i have same mobo as urs so i know that it only supports a max of 400mhz. best is let ur 256mb card go, get 2*512mb identical cards and run in dual channel.
gfx card depends on ur budget. whats urs?
Hey budget for 4 grfix is around 10k and

1GB in Thane @ variety i asked is 2200/- (Transcend...) i dont kno abt 512MB * 2??

Please suggest me Grfix card, I heard and even read PCI Xpress grafix card are good @ performance and fast too.. so please suggest me one? wat will be cost @ india...and will i find anee diffrence if order it from japan....?? my friend is coming this monthend...


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

prafulltcs said:
Hey budget for 4 grfix is around 10k and

1GB in Thane @ variety i asked is 2200/- (Transcend...) i dont kno abt 512MB * 2??

Please suggest me Grfix card, I heard and even read PCI Xpress grafix card are good @ performance and fast too.. so please suggest me one? wat will be cost @ india...and will i find anee diffrence if order it from japan....?? my friend is coming this monthend...

Yeah dat'll make some diff... had ur friend only been in taiwan, it mus've made a huuuuuuuge diff....

Anyways jus ask him to bring the stuff thru cabin baggage keepin only the card, drivre cds, n cables n ditch the box... If customs find a box in the main luggage, u'll be asked to pay d relevant customs...


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

gan12320021 said:
Yeah dat'll make some diff... had ur friend only been in taiwan, it mus've made a huuuuuuuge diff....

Anyways jus ask him to bring the stuff thru cabin baggage keepin only the card, drivre cds, n cables n ditch the box... If customs find a box in the main luggage, u'll be asked to pay d relevant customs...

yeah dats okies...

but will u please suggest me the grafix card that shuld i go 4...??am confused ...bcoz lot of available and am not able to fine good one..


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

@svgreatest , ok , does the same prob occur if u alt+tab out of a game.check the temp of the gpu .


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

keith_j_snyder2 said:
Dude...........u are not paying attention at all!!!

Let other people decide :

1. Buy a X1950 pro for $135 & save $115(250-135=115) & sell your card after 15 months of worth $135 for $35 because it doesn't run the DX10 content & add add $200 to get a 8800 GTX.


2.Save your $135 & don't buy anything and after 15 months Add $200 more i.e $200+$135=$335 & be a proud owner of 8900 GTS(something like that)


3.Buy a card for $250 & show your bling...bling...& even after 15 months ur card is still surviving but with a little nick of a lag,but u still enjoy all the gaming fun of DX10 & DX9.

Nice discussion there.. but a specific question..

I am planning on buying ASUS P5N-E SLi mobo and as it doesnt have on-board grfx, i will have to buy a grfx card.. I was thinking of buying the XFX 8600GT but the above discussions and options have confused me a bit... I have the SLI option too.. so what would be a better option for me? I am into gaming and would want to play NFS Carbon at max settings. 8600GT is hitting hard on my budget, but if its worth it i can go for it.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Ok... I need to decide upon which GFx card to go for im my lappy which I'll be getting next month.. So can someone help me decide between the following..?
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950
NVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 7400
ATi Mobility Radeon x1400
ANd what about the memory for these.. I'm really zero when it comes to GFx cards, so consider me a noob here..:D

One more info.. My laptop will have at least 1GB DDR2 RAM and 120GB HDD.. And I plan to use Windows Vista.. I need the laptop to be able to play recent games decently.. :D
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Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

i want to buy a good directx 10 grafic card .ihave a budget of 17k...tell me if on waiting for a month or so i can get better thx a lot.
i want my vista gaming xperience to b at arounbd 7 or 8..thx


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

prasad_den said:
Ok... I need to decide upon which GFx card to go for im my lappy which I'll be getting next month.. So can someone help me decide between the following..?
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950
NVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 7400
ATi Mobility Radeon x1400
ANd what about the memory for these.. I'm really zero when it comes to GFx cards, so consider me a noob here..:D

One more info.. My laptop will have at least 1GB DDR2 RAM and 120GB HDD.. And I plan to use Windows Vista.. I need the laptop to be able to play recent games decently.. :D

No... No.. No... No...
Dun go fer a lap now... pl wait fer nex month... intel's comin with centrino pro;
a better proccy than d prev centrino duo with a better performance in short...
Gr8 news is nvidia 8 series chips're also gona make it into laps so wait so dat u can even hunt the Dx10 games...

The fruit of patience's always sweet.. :D

niraj trehan said:
i want to buy a good directx 10 grafic card .ihave a budget of 17k...tell me if on waiting for a month or so i can get better thx a lot.
i want my vista gaming xperience to b at arounbd 7 or 8..thx

Den I suppose u wait until Ati comes up with a revamped X2900Xt...
Coz then nVidia will release their G92 cores n then 8 series'd become cheaper...

Now the XFX 8800GTS 320 fetches 17k + taxes...
640 costs 21K + taxes... They'll become cheaper..

Wait dude..

If nuthin else, prices'll definitely come down nex month...

xsreality said:
Nice discussion there.. but a specific question..

I am planning on buying ASUS P5N-E SLi mobo and as it doesnt have on-board grfx, i will have to buy a grfx card.. I was thinking of buying the XFX 8600GT but the above discussions and options have confused me a bit... I have the SLI option too.. so what would be a better option for me? I am into gaming and would want to play NFS Carbon at max settings. 8600GT is hitting hard on my budget, but if its worth it i can go for it.

Dats a good mobo... 8600Gt's not a wise option tho... Coz Its jus a entry level 8 series card...

I suggest u wait until the month end and get a 8800GTS coz prices'll def go down... Has to coz Ati labs're workin hard to revamp their competitor 2900XT!!!

Dun think of Sli jus coz u want 20-22 FPS more... Its waste.. Invst in a good card now... Listen...

2X 8600GT in Sli is always low on performance dan a 8800GTs...
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Right off the assembly line
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

sagargv said:
@svgreatest , ok , does the same prob occur if u alt+tab out of a game.check the temp of the gpu .
my system hangs, so there's no question alt+tab working
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

gannu_rox said:
No... No.. No... No...
Dun go fer a lap now... pl wait fer nex month... intel's comin with centrino pro;
a better proccy than d prev centrino duo with a better performance in short...
Gr8 news is nvidia 8 series chips're also gona make it into laps so wait so dat u can even hunt the Dx10 games...

The fruit of patience's always sweet.. :D

Den I suppose u wait until Ati comes up with a revamped X2900Xt...
Coz then nVidia will release their G92 cores n then 8 series'd become cheaper...

Now the XFX 8800GTS 320 fetches 17k + taxes...
640 costs 21K + taxes... They'll become cheaper..

Wait dude..

If nuthin else, prices'll definitely come down nex month...

Dats a good mobo... 8600Gt's not a wise option tho... Coz Its jus a entry level 8 series card...

I suggest u wait until the month end and get a 8800GTS coz prices'll def go down... Has to coz Ati labs're workin hard to revamp their competitor 2900XT!!!

Dun think of Sli jus coz u want 20-22 FPS more... Its waste.. Invst in a good card now... Listen...

2X 8600GT in Sli is always low on performance dan a 8800GTs...
will 8800 gt prices drop???
tell me if i get dx10 card will i be able to get a great gaming rig?????
so finally which card do u suggest???
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