Graphics Cards related queries here.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

niraj trehan said:
so finally can any 1 tell me hw can have the gaming performance up2 "7" ?
i have given my pc config in my signature

my budget is 17000 thx a L:p T!!!!!

What is the Windows Experience Index?

* to all editions of Windows Vista.
Which edition of Windows Vista am I using?

The Windows Experience Index measures the capability of your computer's hardware and software configuration and expresses this measurement as a number called a base score. A higher base score generally means that your computer will perform better and faster than a computer with a lower base score, especially when performing more advanced and resource-intensive tasks.
Each hardware component receives an individual subscore. Your computer's base score is determined by the lowest subscore. For example, if the lowest subscore of an individual hardware component is 2.6, then the base score is 2.6. The base score is not an average of the combined subscores.
You can use the base score to confidently buy programs and other software that are matched to your computer's base score. For example, if your computer has a base score of 3.3, then you can confidently purchase any software designed for this version of Windows that requires a computer with a base score of 3 or lower.
The base scores currently range from 1 to 5.9. The Windows Experience Index is designed to accommodate advances in computer technology. As hardware speed and performance improves, higher base scores will be introduced. However, the standards for each level of the index stay the same. For example, a computer scored as a 2.8 will remain a 2.8 unless you decide to upgrade the computer's hardware.
To view your computer's base score

1. Open Performance Information and Tools by clicking the Start button *, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Maintenance, and then clicking Performance Information and Tools.
2. View the Windows Experience Index base score and subscores for your computer. If you have recently upgraded your hardware and want to find out if your score has changed, click Update my score. If you don't see subscores and a base score, click Score this computer.

* your computer's base score

The base score represents the overall performance of your system as a whole, based on the capabilities of different parts of your computer, including random access memory (RAM), central processing unit (CPU), hard disk, general graphics performance on the desktop, and 3‑D graphics capability.
Here are general descriptions of the kind of experience you can expect from a computer that receives the following base scores:
•A computer with a base score of 1 or 2 usually has sufficient performance to do most general computing tasks, such as run office productivity applications and search the Internet. However, a computer with this base score is generally not powerful enough to run Windows Aero, or the advanced multimedia experiences that are available with Windows Vista.
•A computer with a base score of 3 is able to run Windows Aero and many new features of Windows Vista at a basic level. Some of the new Windows Vista advanced features might not have all of their functionality available. For example, a machine with a base score of 3 can display the Windows Vista theme at a resolution of 1280 × 1024, but might struggle to run the theme on multiple monitors. Or, it can play digital TV content but might struggle to play High Definition Television (HDTV) content.
•A computer with a base score of 4 or 5 is able to run all new features of Windows Vista with full functionality, and it is able to support high-end, graphics-intensive experiences, such as multiplayer and 3‑D gaming and recording and playback of HDTV content. Computers with a base score of 5 were the highest performing computers available when Windows Vista was released.
If a particular program or Windows Vista experience requires a higher score than your base score, you can upgrade your hardware to meet the necessary base score. If you install new hardware and want to see if you score has changed, click Update my score. To view details about the hardware on your computer, click View and print details.
* your computer's subscore

The subscores are the result of tests run on the RAM, CPU, hard disk, general desktop graphics, and 3‑D gaming graphics hardware components of your computer. If your base score is not sufficient for a program or Windows Vista experience, you can use the subscores to help you figure out which components you need to upgrade.
The base score is a good indicator of how your computer will perform generally. The subscores can help you understand your computer's level of performance for specific experiences:
Office productivity. If you use your computer almost exclusively for office productivity experiences, such as word processing, spreadsheets, e‑mail, and web browsing, then high subscores in the CPU and memory categories are important. Subscores of 2.0 or higher are usually sufficient in the hard disk, desktop graphics, and 3‑D graphics categories.
Gaming and graphic-intensive programs. If you use your computer for games or programs that are graphic-intensive, such as digital video editing applications or realistic first-person games, then high subscores in the RAM, desktop graphics, and 3‑D gaming graphics categories are important. Subscores of 3.0 or higher are usually sufficient in the CPU and hard disk categories.
Media Center experience. If you use your computer as a media center for advanced multimedia experiences such as recording HDTV programming, then high subscores in the CPU, hard disk, and desktop graphics categories are important. Subscores of 3.0 or higher are usually sufficient in the memory and 3‑D graphics categories.

my system score in Vista
4.5 ( Determined by lowest subscore )

ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz 5.3
Memory (RAM)1.00 GB 4.5
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 5.9
Gaming graphics 511 MB Total available graphics memory 5.5
Primary hard disk
26GB Free (35GB Total) 5.4

In other news:

* aforementioned, the Galaxy 8600GT was clocked at 600/1600 MHz (Core/Memory) at stock, meaning it was factory overclocked. Still we tried overclocking it and were able to put up the clocks to 725/1800 MHz (Core/Memory). That's a 20.8% and a 12.5% boost for the core and memory respectively.

The 3D Mark 2005 scores also jumped from 10316 points (at stock) to 11227 points. It's almost a 9% boost I the overall performance of the card; decent enough for an already overclocked card. In effect, it reached nearly the 8600GTS level at default. Good one this card is.


The Galaxy GeForce 8600GT 256 MB graphics card is available for Rs. 8900/- with a 3-year warranty. Overall it's a good performer; better than the midrange cards of the previous generation. Also it performs nearly as good as the 8600GTS. Guess the common sense approach of using unified shaders is gonna start to pay off. If you are looking for a good card under 10K, this one's for you.

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Ambassador of Buzz
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

hi all

plz suggest an AGP slot graphics card,budget around 4K.
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

i am going to buy 8800 gtx xfx 762mb of it gud????

can any 1 xplain to me what is overclocking??


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

niraj trehan said:
i am going to buy 8800 gtx xfx 762mb of it gud????

can any 1 xplain to me what is overclocking??

buy from leadtek they come around 34000,i bought it for 35500 last two months back.yes they are really good if u have high system with minimum 19 inch tft monitor ofcourse windows vista os
use rivatuner for overclocking
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

ancientrites said:
buy from leadtek they come around 34000,i bought it for 35500 last two months back.yes they are really good if u have high system with minimum 19 inch tft monitor ofcourse windows vista os
use rivatuner for overclocking
xfx is better for heating problems...
whats overclocking???


Rising ApocalypsE
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

niraj trehan said:
i am going to buy 8800 gtx xfx 762mb of it gud????

can any 1 xplain to me what is overclocking??

By the way its 768MB but also it's really costly.
The 8800 GTX will cost around 32 K & not more than that depends upon ur dealer.


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

niraj trehan said:
xfx is better for heating problems...
whats overclocking???

who says? xfx makes lot of noise and its damn costly just see the difference between normal and xxx version of xfx8800gtx.overclocking is something that you increase/force manufacturing speed of component like cpu,motherboard,graphic card at your OWN RISK.if something goes wrong your machine is history and no warranty.while overclocking you should see that u have better cpu,gpu fans from zalman co or whichever reputed co.above all a sold cabinet with atleast 2 side intake fans and two(120mm) outake fan


NP : Crysis
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

overclocking is basically making ur gfx card perform better than it is built to. this immediately voids ur warranty and should be done at your own risk. with an 8800gtx, u really don't need to overclock since it already is very powerfull, and unless u have a very cool sys and a gfxcard cooler, don't expect great results from overclocking. it will just increase performance marginally. if u do plan to overclock, its good to take an xfx card. though they come at a premium, they use sturdy components and lend themselves well to overclocking. use rivatuner to overclock, its the best software.

overclocking is done by increasing the ram freq. this should be done in small increments and tested for stability (by running a stress test / playing an intensive game etc. for a couple of hours) thoroughly. if perfectly stable, increase further. if any signs of instability or overheating, immediately switch to a lower freq. and be content with that. remember, it voids ur warranty and if not done carefully, you can toast ur 40K gfx card
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

xbonez said:
overclocking is basically making ur gfx card perform better than it is built to. this immediately voids ur warranty and should be done at your own risk. with an 8800gtx, u really don't need to overclock since it already is very powerfull, and unless u have a very cool sys and a gfxcard cooler, don't expect great results from overclocking. it will just increase performance marginally. if u do plan to overclock, its good to take an xfx card. though they come at a premium, they use sturdy components and lend themselves well to overclocking. use rivatuner to overclock, its the best software.

overclocking is done by increasing the ram freq. this should be done in small increments and tested for stability (by running a stress test / playing an intensive game etc. for a couple of hours) thoroughly. if perfectly stable, increase further. if any signs of instability or overheating, immediately switch to a lower freq. and be content with that. remember, it voids ur warranty and if not done carefully, you can toast ur 40K gfx card

is it in our hands whether we want to overclock or not????

frm where to disable it????:cool:


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

niraj trehan said:
is it in our hands whether we want to overclock or not????

frm where to disable it????:cool:

Yes Mr. Noob....

Its upto us to decide if we want to o'clock or not....

If yer gettin a GTX then u wudn want to o'clock ur card coz its already d best...

BTW prepare fer some tough cooling solutions and a spacious cab if yer plannin to buy d GTX... :D
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

gannu_rox said:
Yes Mr. Noob....

Its upto us to decide if we want to o'clock or not....

If yer gettin a GTX then u wudn want to o'clock ur card coz its already d best...

BTW prepare fer some tough cooling solutions and a spacious cab if yer plannin to buy d GTX... :D

what power supply will i need????

and i am having crt monitor ..will it work ....

on a site i read that u need to attach both wires to make it boot thru it<>>>>.......????????:-( :( :eek:


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

niraj trehan said:
what power supply will i need????

and i am having crt monitor ..will it work ....

on a site i read that u need to attach both wires to make it boot thru it<>>>>.......????????:-( :( :eek:

PSu fer 8800GTX mus be minimum 500W... Go fer 600W to ensure future expandability and better stability...

Look fer d total amperage in d dual 12v lines...
[Grrr... :mad::mad:Noob, look here...]
It'll be like 12v1-17A;12v2-17A like dat.... So net is 34A and min reqd fer 8800GTX is 30A.... So it'll work...

All latest cards hav 2 DVI ports with 2 DVI-to-Analog convertors...
So ur CRT will work no prob...

Yupp.. The 8800GTX mus be powered with 2 6-pin PCI-E connectors... The cards come with 2 molex-to-PCI-E connectors...



Rising ApocalypsE
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

gannu_rox said:
[Grrr... :mad::mad:Noob, look here...]

Stop Doing it to him!
Just because u know about the topic doesn't mean u keep on humiliating him.
U were also a NOOB time ago....Its not the thing that u 've been packed with this kinda knowlidge from u mama's womb!!!
Atleast u gotta say it with some respect!
Like it always said GIVE RESPECT & GET RESPECT.
If u are so bugged up from his questions then i say please do not answer them.
U are supposed to share ur skills with others not to behave like a jerk!!!!!!

And for u niraj yes u gonna need a bigger but a quality power supply as gannu__rox said but not the ordinary one.Always buy a branded PSU.
Also it depends on the overclocking capabilities or the limit that u overclock ur system.I mean people also buy 1000 Watt PSU just to make their system break barriers.
Overclocking generates lot of heat so the cooling solution is also a crutial part.There are lot more things but here is a guide to make u understand about the process
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In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

keith_j_snyder2 said:
Stop Doing it to him!
Just because u know about the topic doesn't mean u keep on humiliating him.
U were also a NOOB time ago....Its not the thing that u 've been packed with this kinda knowlidge from u mama's womb!!!
Atleast u gotta say it with some respect!
Like it always said GIVE RESPECT & GET RESPECT.
If u are so bugged up from his questions then i say please do not answer them.
U are supposed to share ur skills with others not to behave like a jerk!!!!!!


U keep ur mouth shut alrite???
U're not his big bro or somethin??? Or the grt Mr.Rights here....

If he has a problem let him deal with me...

N ur not my dad or someone talkin of ****-a$$ womb k???

I've given replies to his queries n if its a pain in ur a$$, do somethin to chill out....

Want some more respect??? Yeah straighto.. Will giv u some if in need...

BULLZI said:
ny AGP slot graphics card??budget 4K.plz reply.


AGP's gettin outdated n since its not the mainstrm... Its bound to be costlier...

U can get a 2nd hand & series chip like 7300GT fer 4k...

But a first hand 7300GT PCI-E fetches only abt 4.5k!!!

Try gettin a 2nd hand card... Which of corz's under wrnty... :D
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Rising ApocalypsE
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

gannu_rox said:

U keep ur mouth shut alrite???
U're not his big bro or somethin??? Or the grt Mr.Rights here....

If he has a problem let him deal with me...

N ur not my dad or someone talkin of ****-a$$ womb k???

I've given replies to his queries n if its a pain in ur a$$, do somethin to chill out....

Want some more respect??? Yeah straighto.. Will giv u some if in need...

Looks like someone needs to learn some manners!
See thing is he is not asking u so if u are his bro or whatever take him home & do whatever u wanna do,but not in here because there are other people too.
And regarding shutting up...well i think nobody needs u so u better watch ur mouth when u talk to someone like that!
There is no space for such kinda language.
There are many others who can help him out....nobody needs u!
So why don't u shut ur PIE HOLE & keep ur thoughts with u.


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

cool down guyz.
we r here to help each other out,not to shout at each other.
plz dont do ll affect everyone.
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