GPU NEWS Channel

Arnab boss

In the zone
guys i am getting a amd driver failure msg and the game freezes....!!

any idea wht should i do....i am planning a crossfire another hd 7770....will it b wise..!!


laborare est orare
It might be a driver issue or a hardware problem. For checking Driver issues, you need to compleletly uninstall the AMD Drivers 1st and most of the cases uninstallation from Windows Add or Remove Program doesn't work properly. Do the following things step by step:

1. Download the latest version of Catalyst Driver or at least the latest Stable version. Current stable version is 13.4 whereas Beta version is 13.6 Beta 2.
2. Double click on the installer and click on the next button. Now it will uncompress the files to your C:\AMD\(Driver Version) folder.
3. Once done, it will ask for Installation and Uninstallation option. Click on the Uninstallation option.
4. Now it will ask for the Express or Custom process. Select the custom option and proceed to Next screen. It will show you list of AMD drivers installed.
5. Select all the Graphics Related software and unselect the USB 3, SATA etc.
6. Now start the uninstallation process.
7. Once done, restart your system.

Afetr lots of testing, I find this method as the most secure method. AMD also provides an uninstaller tool but it will uninstall any AMD drivers including the Motherboard Southbridge drivers and might create problems..

Once the system restarts, go to the C:\AMD\(Driver Version) folder and you will find the decompressed files for th Catalyst Driver you were using. Directly click on the Setup.EXE and install the driver. After another restart, try different games.


I am the night...I am...
Tesla Powers World's Two Most Energy-Efficient Supercomputers

Last week Nvidia said that its Tesla Kepler GPU accelerators are powering the world's two most efficient heterorgeneous supercomputers: the "Eurora" system at CINECA, Italy's largest supercomputing center located in Casalecchio di Reno, and the "Aurora Tigon" system at the Salex ES facilities in Chieti, Italy. These top two systems are powered by advanced Eurotech high-performance Aurora servers, equipped with Nvidia Tesla K20 GPU accelerators.

According to Nvidia, "Eurora" delivers 3,208.83 MFlops per watt, making it 2.6 times more energy efficient than the best system using Intel CPUs alone (at Météo France). It also passed "Beacon", the most efficient Intel Xeon Phi accelerator-based system which is located at the National Institute for Computational Sciences, at the University of Tennessee.

The two Tesla-based systems claimed the top two "most energy efficient" spots on the Green500 list of June 2013. The Intel-based "Beacon" came in third followed by "SANAM" (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology), "BlueGene/Q" (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center), "Cetus" (DOE/SC/Argonne National Laboratory), "CADMOS BG/Q" (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), "BlueGene/Q" (Warsaw) and "BlueGene/Q" (University of Rochester).

"Kepler GPU accelerator-based systems in the top 100 spots on the Green500 list are 50 percent more energy efficient on average than the latest Intel Xeon Phi-based systems," Nvidia said. "By delivering thousands of small energy efficient cores operating in parallel, GPU accelerators are considerably more energy efficient than standard CPUs. These GPU cores are optimized to run the compute-intensive portions of applications, while general-purpose CPU cores, which process in serial, are highly inefficient when running compute-intensive applications."

The "Aurora Tigon" supercomputer, second on the list and located in Italy, delivers 3,179.88 MFlops per watt. Both Tesla-based machines were built by Eurotech, and according to Green500, improves upon the previous greenest supercomputer in the world by nearly 30 percent. The "Beacon" system, third on the list, is based on Intel Xeon Phi 5110P coprocessors while the #4 system, "SANAM", is based on AMD FirePro S10000 GPUs.

"The current fastest supercomputer in the world, Tianhe-2, uses heterogeneous computing elements based on Intel Xeon Phi. It delivers 1.9 gigaflops/watt, which is commensurate with the majority of Xeon Phi systems that are ranked between No. 30 and 35, inclusive," Green500 said.

Issued twice annually, the Green500 list rates the 500 most energy efficient supercomputers based on performance achieved relative to power consumed.


Cyborg Agent
Should I expect any benefit on my HD7640G+HD7670M config??

Can FC3 & Bioshock Infinite be playable??
Currently they are pathetic


laborare est orare
I don't think so. This is for the Micro stuttering, Frame latency and other anamolies that occur with their GCN cards, HD 6900 series have very little issues with CF setting. There is no comment or update regarding the issues faced in Hybrid Crossfire setups like yours.


Cyborg Agent
I don't think so. This is for the Micro stuttering, Frame latency and other anamolies that occur with their GCN cards, HD 6900 series have very little issues with CF setting. There is no comment or update regarding the issues faced in Hybrid Crossfire setups like yours.

Then i have to run home each break for playing new games.. :-(


Wise Old Owl
Hi guys...

Am planning to buy a Clevo p157SM custom built as Sager Xenom X157 with GTX 780M, while GTX 780M still being keplar, promises a good gain over its predecessor GTX680M, please put some light over how it will fair in upcoming games at least upto 1-2 years minimum, as its a gaming laptop there wont be much room to upgrade ( given that fact that i will never be stationary in one place and moving with big-a*** PC is real trouble :( )


Super Moderator
Staff member
you are getting top oh the line laptop gpu so I don't think you need to worry much on the performance part.

Arnab boss

In the zone
It might be a driver issue or a hardware problem. For checking Driver issues, you need to compleletly uninstall the AMD Drivers 1st and most of the cases uninstallation from Windows Add or Remove Program doesn't work properly. Do the following things step by step:

1. Download the latest version of Catalyst Driver or at least the latest Stable version. Current stable version is 13.4 whereas Beta version is 13.6 Beta 2.
2. Double click on the installer and click on the next button. Now it will uncompress the files to your C:\AMD\(Driver Version) folder.
3. Once done, it will ask for Installation and Uninstallation option. Click on the Uninstallation option.
4. Now it will ask for the Express or Custom process. Select the custom option and proceed to Next screen. It will show you list of AMD drivers installed.
5. Select all the Graphics Related software and unselect the USB 3, SATA etc.
6. Now start the uninstallation process.
7. Once done, restart your system.

Afetr lots of testing, I find this method as the most secure method. AMD also provides an uninstaller tool but it will uninstall any AMD drivers including the Motherboard Southbridge drivers and might create problems..

Once the system restarts, go to the C:\AMD\(Driver Version) folder and you will find the decompressed files for th Catalyst Driver you were using. Directly click on the Setup.EXE and install the driver. After another restart, try different games.

thanks my horror i downloaded the 13.4 file from amd support...i hav the 12.11 beta installed now...after download i clicked on the file and then a msg flashed...tht the files r corrupt so the istaller cannot b processed.. ididnt get it...smething nsis was missing frm the file..i downloaded 3 times and the smae thng happened each time....

now any other options..!! amd nowdays sucks a big time..!!!


Cyborg Agent
See 1 method is dowloading Driver verification tool & download it & other is using

Also use a good download mngr. ;-)

BTW AMD rocks now-a-days..:p
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