Got an ipad 3, very disappointed - it's just not that great for an Indian context

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Broken In
Looks like you are terribly misinformed... my friend:shock:
(Sorry for going off-topic BTW)
US people buy all those softwares not only because they are afraid of malwares or security issues but because they can end up in big trouble if law enforcement people get to know about it. Piracy is considered to be on the same league as theft in that country. Also majority of those people have have enough money to buy genuine softwares.

It's not really a fear of legal action. Rarely (almost never) do you get any trouble with the law for downloading pirated content; it's usually people that upload gigantic amounts of data or host on public trackers. There are tons of peer blocking tools and other ways to prevent any kind of tracking. Geeks/nerds that know all this and don't pirate usually do it out of principle; and yea software generally feels cheaper when you're earning in dollars.

And about the working class people enjoying high end gadgets and lifestyle- Those people are paid relatively good wages considering the amount of time they work unlike in India. And do you know that majority of those "hip looking" people are actually buried in insane amount of credit card debts. Indians are more budget conscious and don't buy stuff they can't afford

Of course. but that doesn't really change what I was trying to say. Another thing you have to remember is that in the West people typically don't have families or parents to support and start out single and then there's a huge sense of social security (government welfare state like policies); so there's a lot of money to burn. offtopic lols.
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Legend Never Ends
Krystie said:
I wonder what the "story" of your post is. Not sure how I'm being "negligent".
Well you said there was no Opera Mini. I gave you a Opera Mini. Its a different thing that pages dont render well/ dont feel good to view.
opera mini is for smartphones. it "works" for the ipad but if you actually make the effort to try it out you'll see its not designed with the ipad form factor in mind at all.
Form Factor? What exact problem do you have? Try turning on the Single Column view and see if it helps :wink:


Broken In
Well you said there was no Opera Mini. I gave you a Opera Mini. Its a different thing that pages dont render well/ dont feel good to view.
Form Factor? What exact problem do you have? Try turning on the Single Column view and see if it helps :wink:

Opera mini looks like utter sh*t on the ipad. It's nowhere on the most used browsers lists for a reason.

Opera mini is designed with the form factor of a typical smartphone in mind not tablets like the ipad.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^Apple iPads are big in China too, why so many comparisons to the west?
poor kids selling off organs to get one of those
its not that poor people are't willing to pay for stuff, its just that paying is easier than piracy in the iOS ecosystem, and piracy is easier than paying in the other ecosystems


All is melting down to the fact that a Product can succeed in India only if it supports an ecosystem which allows easy Piracy and if doesnot then its "not that great";according to OP.


Broken In
^Apple iPads are big in China too, why so many comparisons to the west?
poor kids selling off organs to get one of those
its not that poor people are't willing to pay for stuff, its just that paying is easier than piracy in the iOS ecosystem, and piracy is easier than paying in the other ecosystems

why so many comparisons to the west?

Because they are very different markets. It's delusional to actually believe the media hype that India and the U.S. consumers are similar in what they want, what they want to spend on and what kind of devices they would be looking for.

ipads are designed with a 1st world country consumer in mind, with basic assumptions that the internet is cheap, unlimited and extremely high bandwidth. India has one of the worst broadband infrastructures in the world, even worse than sub-saharan Africa in many cases.

The assumption is that the consumer of such a device is *NOT* tech-savvy, or a geek/nerd/"power user". This kind of consumer emerges when the mainstream starts buying such devices. It will take 50-100 years for India to get to that level honestly.

It's assumed that a user is able to regularly shell out anywhere between $5-20 on a steady stream of apps.

Other assumptions is the requirement of internet to actually do stuff beyond facebook and checking emails. Just take a cursory look at the top 100 or so apps and you'll realize how integral internet is to the lives of people outside India. Basic e-commerce isn't even a big thing yet in India.

Indians are well known for being hypocritical and unrealistic about themselves and making ridiculous projections. It takes a certain level of humility to accept market conditions in India, something that's sorely lacking especially in the media.

You can't really compare China to India, it's also a very different market.

Piracy is just *one* of the problems in India.

piracy is easier than paying in the other ecosystems
Piracy is easier than buying things on Windows or Android ? lol ?

All is melting down to the fact that a Product can succeed in India only if it supports an ecosystem which allows easy Piracy and if doesnot then its "not that great";according to OP.
Posts like this really make me believe you lack any reading comprehension skills. I'm fed up of dismissive/ad-hominem mac fanboy arguments. If you don't want to add anything to the conversation and this thread offends you, feel free to ignore it.


Posts like this really make me believe you lack any reading comprehension skills. I'm fed up of dismissive/ad-hominem mac fanboy arguments. If you don't want to add anything to the conversation and this thread offends you, feel free to ignore it.

Posts like yours make me believe you lack some serious comprehensive writing and expressive skills.

Go all the way back to first page and read all te Bulsh!t you have created on your Original Post.Read Your last Post.Evolved from hunter to survivor.ehh?

All the way from being Offensive now you have gone defensive.

The uber-idiotic statements of not being able to play COD because Ipad cant run Mainstream Game,icloud or cloud sevices being useless because of Poor Internet connection you have put up their with no pointers at all about what actually you ever meant,misleading lot of us to jump into it just because of your Poor Expressive self.

BTW Calling me Fanboy would me Lulz.But thats not your fault.I never told ya..Not freaky to be blown away by Gagdets and Gizmos so easily.
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Go all the way back to first page and read all te Bulsh!t you have created on your Original Post.Read Your last Post.Evolved from hunter to survivor.ehh?

All the way from being Offensive now you have gone defensive.

The uber-idiotic statements of not being able to play COD because Ipad cant run Mainstream Game,icloud or cloud sevices being useless because of Poor Internet connection you have put up their with no pointers at all about what actually you ever meant,misleading lot of us to jump into it just because of your Poor Expressive self.

BTW Calling me Fanboy would me Lulz.But thats not your fault.I never told ya..Not freaky to be blown away by Gagdets and Gizmos so easily.

have a single person against so many rabid fanboys, anyone can crumble.
iPad sucks in gaming. you expect me NOT to use a mouse in games? ok, sure, angrybirds ftw!!! but after that, what?

and apple is fail for touting icloud services as a key point for selling here in india, many points have been raised against it, why dont YOU go back and read all that bull$hit apple places in its turds?

reading your posts, you seem to attack the person, instead of talking about the matter on hand. you seem to lack serious social skills and netiquettes.


have a single person against so many rabid fanboys, anyone can crumble.
iPad sucks in gaming. you expect me NOT to use a mouse in games? ok, sure, angrybirds ftw!!! but after that, what?

and apple is fail for touting icloud services as a key point for selling here in india, many points have been raised against it, why dont YOU go back and read all that bull$hit apple places in its turds?

reading your posts, you seem to attack the person, instead of talking about the matter on hand. you seem to lack serious social skills and netiquettes.

Its You.


Because they are very different markets. It's delusional to actually believe the media hype that India and the U.S. consumers are similar in what they want, what they want to spend on and what kind of devices they would be looking for.
hahaha, i'd love to hear someone say that US and Indian customers have similar demands

ipads are designed with a 1st world country consumer in mind, with basic assumptions that the internet is cheap, unlimited and extremely high bandwidth. India has one of the worst broadband infrastructures in the world, even worse than sub-saharan Africa in many cases.
blame it on the government and the ISP companies

Other assumptions is the requirement of internet to actually do stuff beyond facebook and checking emails. Just take a cursory look at the top 100 or so apps and you'll realize how integral internet is to the lives of people outside India. Basic e-commerce isn't even a big thing yet in India.
so true. ask anyone what they do on the net.
1. facebook
2. email
3. 9gag (thanks to exposure on facebook)
4. google
5. wikipedia

these nooblets dont even know where the jokes and memes on facebook are coming from. its sad and hilarious at the same time. its like a noveau riche village bumpkin walking into a bespoke tailor house, and asking "how much for this shirt on the display outside".

Indians are well known for being hypocritical and unrealistic about themselves and making ridiculous projections. It takes a certain level of humility to accept market conditions in India, something that's sorely lacking especially in the media.
welcome to the real world. we want to buy expensive gadgets, at the same time, we haggle for every rupee over the fare with a poor rickshaw puller. people dont have running water or toilets, yet they have a mobile phone and color TV. shows waht kind of "mentality" we have, stress on "mental"

replies in blue italics


but seriously, look at your posts, nothing but venom and vitriol.
get your act together, or ban-town will be your next destination.

just a piece of "friendly" advice.


replies in blue italics


but seriously, look at your posts, nothing but venom and vitriol.
get your act together, or ban-town will be your next destination.

just a piece of "friendly" advice.

Thats actually called being Pissed-Off.

OP is repeatedly emphasizing on poor ISP and Low Income coming in way of Indians to USE Devices like Ipad and calls iPad a niche Product.

Thats an opinion that is meant to vary from person to person.Those who have access to Decent connection,power and enough ca$h in pockets are good enough to Ride on iPad novelty or any other product or service like Netflix,hulu etc.

I know people in India who pay for using,Subscribe to Premium Web Services Like Dropbox and many more.Its all perspective of people divided by the attitude they want to bear towards any thing available for consumption.

Anything that has been said for Ipad here applies equally to any other device running on Ios5.The thing is its an era OF CONNECTED DEVICES.We cant deny it.and more specifically to iPhones and Ipods which sells like hot cakes at any given time irrespective of the latitude and longitude.Apple has the skill to Capture Human Emotions and Lust and to Build upon it strategically to deliver performance and service that indeed are classy if not Mind Blowing,I may sound like a Fan-boy here but as said,its otherwise.

Even Smart-phones have all the evils of Tablets or Say Ipad for the Time being.
You need to be ALWAYS CONNECTED To the cloud to be able pull you emails,receive essential device Updates,Stream Media from Services Like Youtubes,Spotify etc.
To download your favorite apps and again to keep them Updated.
Difference between a Tablet is maintained by thin line of what we call as form factor.Currently all the Computing Devices rely more or less on a Good Internet connection to deliver a satisfying and compelling EXPERIENCE.(Unbound by Demographics and Geo-graphics.)

Most modern gen apps and Software rely on Internet to provide real time Live-n-Hot content to the end user.There is nothing wrong in that.We all like are our Smart phone Screens with those tiny Fb/Twitter etc Updates rolling and flashing every few minutes or seconds.Its gives the sense of use being CONNECTED to the world as we know or more precisely way we prefer to Know it.

A lot of us if not all of us,are somehow able to keep our devices fueled by a 2G/3G connection to have the best possible from our Phones.Anyone Having a Smart-phone and more specifically an Iphone or Android can tell that very easily..and yes i am talking about Indian Users Only!

Of course relatively High Data rates,FUP and serious downtimes with Poor Bandwidth are there to mar the experience but not at all the time neither everywhere.It Varies,from connection to connection,device to device,Place to Place and most importantly from Person to Person.

Just Because India doesn't have a Economy as strong as US/UK or less literate(if not educated and informed) people doesn't take away the Right and freedom of choosing the device we like or love to use.To Call Apple Products or a even a service Like OnLive Gaming for instance ,to be crafted for First world countries would be Injustice if not incorrect.The fact is that they eventually turn up to seem so.For eg OnLive service which promise to Bring MAINSTREAM Games to Tabets and Smart phones has received Average Reviews (Yes in US).AFAIK it requires minimum connection of 4mbps+ to deliver smooth experience and yet even US Users haven't found it that Great.(Alteast most of them).

SO why did I Service/Product like this Which is sort of Ground Breaking in Mobile Computing is Underrated(really?).Dont have US People have got a decent 4mbps+ connection,, they have got one...then...too pricey..umm..not that expensive for whats on offer...then...!..Oh crap..the answer lies right in the Core of the whole Idea of Onlive..what is it?...Delivering mainstreaming gaming experience on an efficient Mobile Device like Ipad(not good on Iphone..screen too small.!).And here is the real deal.Its not that Mobile after-all as it sounds..cause even US doesn't posses an seamless and hi-speed Wifi/Wi Max connection through its Physical borders..what about 3G/4G..Still Pricey for People even in US..Read Verizon,AT&T,Sprint,T-Mobile Contracts.

Its not the location or country,its The idea and need,Apple managed to deliver a NO-NONSENSE PRODUCT which fits well into pockets(thats metaphorical..dont take it other way!) of People while proving its worth.Yeah for most of them.Even in India we have connection just well to Keep us Updated on Web,Check Mails,Backup stuff to Dropbox or Google Drive,atleast the essential files and documents if not dumping the whole 16gigs+ stuff,Download our favorite songs from i tunes,Scrobble To,Stream from Grooveshark,Read ebooks(ofcourse download them too),And do that 9gag stuff whole day long,and LAST BUT NOT LEAST Game on with Titles like Infinity Blade,Angry Birds etc and those who complain of large Size end up more often downloading it on their pc than being disappointed completely.
Yes if we can leave our PCs on for those 3 star rated 700mb movies for days and weeks then ofcourse we can leave our systems on for few hours to grab those 300mb games or apps rated 5 star rocket science in it.!
Not to forget a 2mbps connection paired with(on Wifi) Ipad or any other device+Some yoga (during buffering..for the impatient ones) owes a good Youtube Viewing Experience.( :) ).

I am not asking to be complacent of what is available to use ,but rather to sort out the mess for the time being.For sure we need to improve,evolve and develop,we may be 100 yrs far from THAT ,we cant FLY there,but to RUN or to CRAWL is upto us only.:)

The only thing here is that We have moved Past the Life Tagged as Disconnected and Its now Unbearable for most of Us.

For many Lack of Internet connection is good enough reason to call even PC as useless piece of Junk.As is clear from some previous post by other users.
And for sure they were pretty serious about it.So am I.

Its the "Living-style" ,the virtual World we prefer to seek on web,on social networks and our own Tangible Life that makes us carry forward the Experience w.r.t to any Service Or Product.

"Those Smart Device can keep Us Smart Only if We Behave Back Smartly to Them".
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Staff member
^Another post from both of you guys, and you're kicked!

Think of contributing something instead of ranting and flaming each other. Despite of being such a long time on forum, you lack more netiquette than OP.


Gadget Freak
Apple Ipad3 Vs Asus Trasnsformer Prime TF700t

Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi vs. Asus Transformer Prime TF700T -

Debate between this two device. It will be fun. :)


Broken In
Apple Ipad3 Vs Asus Trasnsformer Prime TF700t

Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi vs. Asus Transformer Prime TF700T -

Debate between this two device. It will be fun. :)

The Asus Transformer Prime is an absolutely amazing device, I hope the prices come down a bit though. If they did I would buy it in a heartbeat. Not only does it look gorgeous, the detachable keyboard concept would really appeal to people like me that are at home with tactile and fast typing.


Apple Ipad3 Vs Asus Trasnsformer Prime TF700t

Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi vs. Asus Transformer Prime TF700T -

Debate between this two device. It will be fun. :)
We need a new thread.

I think i have gone too wild with OP.
Still my last post Clears it all.

BTW First Post wasnt a TROLL not completely;IMO.Now I Can see through it:wink:
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Gadget Freak
The Asus Transformer Prime is an absolutely amazing device, I hope the prices come down a bit though. If they did I would buy it in a heartbeat. Not only does it look gorgeous, the detachable keyboard concept would really appeal to people like me that are at home with tactile and fast typing.

Yes Asus Transformer Prime is indeed one of the most powerful android tablet avialable in Market. Right now its too overpriced but if we could buy from aboard it will be sweet deal imo. In most of the benchmark Prime scored absulately amazing score. And if you seen the comparison Prime is more suitible for actual work.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Current generation tablets - the ones which people "talk" about are running mobile Operating Systems scaled up to the bigger screen. Nothing else. Same reason I consider all tablets as playtoys.

Knowing that they won't provide me desktop functionality, I don't come up with silly things though.

I won't be talking about obvious stuff like iTunes jerkfest and removal storage. iTunes is horrible - plain and simple. Anyone who justifies that is an idiot. Removable storage is needed unless you buy a device to only dump apps. (True for 16 GB iPad. :) )

Ideally what I'd want is an x86 tablet running Linux + GNOME 3 Shell off a very low power AMD/Intel APU. We're still 3 years away from there. When that arrives, I'll jump the ship.

Running the normal desktop Linux, (not Android shite) shall also mean running the same applications. Just like a desktop.

GNOME 3 Shell has done really really well in designing out a UI which is extremely productive in desktop and (will be the same in) tablet.


On screen keyboard: (running on a desktop, but it will work out amazingly on a tablet) - *


I'll refer the current generation tablets as "poodle tablets" from now on.

Comparing Android and iPad poodle tablets, from "apps" perspective - the choice is obvious. iPad. (Poodle) Tablet optimized apps in Android are minuscule compared to iPad. iPad wins hands down in this contrast and there's not even a contest.

Don't expect to play diablo 3 or call of duty type games.
Is anyone expecting that? Seriously? I don't expect that even while I run Linux on my computer. Poodle tablet games are a different breed. These are "Windows" games - running over DirectX stack. DirectX stack is only for "Windows".

And then - the SoCs of today are simply not fast enough for these games "graphics" and "processor" wise. We're more than 3 years away from this.

No USB support - you can't connect thumb drives, printers, gamepads, mice or any USB device.
USB support doesn't mean you have the "driver". You can connet USB drivers, Xbox 360 controller or mouse to Transformer Prime because the Android kernel being based off Linux has that driver built-in.

Printer you can't connect on any Android device. Because of no CUPS.

Printer needs to be on the network - every mobile device.

No cd/dvd support. Want to watch a movie on a dvd ? well sorry f%^% you.
Optical media is history for portable devices.

I don't think it is possible in Transformer Prime unless a custom ROM with a DVD drive supporting kernel is flashed.

Still Optical media is history lol.

No support for ADSL/DSL or thumbdrive wifi (no usb :D).
lol, USB Wifi dongle won't be possible in Transformer Prime - unless the flashed kernel supports it. Which 120% it won't because there is no point when there's an embedded Wifi controller If you are adding non-sense modules/drivers to the OS kernel, you're bloating it with unnecessary things and it will run slow. Because current SoCs are slow. Poodle tablets are NOT meant to be PC. They are not anywhere close.

Regarding Wifi range being weak in tablets - just deal with it. This is true for every darned tablet.

All - in all. Good post. Conclusion was completely right and practical. Current tablets are for poodles. But avoid silly points lol.

I liked your point about ping to check connectivity though. This is the easiest stuff in Android mobiles. :mrgreen:



Is anyone expecting that? Seriously? I don't expect that even while I run Linux on my computer. Poodle tablet games are a different breed. These are "Windows" games - running over DirectX stack. DirectX stack is only for "Windows".

XBox 360 Supports(and runs on) Xbox360 API aka Direct x 9.(modified):)
Next Gen Xbox will support newer versions too.


I am the night...I am...
Current generation tablets - the ones which people "talk" about are running mobile Operating Systems scaled up to the bigger screen. Nothing else. Same reason I consider all tablets as playtoys.

Ideally what I'd want is an x86 tablet running Linux + GNOME 3 Shell off a very low power AMD/Intel APU. We're still 3 years away from there. When that arrives, I'll jump the ship.

Ico i think its already here. Intel's atom based Soc's currently uses x86 instructions instead of ARM. The atom z2460 codenamed medfield is a single hyperthreaded core using 32nm fab and has powerVR sgx 540 as the graphics. Similarly the upcoming clover trail will be a dual core soc with hyperthreading and will have updated graphics i.e powerVR sgx 544.


Lennovo ideapad k2110 is using that intel SoC but runs android. Owing for x86 instruction support, i guess you can run linux distros and use gnome but never seen one working in real life ( lennovo run ics 4.0)


There's also a smart phone "lava xolo" that uses medfield soc and available around 20k here in india.( i guess you told me about this over phone once) Check the anandtech review below:

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