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@Ethan,yeah right. This IS the game for Hack-En-Slash lovers. The boss fight was pretty easy dude. I'm playing with Xbox 360 controller for Windows. I'm at the Weapon-X facility and dodging the lasers is one helluva job! I played this game for 4 hours straight and can say that it's simply the best X-Men game ever. I've played all X-Men games but none comes even close to this.

The healing factor seems great. All Wolverine's powers have been showcased perfectly in this game.

As for the performance,no stuttering nothing. Getting 60 FPS +.

Ethan,I guess the problem is your ATI card coz Spiderman Web of Shadows is also doing fine here with more than 60 FPS.

Can't play anything right now. Not at home. :(


Lets Do It!
I got 25 - 30 FPS in Spiderman Web of Shadows and it wasn't that smooth for me.

Will get Velvet Assassin by today.Then will try my hands on Wolverine.
Currently Playing

2.Godfather 2
3.Zeno Clash
I got 25 - 30 FPS in Spiderman Web of Shadows and it wasn't that smooth for me.

Will get Velvet Assassin by today.Then will try my hands on Wolverine.
Currently Playing

2.Godfather 2
3.Zeno Clash

Want me to post the pics of Spiderman Web of Shadows with FPS?
Not at home right now. If you say then I can post in the evening.


Aspiring Novelist
I got 25 - 30 FPS in Spiderman Web of Shadows and it wasn't that smooth for me.
Likewise. Although mine used to be as high as 55fps but the constant stutter would make it drop to 25fps. This was unacceptable & it's not just me, but check out GameFAQ boards & almost every person is cribbing about the same thing. Even the patching doesn't seem to improve anything. I wanted to play the game as it looked decent enough, but sadly couldn't bear the stutter, so uninstalled it. That was 4-5 months back. I might try it again since I have formatted my system & also updated to the latest drivers. Not too optimistic though.

@Ethan,yeah right. This IS the game for Hack-En-Slash lovers. The boss fight was pretty easy dude. I'm playing with Xbox 360 controller for Windows. I'm at the Weapon-X facility and dodging the lasers is one helluva job! I played this game for 4 hours straight and can say that it's simply the best X-Men game ever. I've played all X-Men games but none comes even close to this.

The healing factor seems great. All Wolverine's powers have been showcased perfectly in this game.
You betcha. I have played almost all marvel games, but none of them are this aggressive in terms of gameplay. To be honest, it has surpassed my expectation. I'm resuming my session now & hope to kick some more butt. Also plan to check out those mutagen upgrades which looked fancy enough. Will report back with the progress. I didn't even touch Velvet Assassin since I got this. :-D


guys could you please post the min requirements of the game too ....that way others can find out if it will run on thir system.........

BTW just escaped Weapon-X Facility in Wolverine and in the jungles of Africa again. Boy! I'm addicted! The game simply blows your mind. I'd recommend it to all.


Aspiring Novelist
Man this game has so many flashbacks, that it's hard to keep a tab of what's the present time & what's the past one. I'm currently on chapter 5 (last chapter apparently) "The Wolverine" & I just witnessed a giant Sentinal Mark 1 in front of me. I'm pretty sure the next boss is going to be him. This robot is freaking huge. Makes the other bosses look like a mere rodent. The best sequence has to be taking out those choppers with our claws at Alkali Lake. Amazing game. I have to admit that it's been a long time after which I'm honestly enjoying a hack-en-slash title.

I have maxed out pretty much every skill except my Claws (one more remaining). Unlocked almost every Mutagen (except Blood rage). My health boost is currently at level 21. The best kills are the quick kills by grabbing & performing an heavy attack, also the lunge attack. :-D


Human Spambot
Just now i've completed Russian Revolution mission in GTA IV. Although i've completed in PS3. I just want to try how it works on my new pc. It's a great game. But only concern is that it's MSR is insane. I barely get 25fps. With all turned to medium and lower resolutions. But the details in the game is awsome when compared to Console versions. We can see the difference clearly when we are off in a chopper.


currently playing bioshock... can anybody tell me how long is the game or how many levels are there.. need to finish it soon :)
next is GTA IV or Empire total war( not purchased yet)


Violent serenity.
@shashank4u :- BioShock is around 14-15hrs long...

Well, currently playing Hitman : Blood Money, GTA IV, Velvet Assassin and The Chronicles of Riddick : Assualt on Dark Athena (finally! :D)... will get Wolverine at around 2 in the afternoon!


Aspiring Novelist
@Ethan. :shock: :shock: Do you play games all day long? I played this game for 4-5 hours and I'm on chapter 3. WTF are you upto?
When I love a game, I just dive into it. I just went on & on at this one. Everytime I felt like taking a break, I kept saying to myself "Just one more checkpoint, then a break". This carried on for way too long. Honestly I can't play for more than 2 hours at a stretch on my PC. So played it in broken sessions. Since my jobs joining date is on 18th, I still have a long time to go. So might as well enjoy everything now. :grin:

Lucky I got Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena on the perfect time. Once I'm done with Wolverine, this is next in line. Installing it as we speak.


Violent serenity.
@shashank4u :- BioShock is around 14-15hrs long...

Well, currently playing Hitman : Blood Money, GTA IV, Velvet Assassin and The Chronicles of Riddick : Assualt on Dark Athena (finally! :D)... will get Wolverine at around 2 in the afternoon!


Aspiring Novelist
Tried Riddick out for sometime & yes Diesel still has his cocky attitude intact. The frame rates are all over the place. The graphics aren't upto the mark but the voice acting is brilliant. Stealth kills looked neat. I was surprised to see the addition of Butcher's Bay along with this copy. No wonder the games total install size is 10GB. It's heavily 16:9 cropped which makes it look really ugly. Wish they would fix it up just like F.E.A.R 2 did with it latter patch. Oh well, back to Wolverine now. :smile:


Aspiring Novelist
Phew! Finally completed the game. Mind blowing. The last boss was a pain in the ass. Unlocked the classic Wolverine costume & also the hard mode. A few bonus matches still need to be fought as well. Will try them tomorrow. I need an encore from Raven software for more hack-en-slash games. Kudos guys.
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