Game You are Currently Addicted to

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Completed Rise of the Argonauts.

Now addicted to:
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks in Co-op [PS2]
Saints Row 2 [PC]

how is saint rows 2 for pc??? i want to play that game after gta 4 but it has many -ve reviews to its credit.. is it playable???


Aspiring Novelist
how is saint rows 2 for pc??? i want to play that game after gta 4 but it has many -ve reviews to its credit.. is it playable???
I have just started the game so won't be able to provide much insight. From what I've experienced, both GTA IV & Saints Row 2, are 2 different (very different) games altogether. In Saints Row 2, you begin by customising your own character. Right down from his/her body part to the taunt. Then the actual storyline begins. Driving is the worst I have ever seen in any game. The cars handle like sh*t. Stutters when driving at high speed.

Which brings me to the games graphical performance. I have maxed out every details minus motion blur & it still looks worse than GTA: SA. All that mumbo jumbo of Ambient Occlusion & stuff like that makes jack of a difference in real time. Icing on the cake is the game is locked at 30fps. BRAVO! This is a far bigger blow than GTA IV (which was stable might I add). All this delay & all we get is a shoddy port. GTA IV port deja vu is in the air.

Gameplay is similar to GTA but the missions are very different from GTA IV. While GTA IV sports more serious side of Niko Bellic's life, SR2 gives a funny aspect of the protagonist's adventure. Missions are pretty comic. May be it's just me but it was a bit tedious to find some vehicles cruising along that I could hi-jack. It has a health regeneration feature, so that's a relief.

Unlike GTA IV, in which main missions are readily available, SR2 needs you to increase you respect meter in order to access the main missions. This would involve you performing side missions or better know as activities. The first activity I got was 'Crowd Control'. It involved me being a bodyguard to a celebrity & taking care of the misbehaving fans. I could shove them into the nearby object & earn more respect points while the star was busy signing autographs. It was quite fun.

Overall, I still have a long way to go but the game could have been a lot better. Just like GTA IV, it has received a low blow on the PC port. If developers continue to port this way then I'm afraid PC gaming will become a joke. Pick this title up only if you have time to kill. Else you're better off with GTA IV.


thanks ethan hunt...:) i guess now i'll wait for godfather 2 and mafia2.. even mirror's edge is releasing today.. lets see if i get a copy of it.. but let us know abt its gameplay if u get it soon enough.. :D


Aspiring Novelist
even mirror's edge is releasing today.. lets see if i get a copy of it.. but let us know abt its gameplay if u get it soon enough.. :D
Will do. I was mostly looking forward to Mirror's Edge & Lord of the Rings: Conquest. The latter seems quite interesting. Saw a couple of gameplay videos & it looked like a good action adventure title. Both game are releasing today. So looking forward to them.

@Sunny: Have you tried Ninja Gaiden Sigma on your PS3? What about Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360?
@Ethan,my Xbox 360 is almost dead now,giving RRODs more often than before,I don't care either PS3 owns 360 hands down.
Not yet tried Ninja Gaiden but got Gran Turismo 5 and Mirror's Edge for my PS3. Also playing GTA IV online on PS3 and story on PC.
As for Mirror's Edge,get it! But do get some controller because it's much easier that way. Physics,graphics and gameplay are all equally awesome. Story also seems interesting.
Won't get it for PC,dun wanna struggle with graphics settings and all.
Hellgate:London and NFS Undercover. Now saving money for a high end gpu. So i wont be getting new games and will be continueing the games i left in halfway. :-(


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
heavily addicted to DOTA. screwed my exams coz of it. trying over come the addiction.


Aspiring Novelist
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor [PS2]
Mirror's Edge [PC] (On hold for the moment)
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest [PC] (also on hold)

Saints Row 2 [PC] (my brother is at this game. So the other's are on hold. :D)
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