Currently playin' Splinter Cell: Conviction. Darn! Fisher's the ultimate badass! He's better than previous "Fisher-s".

It has great stealth elements and all-out guns-blazin' sequences too, this game's a hit, ainnit? Only thing is, you can't drag the bodies to shadows

. But, I'm lovin' this game more than Chaos Theory. Some screens:
Yippee! I'm playin' Ghost Recon: Iraq War!
Sneakin' on 'at b*stard!
Yep, that's right.
Interrogations are awesome!
And started playin' MoH Beta and......... this game sucks my nuts!! It ain't addicting at all. *goes back to BC2*
*comes back again* Never buy this! 'Obtain' it!

*goes back to BC2, again*
Mod edit: A few thumbnails