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In the zone
Got Mass Effect 2 yesterday and completed till releasing the Grunt. Now i am heading towards releasing the convict. The game is really good. The controls have been redesigned and the graphics is superb.I am playing it at highest settings and 1440x900 resolution. this time they have provided two way three way lightning. The game is really very good and affordable too, only 1000/- bucks.
^What's ye'r age? 17? It ain't a game for below 18. That's for sure. Anyway, dinjo, FPS and TPS, no sh*t-long RPGs. I've changed a lot after hearin' Crysis 2 and ACII. :D
Guess I need to cancel my order then :D

I'm 25 hitting 26 , you should play call of Juarez Bound in Blood and Ghostbusters(very enjoyable game)

Yeah Ghostbusters was really good especially those guns with all sorts of stuff to shoot. The last boss was lame though. Sadly, I couldn't finish CoJ. Guess I can pick it up again.


Long Live Gojira!
^Yeah, CoJ: BiB's like a classic Sergio Leone western. Awesome cinematics and especially the showdown was superb! I say, get that and keep it hidden where you'll forget where you've hidden it, know what I mean? And open it after 18.11 yrs. :D Guess, that's hard, eh?

BTW people, I think I'll just read the plot of ME in Wiki and start with ME2. I can't have 30 hrs. into a game. BT time I finish ME series, I'll be missin' my hols. 'cause summer hols. means AC series! It is so perfectly timed that I feel they've postponed just for me :)). AC in '09, ACII in '10 and ACIII in '11! Awesome! What do you guys say 'bout my decision of ME? Yo, dinjo, sorry to make ye sad, Heavy Rain's a Tales of Monkey Island-type of game. Hope ye don't gun down at me, yo.


Human Spambot
^Yeah, CoJ: BiB's like a classic Sergio Leone western. Awesome cinematics and especially the showdown was superb! I say, get that and keep it hidden where you'll forget where you've hidden it, know what I mean? And open it after 18.11 yrs. :D Guess, that's hard, eh?

BTW people, I think I'll just read the plot of ME in Wiki and start with ME2. I can't have 30 hrs. into a game. BT time I finish ME series, I'll be missin' my hols. 'cause summer hols. means AC series! It is so perfectly timed that I feel they've postponed just for me :)). AC in '09, ACII in '10 and ACIII in '11! Awesome! What do you guys say 'bout my decision of ME? Yo, dinjo, sorry to make ye sad, Heavy Rain's a Tales of Monkey Island-type of game. Hope ye don't gun down at me, yo.

Do you even know what are you talking! if you think that the similarity in going and talking with other characters in the game makes the games similar to other...then most of the games are like Monkey Island.

Let me tell you one more time.. Heavy Rain is a unique game. Only Fahrenheit is similar to the Heavy Rain.


Aspiring Novelist
@Ethan, How's Dante's Inferno? It didn't really please me all that much. Looked like an average flick. Something like 6.5-7.5.
I enjoyed the demo and being a fan of this genre, how can I miss such a game?

Anyway, I played it for an hour today and already reached the second boss.

What I like so far:
The background score
Visual Art Style
Variety of enemies
Boss Fights (two thumbs up!)
CGI Boobies (FTW!)
Brutal Executions

What I dislike:
Lesser variation in combat: You will end up just button mashing at most points. Even with the upgrades attached, it hardly has a good depth.

Voice Acting
: The performance is seriously wooden. It doesn't feel like the character is showing a great deal of emotion. The lines being delivered, too, feels very flat.

The graphics are decent enough and going by the hell'ish theme, they have pulled off a good job. Maintaining a steady 60 frames is a another bonus point for this game. It rarely drops even during highest fight sequences.

I tried the hellish difficulty and got boned by the first boss big time, so mellowed down to Zealot difficulty.

As far as the gameplay goes, Yes, it is a God of War clone, LITERALLY! Every possible aspect is borrowed from that game. Heck it even has a rage mode of it's own which you all might remember from God of War. Although, there is no weapon shuffling either. So far, you just have your faithful Scythe and Beatrice's Holy Cross. You get to upgrade their move sets individually via the souls gathered by killing the enemies. The Unholy upgrade is for your Scythe's abilities and the Holy one is for the cross.

I'll add additional info as and when I reach that point. But so far, It's a really good effort. Too early to rate it, but definitely a must try for all the hack-en-slash genre fans.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Still flanking those aliens and I've managed to get into the engine room anyway though :p

BTW, yesterday night - got DiRT 2 but I'm not able to play it as autosave is not working.
Every time I start the game the game logs into my default profile and tells me to create a profile. When I hit enter it pops up a error that save data file is corrupt and autosave won't work This is really irritating - as I've freshly installed this game for the first time it's impossible to have any previous save data file.

BTW, I've already one GFWL offline profile named as topgear and there are two games currently installed RE5 and FO3. I'm on xp x64 bit. can anybody tell me me what to do ??


Hanging, since 2004..
Playing Mercenaries 2 with my friend in co-op, the game is hilarious and crazy fun, like some Tollywood movies :D


Long Live Gojira!
Wowho! No Heavy Rain things in my post. All eyes go to "Heavy Rain" and I think nobody cared for ME idea of mine. Too bad. :cry:


Long Live Gojira!
^Ye'r tagline's "Gamer" ainnit? BTW, as I said nobody read my post. Just the line of Heavy Rain. Have you guys seen Metro 2033's gameplay? Uncharted 2's animations ain't a big deal!


Human Spambot
^ sorry.. I was about to type my openion on your mass effect decision.. and later i read your sayings about Monkey Island and forgot to post about Mass Effect.

about your Mass Effect Decision..

Don't play Mass Effect 2 either.. Read it's plot in Wiki and you will be done with it too. You will save power, BW, time.

My suggestion:
Mass Effect is a piece of gem. I am playing it now.. and got soooo deep into it that I stopped playing all other games. I will seriously Recommend playing it. Not to mention.. If you have Mass Effect Save files you can play the ME2 with the same character and with the same levels.


Long Live Gojira!
@vamsi: But, I'll play only on Saturdays. You didn't complete Borderlands, did you? I have Borderlands & The Saboteur. And, MW2 SP. How many hrs. will it take to complete just the story in ME?
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