Like I always play I've neutralized all possible Mire Lurks ( as they are not necessary to complete the mission ). Though Did not killed those Mirelurks inside office building on waters. Placed that sensor device anyway. Got out from there. Met with Moira. Completed the injury mission. Took the Rivet city history mission.
On the road I thought why not take a tour to the National Archive to find that document for the curator in the rivet city.
On the road Killed some Super muties and some raiders. Yepeeee

Now I am on Level 19.
Got into national archive anyway. Killed as many as super muties possible. Met with Sydney. Teamed up with her. Killed hords of super muties and robots. Have to use 2 mini nukes anyway ( and still I've got 9 of'em ). Got another important document. Got into the strong room where the main archive is.
Talked with the robot. He told me to bring some kind of ink from Arlington library. I agreed. Talked with sydney. He said in which way I acquire it she does not cares. So again entered the strong room. Blowed that robot with missile. Got the document