I am also playing saboteur.
Can't wait for Avatar! Come on, Cameron! Ye rock the universe!
game is really not good !! i think u cant try that game wen u r out of any new games to play^^
Many of us have ATI cards and the game is impossible to play on them. It crashes within seconds of starting the game. A patch is on the way though.
If you will harm any Mirelurk's there you will not be able to complete the bonus objective... thus Moira will grant lesser rewards.
^ many people.. many views. I am right now jumping with Dragon Age Origins, I am not sure you will be. Same with Sean, you are impressed and Damngoodman isn't. Grow up nvidia, if you want to be a real gamer.
Sh*t! Another. I love it!
@jojo: Thank ye. Uncharted 2's super-awesome, eh? Is there any Uncharted-like game for PC?
@damn: That "SR2 was better than GTA IV" was sh*t. I was just havin' fun with rajkumar_pb.
@quan: I just played Halo: Combat Evolved and it made me buy an X360 just for the Halo series. EPIC! Just like Crysis.
Will get DiRT 2 tomorrow. Will it beat SHIFT, technically? Maybe not.
"I'm not buyin' that 'locate and evacuate' bullsh*t anymore" - Awesome!