Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay (Remastered one) [PC] Superb game!
Dirt 2 [PC]
Screens coming.
Dirt 2 [PC]
Screens coming.
Progressing super duper ultra fast in fallout 3. Thanks to certain commands.I'm back at the mission where the game's bugs killed the game for me last time. This time the bugs are not there either.
Got power armour training, and now at the Finding the Garden of Eden mission. Will play more later.
Yo topgear, you rock at Fallout 3, budd. I'm in Megaton now, thinkin' of doin' all side-quests before goin' in for the main-quests. Darnit I have Broken Steel, can't imagine how awesome this day'll be!
@ajay: Erm...yeah! But, nothin' beats Crysis! NOMAD!!
Awesome game..better than shift,GRID too
The most important rule in Fallout 3 is theres always one or multiple alternative ways to complete any mission, to complete the Riley's Rangers mission(in statesman hotel) go to the roof of the hotel, the path is quite dangerous, full with traps and mutants, and theres a chance you'll get lost midway too, after reaching the roof you'll get further instruction to complete the mission, the lift is the alternative way to complete the mission.
After finishing the game last time I had about 500 stimpacks, and I played mostly in hard difficulty, the easiest way to get stimpacks is to go to fort independence, talk to the guy in front, he will ask you to give him weapons/spare parts/armours, in return he will give you stimpacks/ammo/grenades or rad away, I took only the stimpacks and grenades.
Look here: *
Fort Independence:
I'm back to fallout 3 Universe:
GOD. Oh! God! Ain't this game awesome! Not what ye guys said. It surpassed my expectations more than that of MW2. I thought it'd be ugly with all ye'r words, but Sean, ye rock! Started to play this AWESOME game.
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay (Remastered one) [PC] Superb game!
Dirt 2 [PC]
I'm using the teleport command. Travels ultra fast.![]()
Anyone tried Dirt 2 on Win 7 ?
That's the point, take the stairs, and before starting the mission again, make sure to carry a fission battery with you, it will be needed once you reach the roof.Thanks buddy
Yup, complete as mush as side quests you can. It will help you get for xp's and level ups with discivering new areas filled new loots
Nice screeniesBTW, is it perfectly playable with a KB - just curious as I will buy it.
But there is no power in the lift. How can I activate the power source for the lift ?
BTW, will play it another time ie the rangers mission though.
& thanks a lot for your hints on FO 3
You are tempting me !
Riddick - escape from butcher bay is one of my most favorite game
@ quan chi - Nice screenies of infernal - tempted with the screenies. Will try to grab a copy
But traveling like stalker is the real fun in FO 3 -IMO
BTW, my progress on Fallout 3
After much effort discovered Rivet city
Killed 3 taloons mercs. Found a merchandise named crow. Bought some stuffs and repaired some. After that he and his caravan had a fire fight with the super muties. Killed those super mutise and saved him anyway. Saved a rivet city settler and gained karma
BTW, was not finding the entrance to the rivet city. So headed to some gift shop. Explored all of it rooms. Killed all super muties. Rested on bed. Next morning agin went near rivet city. Found another merchandise. I 1st saw him in the outside of megaton though. Selled 200 of Energy cell as a I was having plenty of them around 650. Climbed that iron bunker.
Found the intercom. Talked into it and Voila! I'm in the Rivet city![]()