Only if the warranty sticker has not been damaged in any way. So the person who is modding the console should take care not to damage the warranty sticker.Thank u !!
But the Modded console is taken in to warranty ??
That's the long answer with a dozen spoilers, something I hate to give to people, if you want then you can visit this site: *'m talking about the lab where I can found a guy named Elder Lyons who will order Paladin Gunny to train me on powered armor
Got it buddy but got this answer from yahoo answer yesterday
You can only get Power Armor training from Paladin Gunny at the Citadel.. You have to progress through the main quest line a little longer before you can gain access to the Citadel though..
If you've just completed "Galaxy News Radio", you still have to do:
Scientific Pursuits
Tranquility Lane
Waters Of Life
Select the text below to view it
Near the end of the Waters Of Life quest, you have to help Doctor Li and company escape the Jefferson Memorial and get to the Citadel.. Once there and the quest completed, you can talk to Elder Lyons about power armor training.. He'll tell you to he'll send word to Paladin Gunny to train you.. Gunny can be found near the lab in A-Ring or outside, training to the Initiates.. Talk to him and, while he'll complain about it, he'll train you in the use of power armor..
I think there's a way to glitch into the Citadel earlier to get the training but it can potentially glitch the main storyline too so I'll caution you against it..
Have a good one!
BTW, Just wandering in that ruined city and discovered vaultec office. Entered there. Make crap out of some robots and a single super mutie.
Now I am in front of door in the admin section which requires a key but I was not able to find one![]()
Only if the warranty sticker has not been damaged in any way. So the person who is modding the console should take care not to damage the warranty sticker.
Yep. I have an air conditioned room. The best way is to keep the 360 is a proper ventilated area. Make double sure that it's vent holes are not blocked under any circumstances. Avoid keeping it horizontal on a mattress or any stuffy material. I recommend keeping 2 empty DVD jewel cases one above the other and keeping the 360 over them. That should ensure it properly placed in a horizontal position. Lastly, Don't worry so much about the RRoD. The next generation hardware isn't safe from any defects. Your best bet is to claim warranty on it when it dies. With Microsoft, you never have to worry about it. They are the best when it comes to honouring warranty, at least in my experience.Ok finally , wat about the Price charges for modding ??
U have Air conditioner in room ?? Since i am afraid of RROD wat is heat measures u taken for 360 ??
I ve decided to buy Xbox 360 - but Please say me wat to do to protect from RROD ??
Goddarn it! THE BEST action-packed game I've ever played!
Yep. I have an air conditioned room. The best way is to keep the 360 is a proper ventilated area. Make double sure that it's vent holes are not blocked under any circumstances. Avoid keeping it horizontal on a mattress or any stuffy material. I recommend keeping 2 empty DVD jewel cases one above the other and keeping the 360 over them. That should ensure it properly placed in a horizontal position. Lastly, Don't worry so much about the RRoD. The next generation hardware isn't safe from any defects. Your best bet is to claim warranty on it when it dies. With Microsoft, you never have to worry about it. They are the best when it comes to honouring warranty, at least in my experience.
That's the long answer with a dozen spoilers, something I hate to give to people, if you want then you can visit this site: *
This site has every detail about Fallout 3 possible, like quests, items, and other stuffs, I wrote a few articles there myself, if you're ever stuck you can visit the site, but its like wikipedia, so major spoilers.
In that building there is a bobblehead, get it, it increases one of your skills(forgot what skill it modified).
The most important rule in Fallout 3 is theres always one or multiple alternative ways to complete any mission, to complete the Riley's Rangers mission(in statesman hotel) go to the roof of the hotel, the path is quite dangerous, full with traps and mutants, and theres a chance you'll get lost midway too, after reaching the roof you'll get further instruction to complete the mission, the lift is the alternative way to complete the mission.That link will come handy in the future
Discovered satesman hotel, cleaned the mess of those super muties, when I was about to use the lift it said me that there is no power,
there was a terminal on the ground floor but I was not able to use it as it requires science skill of 50 but I've only 46 anyway.
BTW, got into lady of hope hospital. Got huge numbers of stimpacks ( I've around 67 total - was saving them for a long time )
Got into freedom station, wiped out some feral ghouls, met with a trader, repaired all my equipments. Got into Pennsylvania east but retunred from ther
to the central metro station through freedom station again.
Now I'm heading for rivert city![]()
Only BB gun?? Didn't you take the 10mm pistol from amata when she woke you up in the vault?? And what about the ammo from overseer's office??How do I get weapons? I am at Megaton, may be level 3 or 4. I have the BB gun and about 250 caps. Been only to springvale and Megaton other than the vault. BB gun is running out fast. Which skills are best to upgrade? I usually take the Intense training perk and increase luck.
Yes, doing side quests you can increase your skills and get cool weapons, cash and other items too, if you do the main quest only it should take you 15-20hrs to complete the vanilla game, dlcs add 4-6 hrs gameplay each.Yo topgear, you rock at Fallout 3, budd. I'm in Megaton now, thinkin' of doin' all side-quests before goin' in for the main-quests. Darnit I have Broken Steel, can't imagine how awesome this day'll be!
@ajay: Erm...yeah! But, nothin' beats Crysis! NOMAD!!