I think u wont be coming out from the DC-s main land for a long time enjoy the Mutant & Ghouls
Minigun is the worst weapon in fallout IMO , try to get secret weapons like alien blaster & vengence
Thanks for the info. Any idea - about where I can got those guns ?
Killed all those super mutants in the tech museum and got that dish. Got ouit from their and again had to fight with hordes of super mutants. Forgot to use the 5 stealth boy that I had ... still I'm saving them for future use
Ok placed that dish on the right place ... Discovered a place and took a mission where a guy told to get some abraham licoln stuff for him.
Got those stuff from the ghouls leaving place thogh had to fought with around 10 ferral ghouls. Returned that licoln artifact to that giy who told me to do so and got 200 caps

he told me to find some slave ( forgot the name but I had no idea where I can find him )
BTW, traded some info about the missing android in ghouls living place ...
bought some stuffs like stimpacks and reapired some of stuffs ( but my combat shotgun is broken .. I think I have to find another one anyway ) left only 1 caps
Met with a men at a bar who told me to kil a ghoul named greeta ... if I do so he wil give a the contract of charon ... is that really useful guys ?
BTW, talked with a ranger girl that was lying on the a doctors chamber .. she told me to rescue her two members from a building ... but I told her that I'll think about it.. after that when I got to her after some time I'm not getting that mission so that I can rescue those members ... but I'll play the game without that anyway.
Now again entered in the lincoln's room in the museum fort some stuffs