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Human Spambot
^ Frame rate issues, laughable story line, Remake of old games in the franchise, very very easy, Irresponsible controls, Pathetic color tone and implementation of full screen effects... to name a few.

Remember that the games that come in NFS franchise will never be under rated. If they are on the NFS series.. they will compare the game to NFS HotPursuit 2, NFS Most Wanted standards. If you really want to see a under rated game pickup Onimusha 3, Kane and Lynch, Stranglehold.


Long Live Gojira!
^I was 'bout to pick Stranglehold, but then I heard the campaign is too short, so I didn't. BTW, how much's the length of the campaign in Batman: Arkham Asylum?


Human Spambot
I completed the story line with in 10 hours in medium difficulty. But you can pull the time for 5 more hours if you add riddle challenges+riddle trophies+Chronicles of Arkham+ Interview tapes.

Ooops! forgot to mention in the review.. After beating the story mode.. you can jump into challenge mode where you have to face 20 levels of thugs. The challenges will demand you to fight the thugs in hand to hand combat and predator mode. Add another 3 hours to it. so.. healthy 18 hours of game play.


Long Live Gojira!
^More than awesome! The best racin' game on PC. The handlings are so real that when you upgrade from Tier 1 to Tier 2, you can feel the increase of speed. Awesome driving & damage physics. After you get it, I suggest you drive with Cockpit view, it's awesome! Even driftin' is better with Cockpit view! Only thing is that it's a resource hoggin' game, what's your GPU BTW? Not ATI, right?

@vamsi - Darn! So small, eh :mad:!? Is it longer than CoJ: BiB? I won't be playin' everyday, just on weekends for 'bout 2-3 hours.


Human Spambot
What can you expect from a Action adventure game. Come on even god smacking Prince of Persia, God of War can be completed under 12 hours. This isn't an RPG or a solid SIM game to give you 100 hours of gameplay.

from where do u get games? from friends or ......Pirated....

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Human Spambot
RE4 is not worth playing coz it is old? all the best. what are your opinions about contra, Mario, legend of shinobi, legend of Zelda?


Hanging, since 2004..
RE4 is not worth playing coz it is old? all the best. what are your opinions about contra, Mario, legend of shinobi, legend of Zelda?

I may be one of the biggest fan of RE series, but this game is bad for me, i hate playing shooters with joystick and the keyboard mouse controls of this game are not perfect. I am playig this game just because i have to play RE5 and I dont want to miss storyline.


currently addicted to Team Fortress 2... this game is awesome, comedy and humour element is one of the best i have seen in a multiplayer.

if you guys haven't played it yet, go get it now :)


Human Spambot
I am playing Assassins Creed Now. That white beard oldie just kicked my ass and taken the sword, small blades.. damn. he is so weak now. Does this game contain any RPG elements like if i break the creed i won't receive any perks and if i follow it i can receive some special perks or something like that?


Aspiring Novelist
I may be one of the biggest fan of RE series, but this game is bad for me, i hate playing shooters with joystick and the keyboard mouse controls of this game are not perfect. I am playig this game just because i have to play RE5 and I dont want to miss storyline.
You won't be missing much in terms of storyline. If you feel that the controls are a pain in the ass, then switch to Resident Evil 5. The only thing you would encounter from the earlier game are the documents containing information of the las plagas and it's effects on the victims. Apart from that, Leon and Chris are on their separate missions altogether. But if you are a RE fan, then missing RE4 is a suicide move. Although I haven't played all the previous RE titles, I loved RE4 more than RE5. I found it relatively easy to adapt to it's controller configuration. It's just a matter of time and patience, that's it. It's a sad thing that the PC version was originally crafted in a half-arsed manner.

On a side note, Did anyone check out the recent Assassin's Creed 2 TGS trailer which shows a bit of Ezio's history? It's designed brilliantly. It seems that his father is hanged to death on being falsely accused as a conspirator. So this is a revenge driven plot unlike Altair's, which was following his clan's orders. The music delivered in this trailer is absolutely amazing. Although I didn't like the first game that much due to it's monotonous nature, this one looks very promising. I guess I'll get it for my 360, rather than having to wait until oblivion for the PC version.

The location seems to be set in Italian locations and they look dam gorgeous compared to the Israeli locations of the first game. For some reason, this TGS trailer sparked a great interest for me towards this game.


Hanging, since 2004..
तुम इतना कहानी के रूप में नहीं याद किया जाएगा. यदि आपको लगता है कि नियंत्रण पिछवाड़े में दर्द हो रहा हो, तो निवास ईविल 5 पर स्विच करें. केवल एक चीज आप पहले खेल से मुठभेड़ होती लास plagas की जानकारी वाले दस्तावेज़ों रहे हैं और यह पीड़ितों पर प्रभाव है. कि, लियोन और क्रिस के अलावा उनके मिशन को पूरी तरह अलग हैं. लेकिन तब RE4 यदि आप एक आरई प्रशंसक रहे हैं, याद आ रही एक आत्मघाती कदम है. हालांकि मैं यह सब पिछले आरई शीर्षक नहीं खेला है, मैं RE5 से RE4 अधिक प्यार करता था. मैं यह अपेक्षाकृत आसान यह नियंत्रक है विन्यास अनुकूलन पाया. यह सिर्फ समय और धैर्य की बात है, कि वह है. यह एक दुखद बात है कि पीसी संस्करण मूलतः एक आधे arsed तरीके से तैयार किया गया है.

Yeah, you are right. Some more things I miss include the creepy, sad, lonely environment of night in racoon city. Variety of locations buses, labs, restaurants, gardens, trains :D and the best was background music. This game (RE4) lacks in variety to where i have played so far.
I hope it improves on that soon.
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Long Live Gojira!
@vamsi - Fine. Total hours played in CoJ: BiB was 12 hours, but I played it for 2 months! :D

@Ethan - EZIO!! Darn! You're lucky. I've to wait till 2010 to play that game. Can't take my eyes off that trailer! Sh*t! BTW, I was scrollin' the pages of this thread yesterday. I started to post from page 31 & now it's 117! Can't believe how fast Mother Earth is spinnin'. Darn! 2012's near! :cry: I saw a post in which you were tellin' ye'll buy a PS3 just for God of War 3-in', why X360, eh? Bucks? :D

Deleted member 26636

तुम इतना कहानी के रूप में नहीं याद आ रही है. यदि आपको लगता है कि नियंत्रण पिछवाड़े में दर्द हो रहा हो, तो निवास ईविल 5 पर स्विच करें. केवल एक चीज आप पहले खेल से मुठभेड़ होती लास plagas की जानकारी वाले दस्तावेज़ों रहे हैं और यह पीड़ितों पर प्रभाव है. कि, लियोन और क्रिस के अलावा उनके मिशन को पूरी तरह अलग हैं. लेकिन तब RE4 यदि आप एक आरई प्रशंसक रहे हैं, याद आ रही एक आत्मघाती कदम है. हालांकि मैं यह सब पिछले आरई शीर्षक नहीं खेला है, मैं RE5 से RE4 अधिक प्यार करता था. मैं यह अपेक्षाकृत आसान यह नियंत्रक है विन्यास अनुकूलन पाया. यह सिर्फ समय और धैर्य की बात है, कि वह है. यह एक दुखद बात है कि पीसी संस्करण मूलतः एक आधे arsed तरीके से तैयार किया गया है.

एक तरफ ध्यान दें पर, हाल के हत्यारे की नस्ल 2 TGS ट्रेलर जो Ezio इतिहास का थोड़ा बाहर किसी जांच से पता चलता है क्या? यह अच्छी तरह तैयार है. ऐसा लगता है कि उनके पिता की मौत पर फांसी पर लटका दिया झूठा एक षड्यंत्रकारी के रूप में आरोप लगाया जा रहा है. तो यह एक Altair, साजिश के विपरीत जो अपने परिवार के आदेश का पालन किया गया संचालित बदला है. इस ट्रेलर में दिया संगीत बिल्कुल आश्चर्यजनक है. हालांकि मैं पहली बार है कि यह बहुत की वजह से है नीरस प्रकृति, यह एक बहुत आशाजनक लगता है खेल को पसंद नहीं आया. मुझे लगता है कि मैं इसे अपने 360 के लिए मिल कर देंगे, बजाय को पीसी संस्करण के लिए गुमनामी जब तक इंतज़ार कर रहे.

स्थान लगता है इतालवी स्थानों में स्थापित होगा और वे बांध देखो भव्य पहले खेल के इजरायल के स्थानों की तुलना में. किसी कारण के लिए, इस TGS ट्रेलर मेरे लिए इस खेल की दिशा में एक महान ब्याज फूट पड़ा.

LoooooooooooooL,...................this is so funny:D
Assassin's Creed 2 ain't coming for PC in November? WTF! If that's the case then I'll get the PS3 version.

Yo Ezio I'm comin' for ya! Gochya nvidiageek:D Really can't wait for Assassin's Creed 2...

BTW I'm playing,
Resident Evil 5[PC]'s pretty good.
Assassin's Creed[PC] Can't get enough of Altair!
Heavenly Sword[PS3] That chick Nariko sure is hot!
Batman [Xbox 360] Once in a while...don't wanna finish this game too soon:D
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Aspiring Novelist
@Ethan - EZIO!! Darn! You're lucky. I've to wait till 2010 to play that game. Can't take my eyes off that trailer! Sh*t! BTW, I was scrollin' the pages of this thread yesterday. I started to post from page 31 & now it's 117! Can't believe how fast Mother Earth is spinnin'. Darn! 2012's near! :cry: I saw a post in which you were tellin' ye'll buy a PS3 just for God of War 3-in', why X360, eh? Bucks? :D
It's an investment. I wanted to own both the consoles and thus not missing out on any of it's exclusives experience. To be honest, it was a spontaneous decision. I just woke up one morning and decided I wanted to get the console, spoke to the dealer and got the deal done. The next thing I know, I own the dam thing. ;-)

I will be getting a PS3 probably next year. All the top titles are coming out next year. I'm mainly gunning for God of War III and Heavy Rain. These a top 2 on my list. Plus most of my friends have got a PS3, so I decided the break the trend and get the 360. Now we can exchange the consoles and get the best of both worlds. Plus I'll have all the exclusive titles when I get my console.

@tarey_g: ROTFL! :lol: My advice is to give the game some time and it would grow on you. The game was meant to be played on the PS2.

@himadri_sm: Are you shekar_xxx by any chance?
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