Swimming, eh??
...But it was reported twice (with a citation of his old comments), so I had to resort to action...
He watches me. Stalks me where ever i go.. Makes note of my every move. Every post i make is open invitation to report me to admin...feeding himself his raw meal of piqueus satisfaction.
He thinks my attitude stinks, but he hasn't sniffed my fingers yet. I am scared to turn my back around to the smell of ham. But i kno one thing, as long as my posts make his life misrable and reason for his pyschotic emotional trauma of recent divorce, i wont stop <tense music in background> I WONT STOP. FU.
Hehe good na?..ate chinese yesterday. My condolences to those tiny people who got censored boxes above neck instead of brains as i played throught K&L2 : Dog Days.
4 people (me and my other 3 obese friends) ate
*4 greesy manchurian
*4 manchurian noodles
*2 fried rice
*8 bars of ice cream.
Woke up at 1pm, half farting into my bedsheets. Almost crashed the commod as i spent an hour of my morning sitting over it with stenched look on my face.
Now i am hungry.
Exams are over but dad still wont get me gcard.
So more begging to.
Btw, this is the f-ing 100th post fffuuuu thank you. Thanks a lot. I want to thank my friends.......
P.s - m not fat. I weigh 60kg.