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Swimming, eh??
...But it was reported twice (with a citation of his old comments), so I had to resort to action...

He watches me. Stalks me where ever i go.. Makes note of my every move. Every post i make is open invitation to report me to admin...feeding himself his raw meal of piqueus satisfaction.
He thinks my attitude stinks, but he hasn't sniffed my fingers yet. I am scared to turn my back around to the smell of ham. But i kno one thing, as long as my posts make his life misrable and reason for his pyschotic emotional trauma of recent divorce, i wont stop <tense music in background> I WONT STOP. FU.
Hehe good na?..ate chinese yesterday. My condolences to those tiny people who got censored boxes above neck instead of brains as i played throught K&L2 : Dog Days.
4 people (me and my other 3 obese friends) ate
*4 greesy manchurian
*4 manchurian noodles
*2 fried rice
*8 bars of ice cream.
Woke up at 1pm, half farting into my bedsheets. Almost crashed the commod as i spent an hour of my morning sitting over it with stenched look on my face.
Now i am hungry.
Exams are over but dad still wont get me gcard.
So more begging to.
Btw, this is the f-ing 100th post fffuuuu thank you. Thanks a lot. I want to thank my friends.......
P.s - m not fat. I weigh 60kg.


He watches me. Stalks me where ever i go.. Makes note of my every move. Every post i make is open invitation to report me to admin...feeding himself his raw meal of piqueus satisfaction.
He thinks my attitude stinks, but he hasn't sniffed my fingers yet. I am scared to turn my back around to the smell of ham. But i kno one thing, as long as my posts make his life misrable and reason for his pyschotic emotional trauma of recent divorce, i wont stop <tense music in background> I WONT STOP. FU.
Hehe good na?..ate chinese yesterday. My condolences to those tiny people who got censored boxes above neck instead of brains as i played throught K&L2 : Dog Days.
4 people (me and my other 3 obese friends) ate
*4 greesy manchurian
*4 manchurian noodles
*2 fried rice
*8 bars of ice cream.
Woke up at 1pm, half farting into my bedsheets. Almost crashed the commod as i spent an hour of my morning sitting over it with stenched look on my face.
Now i am hungry.
Exams are over but dad still wont get me gcard.
So more begging to.
Btw, this is the f-ing 100th post fffuuuu thank you. Thanks a lot. I want to thank my friends.......
P.s - m not fat. I weigh 60kg.

lol you are fat :D

I didn't give todays exam ffffffuuuuu


Swimming, eh??
^^^nah man. M skinny. I just eat a lot cuz my stomach's abnormally large. Kyo exam kyo nai di? Zero padai??
@sunny- i dont find it quite interactive, twitter.
I rarely use fb as well.
Went to dad 2day to beg for monitor & graphics card. First he told super prolix story bout how some financially unfortunate students score tons more than me. Then how he himself and his father were financially unfortunate, but still scored tons more than me, then how some student are financially fortunate but mentally unfortunate and even they score tons more than me. Its like every f-ing person scores tons more than me..
After an hour of nazi ear torture, he sent me off and went to sleep..
Another such session & m selling my kidney at grey market.
Imagine, i have almost all the latest games but i wont play them unless i get a decent gcard. I've got metro, nba11, codbops, etc etc.
Btw, playing fifa11. Awesome game.


I had a nervous breakdown.
Don't sell your kidney. Just do lots of household chores. Make it look like you are working yourself like a slave. In the end of the day they might have pity on you and give you some money.
Or else just keep begging until your dad gets really annoyed and beats the shite out of you. You will definitely get money for bandages, just over exaggerate the bill.


^^totally agree bro :)

follow gollum's instructions and u'll receive ur reward within a couple of months
u just have to be a good "beta" .....thats all


Excessive happiness
Being crushed by fellow passengers in the bus, i reach office, feeling some one squeezed all the juice out of me... :D



Swimming, eh??
Thankfully no one squeezed your bottom :p

Who does that? Does that happen to you quite a lot? Cause dude its s3xual harrasment
Btw, i think i'l prefer the later one as my approach, cause my mom would definitely faint moment she sees me help her in household. And if she faints, who'll bring me a glass of water when im playing videogames all day long??
And when my dad beats me to pulp, i'll threaten to file a complain against him unless he gets me what i want.
Watched gusarish today..
Good movie.


Staff member
A cable nearly got entangled to my bike's tire.
Drank 2 liters of milk. Stomach upset.
Clutch wire snapped off while returning home.



Manchester United
Well, such a wonderful thread to vent my frustations:

1) Everyone here wants me to stay onsite for an indefinite period while I want to return to my family in Kolkata.


2) Being stuck in the same project for the last 4 1/2 years. If I want release, I will have to move out of Kolkata. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU

3) Stupid weather started. Snowfall from tomorrow evening through the weekend, lows at -12/-13 deg cent. FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU

4) After reaching home, look at blank walls and cook and go to sleep. No entertainment.


5) Cant get up early on weekdays but get up early always on weekends.


6) Project duration at onsite was promised to me for 6 months, but extended to 1 year.


7) Receiving unwelcome phone calls from NRI relatives too frequently.


8) Whenever the Red Devils lose, anti manu supporter friends on my orkut/facebook account rejoice as if it is their marriage. Nothing can be heard from them when we keep on winning..


9) Staying away from wife, family, real friends for close to a year.


10) Our house in Kolkata needs repair and we dont have the money to do it. Nor getting promoters to build a apartment complex in it's place, for the last 1 year.


11) Rash driving in Kolkata. New car got damaged within 1 month of purchase in october 2008 and again in april 2009. Both times had to claim insurance.


12) My $1300 toshiba 17" gaming laptop bought got damaged within 1 1/2 years of purchase, dont know why. Repair estimate was $1000. But can get a new one at $600, but I am not going to buy a laptop.


13) Planned for Sikkim trip two times, once in 2009 and once in 2010. Both times got cancelled due to various reasons. Same applies to Nainital trip.


14) Checked baggage limit a measly 23kg for travel between India and USA. Two suitcases allowed per passenger without hefty fine. Need more, but I dont have the cash to pay fine.


Don't think it's the end. I can post more.
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Staff member
Just gave Kaplan practice paper and got a resounding FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU in quant (540) section though verbal (660) was yay !
Gotta start getting quant concepts clear from Jan onwards.
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