PostFX uses FXAA at High and Ultra, which pretty much rules out any need for MSAA, the kickback is the massive FPS drop, upto 30% in some areas when its set to ultra, but I like eye candy, so it stays on, and in my game even the leaves have aa, so no jaggies for me, FXAA does blur a little bit but it goes well with the setting of FC3, you won't notice the blurring unless you have your nose up against the monitor and zooming in, the motion blur hides the FXAA blurring.
Coming to gameplay, how the hell am I supposed to hunt predators using crossbow, this is nuts, so far killed the golden tiger(died 4 times, mostly due to the other tiger), black panther(died three times by the panther, sniped the other leopard from ledge, got lucky when it got stuck in some trees) and now it wants me to kill leopards(Yes, plural) using crossbow, Fk this $hit, I ain't going there until I get full 6 health bars
PS: The new skills I unlocked are amazing, first chained 3 takedowns, ended with grenade takedown on last guy, took out 2 more with knife takedown