
Human Spambot
With everything set to Ultra, and on 1600x900 resolution. I am barely touching 30fps mark. The weird thing is, even if I crank down the visual settings, the performance almost remains the same, except for couple of frames. I have to turn down everything to be able to play it smoothly at constant 60fps. Then again, I am running the game on Q8200 with a GTX 560ti.


Turn down postFX and MSAA, strangely they don't have any noticeable effects on the visuals. and you'll get a 20fps boost. I did :)


Human Spambot
^I can notice the visual difference.. the FPS gain for me is not that big. Its just a couple, give or take.

And BTW, Just switched back to 310.64 beta drivers. Nice 10fps improvement. I will stick with this driver.


I was getting good fps with the 306.97, maybe I'll switch too.
I have set each setting in Video Quality at highest possible, only postFX is on low. VSync off, MSAA off, everything else maxed out. Getting 55-60 fps average @1080p


In the zone
i tried running on 1080p with very high but i was getting just 15 fps
then i tried 720p and very high and voila i hit a playable 40-45 fps


Why So Serious ???
Guys.. Patch 1.04 is out now

Far Cry® 3 | Official Website | Downloads | Ubisoft

For single player -

Fixed the accessing bug for the camera and the throwing rocks.
Users that have miss the Relic located in Dr. Earnhardt cave will have the relic recover.
Fixed the bug with the weapon models staying on screen / stuck on the charatcer arm.
The leaderboard is now updating correctly even after if the user is disconnecting/reconnecting the ethernet cable.
The objective is now properly updated after Jason burns the weed fields.
New options the hide the HUD are now available in the option menu.
Add support for downloadable content.
Fixed the issue when the user was becoming invincible after failing mission 'Black Gold' several times.
The Phonecall from Hurk (ULC missions) is no longer overlapping the brief of the 'Piece of the past' mission.
Fixed the issue when Sam was no longer in the jeep's turret after placing two bomb and being kill several time in 'Black Gold' mission.
Sam is no longer getting stuck when the user destroy an enemy car.


Pro/An---tagonist xD
@Reaper_vivek How can you not notice the difference after turning MSAA off? the grass and everything around has sharp jagged edges. Even 2x msaa makes things much smoother to look at.


Back to school!!
@Reaper_vivek How can you not notice the difference after turning MSAA off? the grass and everything around has sharp jagged edges. Even 2x msaa makes things much smoother to look at.
No, apparently postFX uses some sort of aa technique, I am using Ultra postFX and no aa and I don't see a single jagged edge, @ 1680x1050.

After 8 hrs I can safely say, this is GOTY 2012, FC3 rocks, this feels like Fallout 3 combined with AC3 having graphics like Crysis. :D A true sandbox game after Crysis set in tropical island.

One thing that does bother me is how overpowered I had become, with a silenced M16 rifle, Shotgun, Crossbow for stealth and silenced sniper I can pretty much wipe the floor with all enemies(except leopards, I hate leopards)


I hate leopards too, and this game is amazing indeed.
MSAA does nothing, postFX has all the anti-aliasing features, as well as draw decals. so it's very taxing on the GPU. and I personally feel no difference, the main thing is I should get 60fps. and I am getting that, somewhat :p


Pro/An---tagonist xD
Ah well thats whats doing the trick for you guys then. I have postfx disabled to get decent framerates and turning msaa off as well makes the vegetation unbearable to look at. jagged edges everywhere.
So turned msaa to 2x and playing. postfx is still off though.


Back to school!!
PostFX uses FXAA at High and Ultra, which pretty much rules out any need for MSAA, the kickback is the massive FPS drop, upto 30% in some areas when its set to ultra, but I like eye candy, so it stays on, and in my game even the leaves have aa, so no jaggies for me, FXAA does blur a little bit but it goes well with the setting of FC3, you won't notice the blurring unless you have your nose up against the monitor and zooming in, the motion blur hides the FXAA blurring.

Coming to gameplay, how the hell am I supposed to hunt predators using crossbow, this is nuts, so far killed the golden tiger(died 4 times, mostly due to the other tiger), black panther(died three times by the panther, sniped the other leopard from ledge, got lucky when it got stuck in some trees) and now it wants me to kill leopards(Yes, plural) using crossbow, Fk this $hit, I ain't going there until I get full 6 health bars :evil:

PS: The new skills I unlocked are amazing, first chained 3 takedowns, ended with grenade takedown on last guy, took out 2 more with knife takedown :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Quick question : This game has any sort of built in benchmark / benchmark tool available as separate download ( like AVP 2010 / Crysis 2 ) ?


In the zone
ok so now i started use trainer, after playing a stage 10 times :shock: i finally decided to use a trainer. and now things are easer. Still a lot more to play :-D


Back to school!!
ok so now i started use trainer, after playing a stage 10 times :shock: i finally decided to use a trainer. and now things are easer. Still a lot more to play :-D
Where's the fun in that, this is just like Assassins Creed 2+, sneak to a post, get a good vantage point, mark all targets, take out the alarms first, either manually, or by shooting both of them, change location, take out the snipers, then kill the rest, take out the heavys using Molotov(until you unlock the heavy takedown), also free caged animals if there are any(use the pandemonium to blow the alarm).
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