What do you mean by this? How do you think DEV team is working without DB? Its not something seperate. Any DBA must go thorugh intensive and critical development and pl/sql coding in all levels of business throughout his career. A DBA is THE DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR, and by that it literally means, HE KNOWS FRIGGIN EVERYTHING!! IN THAT GOD DAMN DATABASE....starting from its session paramters, architectural tierings, background processes, to every bit of DB objects, their cardinalities, dependencies, access previleges, DB Links....and million more things....and on top of all things....a massive knowledge base of Glamourous coding and Performance Tuning. ...Performanace Tuning is such a thing which actually defines and seperates a Developer from a DBA ...it also means that first you should...no you must become an Oracle Developer to Become an Oracle DBA. I'm not an DBA, I have client recognition from British Telecom for tuning 30 different cross-platoform interdependent legacy applications. Still i'm not even near a DBA. In out total project here with more than 1500 total employee strength, we have only 4 DBA...so are u getting my point?
...but just because i am not, doesnt mean u cant become a DBA....but never fear dev though....welcome to *
Well for a start, you are ahead with +2 with that IBM Oracle Certification, that will help your moving up ( only when u'll be known as a Oracle Resource ). Orcale is typcially vast application area, it has nearly acquired every good COTS product and companies like IFLEX or SUN, they have the the largest business bas next to IBM and TerraData in terms of Business Intelligence, also Oracle CRM (customer relationship management) and its integrity with Siebel is unrivaled in Telecom Indsutry, then there are Orcale Apps, DWH, Oracle BI, Oracle BRM and like million more interfaces with which oracle sync seamlessly and provides end to end soultions to client-server environments across all platforms across the world. So if you are not upto scripting, Oracle is the way to go...JAVa on the other hand has its perks adn ever updating...so its also addictive...but me being a Oralce Resource....will vouch for the same. DB2 has somewhat restricted applications, but equally challenging and robust applications, manily Mainframing and Data Mining applications are mosly designed and optimized for DB2, since its an IBM thing, it has its own IBMer..OrthoDox taint in it...nevertheless its unimaginably powerful, even in some aspects, more powerful than Oracle, SQLserver MySQL....well...the IBM we see here in sector V is not the International Business Machine we should know about. If Scientists and Research Scolers of Old times are still alive and rocking... IBM is the one place to find them....IBM is the place to rule them all. I met one 21 Years Exp IBM Database Architect once...
and he was like....dwelling in an region beyond my limits of thought, above some gray clouds of some Dark mountain ...unseeable, untouchable..seemed like he doesnt perish with time, doesnt wither with technology...like an Ancient Guardian of Database...godly.