Experiance of a Linux user-what he learned from past 10 years using Linux

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The guy has been using Linux since forever, good. However, Y the Windows bashing?

Has he mentioned Windows or Microsoft anywhere in the article? Guess it was against propriety software/OS in general

Wrong comparison to Windows. Unless you change both the motherboard & harddisk at the same time, you do not need to get a new license for your OS. In case you upgrade to a new machine, you can always migrate the License to the new computer easily.

How often do u upgrade both harddisk & motherboard at the same time?

Not everyday, but if you upgrade every year its a problem, especially if you have to format and reinstall every six months. If I am right, you are allowed only five activations using the same key for Windows XP Home. I do not know about other propriety OSes. I myself had to call their helpline to do it once.

I think the author should have a look at the numuras free & effective applications for Windows. Oh! & PeaZip is free along witj jZip & what not.

There is no cure to laziness. Author has no problem hunting & fixing a problem in Linux but has in Windows...gr8 logic.

Look at the context. He is not a basic home user. What he means is that if he finds a deficiency in a closed source software he is not at liberty to set it right himself simply because of licensing restrictions. It would be illegal even if he somehow got the source.

Not everyone has time to learn. Some people just want to open there computer & start watching the HD DVD of 300, instead of downloading a Codec then dependencies libraries, then LibCSS hacks etc. Some people want to pay & use an easy OS from boot up.

Yes you are right, and they are most welcome to. Just to point out that what you mentioned above, downloading libraries and stuff, is required in linux because of licensing restrictions. Some like libcss are illegal in some countries. Since you mentioned libcss, does Windows XP play DVD out of the box? If I am not mistaken, you have to buy the mpeg-2 decoder for windows media player, or use FOSS like VLC or Mplayer for windows to watch your DVD :)
All the above (downloading/installing can be a cumbersome one time job, but its worth if your system runs without a software hitch for the next couple of years. There are efforts to make this process easier, I have started one for OpenSuSE in this forum, and the response has been good in general.
Being free isn't everything. People expect good service. Money isn't a problem. People will pay willingly as long as they don't have to read a 1000 pg manual and then tear some of their hairs just to operate it.

If you choose to walk 10 km to your home and not take a bus to save money, then fine. But don't expect everybody to do that.
ever heard of ability to purchase commersial support in linux ?


A LOTR fan
ultimately its the individual who decides what to buy . . let them be comfortable or uncomfortable with what they have . . some fights have become pointless these days :-(.


there are some Unoffcial ms employees around, and some dominating GNU user, there is a surety of a wonderful fight


You gave been GXified
Not everyday, but if you upgrade every year its a problem, especially if you have to format and reinstall every six months. If I am right, you are allowed only five activations using the same key for Windows XP Home. I do not know about other propriety OSes. I myself had to call their helpline to do it once.

With Vista you can migrate the license 10 times after which u will need to call MS support. Is it really so hard to make a phone call?

Since you mentioned libcss, does Windows XP play DVD out of the box? If I am not mistaken, you have to buy the mpeg-2 decoder for windows media player, or use FOSS like VLC or Mplayer for windows to watch your DVD

Windows Vista has inbuilt support for DVD. If you are buying a DVD drive/writer/combo drive then u also get OEM edition of PowerDVD/WinDVD. Just install it (it's free) & play all the DVDs u want in WMP.

You don't need to install any FOSS software in Windows to see DVDs

your windows DVD players, other than the FOSS ones don't support ad-skipping, seeking, etc due to licencing restrictions. Now thats not what I call "easy to use".

So vista too has "licencing restrictions" which you say is a problem with linux.

And not all DVD Drives come with a DVD Playing software. My Sony 18x IDE DVD Writer came with none.

If according to you, Vista has a DVD Playing capability out of box, then what about the things it has compromised ? Its dead slow. Its slower than Windows XP. And XP lacks a DVD player out of box. So in simple words, you loose something in each case.

And getting back to my point of speed, have you tried playing the same game in both Linux and Vista ? I have tried Urban Terror, in an unfragmented EXT3 Ubuntu, and an unfragmented NTFS XP. The former gave more frame rate and didn't hang like the later. Vista, is even more slower than XP. So I wonder what would happen in its case :roll:.


With Vista you can migrate the license 10 times after which u will need to call MS support. Is it really so hard to make a phone call?

Yes I was talking about XP, don't change the subject and talk about Vista. I do not want to upgrade to Vista to migrate more often.

Windows Vista has inbuilt support for DVD.

Please don't change the topic, I am talking about Windows XP.
[size=+1]Windows XP does not play DVDs out of the box.[/size]

If you are buying a DVD drive/writer/combo drive then u also get OEM edition of PowerDVD/WinDVD. Just install it (it's free) & play all the DVDs u want in WMP.

Not always, I got Power DVD bundled with my LiteOn DVD ROM two years back (digit offer), but none when I bought my LiteOn DVD Writer a few months back.


You gave been GXified
your windows DVD players, other than the FOSS ones don't support ad-skipping, seeking, etc due to licencing restrictions. Now thats not what I call "easy to use".

Now what to say....do try to play a DVD in WMP11 with PowerDVD OEM installed. I m saying to play in WMP not PowerDVD. WMP will simply use the PowerDVD codecs. Everything which u said don't work, works.

And not all DVD Drives come with a DVD Playing software. My Sony 18x IDE DVD Writer came with none.

Retail or OEM? OEM never comes with any software & is legally not supposed to be sold in the local computer market. Sorry, Piracy rules here.

If according to you, Vista has a DVD Playing capability out of box, then what about the things it has compromised ? Its dead slow. Its slower than Windows XP. And XP lacks a DVD player out of box. So in simple words, you loose something in each case.

Plz stick to the topic. Don't deviate. Vista is faster then XP on similar hardware if proper drivers are installed. On the dual core systems, Vista is faster then XP.
Now what to say....do try to play a DVD in WMP11 with PowerDVD OEM installed. I m saying to play in WMP not PowerDVD. WMP will simply use the PowerDVD codecs. Everything which u said don't work, works.

Retail or OEM? OEM never comes with any software & is legally not supposed to be sold in the local computer market. Sorry, Piracy rules here.

Plz stick to the topic. Don't deviate. Vista is faster then XP on similar hardware if proper drivers are installed. On the dual core systems, Vista is faster then XP.
1. but is wmp11 good ? it sucks big time. it takes ages to load/start. its bulky. its audio quality is poor.
2. I said no dvd playing software comes with my dvd writer.
3. don't deviate ? isn't your arguement about vista's superiority ? I said that linux is much more faster, secure and better looking. And most importantly, its geek friendly.


You gave been GXified
1. but is wmp11 good ? it sucks big time. it takes ages to load/start. its bulky. its audio quality is poor.

WMP11 is not made for Intel 810 chipset & p3 500 Mhz :p

2. I said no dvd playing software comes with my dvd writer.

It comes always with retail, but not with OEM sometimes

3. don't deviate ? isn't your arguement about vista's superiority ? I said that linux is much more faster, secure and better looking. And most importantly, its geek friendly.

Contact Vishal for tutorials about how to screw your Windows XP to make it work the way u want:D
WMP11 is not made for Intel 810 chipset & p3 500 Mhz :p
WMP11 sucks in my Intel 915 Chipset mobo and P4 2.66 GHz. And thats reason enough to tell that it is nothing compared to the likes of Xine, VLC, MPlayer, etc.
It comes always with retail, but not with OEM sometimes
Mine was a Retail, as I bought it from a Shop Indivudually, 2 years after buying system.
Contact Vishal for tutorials about how to screw your Windows XP to make it work the way u want:D
Been there, done that. I tried the VistaVGUltimate theme. I hate that new font vista themes use everywere. It looks ugly. And Windows XP needs to be hacked to support good looks, and is not customisable enough by default. On the other hand, in Linux, everything from the boot loader to the GUI has support(and even encouragement) for customisation out of box.

Windows Blinds is a paid software. Why should I pay for something that should have existed out of box for free ?

Even with my combo of Visual Tooltip, Object Dock, True Transparency, Thumbnail Preview and VistaVG Ultimate, all of them customised my windows XP comes nowhere close to my Ubuntu. Although I should say VistaVG Ultimate really did jazz up my system to a huge extent. Thanks Vishal :).


Wise Old Owl
@Metal, don't try to debate with gx. he never won't agree for Linux's stability, scalability, etc. he's a macboy
@Metal, don't try to debate with gx. he never won't agree for Linux's stability, scalability, etc.
Thats because he is determined to beleive that Windows is the worlds best OS as its used by a majority
he's a macboy
he's a macboy*i180.photobucket.com/albums/x31/trash609/yociexp115-1-1.gif Thats the most funny thing I have ever heard. He is highly antimac. He hates anything thats not from microsoft and windowsish. And he is anti *NIX. He thinks Apple did a moral mistake by making an OS that doesn't look like and act like windows.
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In the zone
I learn foxpro, wordstar in 1993- because I am an accountant till 2003 I have to work throu' all M$ avatars in my office system.. but never learnt what is computer or what is Operating systm.. simply worked like a Zambie..Even when I first purchased my own PC preinstalled Windows XP-in 2003 I didn't learnt anything except exell and Office applications..

But after the introduction to Linux my life wholly changed...
Because only when you think freedom, enjoy the freedom, and respect the others freedom..You can live like a true human being..
For me Linux is Not simply a OS it is a religion...thousands of years ago our forefathers of this land invented manythings..But never felt to kept themselves..they offer their knowledges wisdom to others freely so the mankind can live long ago..
If you can analysed the Harappan's civilisation they built a small rectangular stone beds along the corridor walls, to allow the travellers to rest their, if necessary feed them..Athithi deva bava hospitality grownwith everyone born in that great land..
But after, the foreigners overrun and ruled the land for century we all forget what freedom is..What hospitality is?.. We completley forget our cultures and still we are using the western based cultures as our own..Patent,License all of them are westernised not compatible to ours it is alien to ours..

It was only when Linux come ...i found out what i missed for years..It is not simply about freedom.. it teaches brotherhood..it teaches affection and love..When a person is crying thousands miles away, a hand far away land come to his side and help him..

Critic say Linux is ugly.. it is useless.. it don't worth it..But I don't mind it because when I eat a stalled and tasteless food that my wife served, I only think about her love for me ...Hotel food may be tasty but it invite trouble beside emply your pocket...

Thanks for all the folks and Praka for posting a good topic.. there are still i have hundreds popints why I love Linux, what I learnt from it.. but I fear I'll waste whole of the bandwith of the forum!!

thanks for all,
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