DSLR Dilemma......

The Incinerator

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
I realized this when using the 55-250 with the IS off on the Canon even at 200mm with little shake I was getting blurry images in daylight,but with IS on it was magic, but a borrowed Tripod did the best IS or not!:)


Grand Master
increnator just follow the rule...if u r using 200mm then 200*1.6*2 = 640 soo when using your lens at 200mm without IS see that you have a shutter speed of 1/640 and with IS you can handle at 1/320


Grand Master
mm I hope u understood why I multiplied it with 1.6 and 2 :D

1.6 is the crop factor of canon ..in case of nikon its 1.5 ...soo a 50mm lens have an angle of view of a 80mm and its said that you should have twice the shutter speed of focal length soo multiply it by 2
The Incinerator

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
The bad effect is now any photo Im clicking Im calculating in your formula first, Im getting obsessive with it, as the results are very good.


Grand Master
ha haha...at day time you dont need to calculate coz in most times you will get good shutter speed ...but just when sun starts to go down u need to consider the formula.


Grand Master
the work around ....one thing you can do is point to the brightest part of the subject ...if everything is too dark then use flash..

if u are trying for landscape use manual focus and long exposure.
The Incinerator

The Incinerator

Human Spambot

In live view the blinking flash dosnt fire up so that I can focus on the subject,but when Im off Live View and through the Viewfinder the flash fires three short blinks and then focuses and snaps on the image. Strange as to why it cant do the same thing in Live View.
The Incinerator

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
btw y are you even using live view :D

Nah,but its annoying to know that fault. This is why people pay more for a better body like the EOS 70D and thank you for suggesting me the 600D over the 1100D,god knwos what it would have been..!

Sometimes we find it inconvenient to focus through the VF like snapping Goddess ,an idol during a festival and moving in que in low light,this is where timing is crucial when you are at the sweet spot for a momrnt....i faced it....and then sone mirrorless guy asking WHY it takes sooo long.....aaarghh....
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Grand Master
ha ha ha yes you are right ..day before I too raised my dslr above to take the shot of godess at night aarti...it was soo crowded that composition using viewfinder is impossible
The Incinerator

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
Should I buy one of this as a lens cleaner?

Lenspen NLP-1 Original Lens Cleaner: Buy Online @ Rs.398/- | Snapdeal.com
Vanguard Ultra Lens Cleaner: Buy Online @ Rs.1010/- | Snapdeal.com


Grand Master
Yes I have the lens pen...its very useful...It have brush on one side and magnetic cleaner on other...I got it free with my bag
The Incinerator

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
Thought of posting some snaps here .... to give the whole thread and discussion a small conclusion or relativity....These photos do look far far better straight out of the camera without the compression and resize thats been done to them for the upload.No Post Processing done on any snap,because I havnt masterd that art yet :razz:






All shot with the Canon EOS600D with the Kit 55-250mm ISII Lens at 250mm without Tripod and on a very cloudy day!

A monochrome at 55mm using the 55-250mm at its shortest length just to prove its good at both end.Very Very good.

@ Sujoy thanks for the rule! :wink:
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