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Ambassador of Buzz
if anyone is interested in winning games we can try 3 roaming hero combo...we can start with Sven, Sand King and Crystal Maiden...cm will ward, sk wil buy smoke for ganks and sven will take the kills and get fat

so is anyone interested?


Why are allied bots such chutiyas? :x
suppose two bots are fighting enemy bots in one lane,Then i arrive spamming Drow's "Ice Arrow" ability on the creeps, all of a sudden my allied bots start doing what i like to call *glitched movement animation*
they don't attack enemy bots,apart from using their abilities once in a blue moon
then a skeleton king or juggernaut appears from nowhere and pwns my Drow :cry:

Well thats how the algorithm of bots are designed. At least I feel so... You should consider playing bots just to get the flow of the game along with the knowledge of various heroes abilities. Doesnt matter if you win or lose.

When are we playing?

1 question to you:
Why dont you reply back when we msg you on steam client?

if anyone is interested in winning games we can try 3 roaming hero combo...we can start with Sven, Sand King and Crystal Maiden...cm will ward, sk wil buy smoke for ganks and sven will take the kills and get fat

so is anyone interested?

Tomorrow is my last exam. And hopefully my net problem will be sorted out too. So consider me in tomorrow after 7 pm.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Why are allied bots such chutiyas? :x
suppose two bots are fighting enemy bots in one lane,Then i arrive spamming Drow's "Ice Arrow" ability on the creeps, all of a sudden my allied bots start doing what i like to call *glitched movement animation*
they don't attack enemy bots,apart from using their abilities once in a blue moon
then a skeleton king or juggernaut appears from nowhere and pwns my Drow :cry:

You can order allied bots into attacking the enemy. Press alt and click on the enemy hero and you bot will attack the other bot under any circumstances. You can try spamming alt-clicking for best results. But your bot might do a suicide maneuver, so be sure to assist it.

You can also order the bot to move to a location the same way by alt-clicking an empty space.


Steam High Templar
You can order allied bots into attacking the enemy. Press alt and click on the enemy hero and you bot will attack the other bot under any circumstances. You can try spamming alt-clicking for best results. But your bot might do a suicide maneuver, so be sure to assist it.

You can also order the bot to move to a location the same way by alt-clicking an empty space.

Thanks for the Tip :)


Steam High Templar

5 kills 4 assists 7 deaths
I'm improving :grin:
Our team lost :cry:
two nubs were just holed up in the home base :x
Me,a bloke playing dragon knight and phantom assasin were only ones attacking defending :oops:
@Piyush thanks for tips given in steam bro,I will use them in next match :)


WTF did ROX do ?:( I bet 2 rares for the first time as i thought it is going to be an easy win for ROX.And they lost badly to QPandas :(
Actually they are the only rares i got.May i know how to get more rares?I mean how many commons or uncommons should i give for 1 rare?


WTF did ROX do ?:( I bet 2 rares for the first time as i thought it is going to be an easy win for ROX.And they lost badly to QPandas :(
Actually they are the only rares i got.May i know how to get more rares?I mean how many commons or uncommons should i give for 1 rare?

Lost 4 rares in 1 bet here :'(


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Guys, only 12 more supporters needed for the Dota 2 Change.org petition to start a Dota 2 server in India. We have 88 supporters so far.

The link to the petition is in my signature.


5 kills 4 assists 7 deaths
I'm improving :grin:
Our team lost :cry:
two nubs were just holed up in the home base :x
Me,a bloke playing dragon knight and phantom assasin were only ones attacking defending :oops:
@Piyush thanks for tips given in steam bro,I will use them in next match :)

Not bad.

In case you didn't know, Sniper has the longest range of all heroes in the game. So long that you can take on towers from outside the towers range (when you max out the Take Aim skill, that is). So, keep your distance from all enemies and engage them from a distance. If you see that they are approaching you, retreat to the cover of your tower. Use your Ultimate (Assassinate) on retreating enemy heroes who are on low health to finish them off.


Steam High Templar
Guys, only 12 more supporters needed for the Dota 2 Change.org petition to start a Dota 2 server in India. We have 88 supporters so far.

The link to the petition is in my signature.

Not bad.

In case you didn't know, Sniper has the longest range of all heroes in the game. So long that you can take on towers from outside the towers range (when you max out the Take Aim skill, that is). So, keep your distance from all enemies and engage them from a distance. If you see that they are approaching you, retreat to the cover of your tower. Use your Ultimate (Assassinate) on retreating enemy heroes who are on low health to finish them off.

I do that always :grin:
Also,i found out shrapnel is good for towers,melee barracks and Ancients :twisted:

anyone know an effective way to farm "creatures"(the neutral monsters except creep) with sniper?


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
I do that always :grin:
Also,i found out shrapnel is good for towers,melee barracks and Ancients :twisted:

anyone know an effective way to farm "creatures"(the neutral monsters except creep) with sniper?

Two tips:-

Do not use assasinate on creeps.
Do not buy multiple boots.

Practice with bots, then again practice with bots and then again.

Read guides , watch videos, then go for public matchmaking.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I do that always :grin:
Also,i found out shrapnel is good for towers,melee barracks and Ancients :twisted:

anyone know an effective way to farm "creatures"(the neutral monsters except creep) with sniper?

I never use Shrapnel but that is personal preference.

Get Lifesteal (Morbid mask) and then attack the neutral creeps so that you can tank some of their damage. If you don't have lifesteal, you can hit-and-run, the creeps will follow you to a certain distance then retreat, repeat till they are all dead. But, as Sniper, I prefer to free farm on lane than farm NCs in the jungle, faster that way. Always try to take mid lane, this way you will get max gold and experience.


Steam High Templar
I never use Shrapnel but that is personal preference.

Get Lifesteal (Morbid mask) and then attack the neutral creeps so that you can tank some of their damage. If you don't have lifesteal, you can hit-and-run, the creeps will follow you to a certain distance then retreat, repeat till they are all dead. But, as Sniper, I prefer to free farm on lane than farm NCs in the jungle, faster that way. Always try to take mid lane, this way you will get max gold and experience.

Thanks for the tip :grin:
Like you said i farmed mid-lane,and i have to say,I hiked to lvl 10 in a short time :grin:
once sniper gets to lvl 10 he is awesome(all passives get maxed out,plus Assasinate is also unlocked)


btw this was also
MY FIRST WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :noob hysteria:
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