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Is the final today? when? Yesterday I forgot about c9 vs empire match. Anyway, rock also have the ticket. u can ping him also.

He pinged me...;)

We watched all the 4 matches :D

C9 just destroyed Team Empire :eek:
Will be a good final vs Navi...

Today is Alliance vs Team Empire for third place.


^ Life is getting busy :(

Been playing dota2 for a week though. All team games with my friends. Damn it is tough.


Ambassador of Buzz
team incomplete. people arent responding :(
You wanna come? we'll more than happy to have you in our team :)

instead of creating teams why don't we focus on playing 5 player strats like instense warding/ganking/babysitting the carry etc.....trust me you will have more fun playing this way..


Hardcore Gamer
instead of creating teams why don't we focus on playing 5 player strats like instense warding/ganking/babysitting the carry etc.....trust me you will have more fun playing this way..

Team Matchers will include all the above techniques/methods and we just dont do that in normal matches
I will be happy and will do the Support/gank/babysit if given chance


instead of creating teams why don't we focus on playing 5 player strats like instense warding/ganking/babysitting the carry etc.....trust me you will have more fun playing this way..

I try it as much as possible these days when playing support or ganker. Having trouble recently coz of new controls.


Ambassador of Buzz
Team Matchers will include all the above techniques/methods and we just dont do that in normal matches
I will be happy and will do the Support/gank/babysit if given chance

I try it as much as possible these days when playing support or ganker. Having trouble recently coz of new controls.

we should plan it out instead of picking some support randomly....how about we try a trilane with lifestealer....i will play ls and take every last hit, you guys need to just deny, ward the lane and harass the enemy herroes...


New controls ?? What new controls ??
Previously I had 123456 for items and QWERD for abilities and A for deny S for stop
Now it is: 1234R for abilities and QWEASD for items, X for stop and V for deny

we should plan it out instead of picking some support randomly....how about we try a trilane with lifestealer....i will play ls and take every last hit, you guys need to just deny, ward the lane and harass the enemy herroes...
I am all ready. I recently did a trilane with me as Naga and 2 supports. Funny thing was my LHs were being taken away from supports against Luna. CM and Jakiro. I didnt say anything to supports since I knew it was a GG already on paper.


If you were comfortable with previous then why did you change the controls ??

Its hard to reach num keys when you have more thn 3 active items. When playing hero like Lifestealer, Jakiro, Bounty, etc... its hard for me. I had 5-6 active items many times with Lifestealer and Jakiro


Living to Play
Its hard to reach num keys when you have more thn 3 active items. When playing hero like Lifestealer, Jakiro, Bounty, etc... its hard for me. I had 5-6 active items many times with Lifestealer and Jakiro

Yeah that is true. First I used to use WSAD for map navigation but now I use mouse for that and use QWER for skills and ZXCVBN for items. A for deny and s for stop, working for me although I always forget to use active items in heat of battle. Like When I am going to die I forget to use Magic wand, also due to DAO and other RPG I am used to Mouse controls so pressing KB buttons for Skills is new for me.
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