Bhargav Simha

try this line up sladar, treant, cm, weaver and warlock (as 3 position hero who farms) it should be pretty easy to stay alive and win late game.
I played 3 games with weaver yesterday and farmed radiance by 15 mins in all the 3 games but I lost 2 games because of noob feeders in my team
someone suggest a lineup where weaver can go mid and farm easily...i was thinking of warlock sven and some other supports...
so much fresh meat so little time
Do you play dota 2 too?
suggest me some carry heroes i mean new
i dont want Drow,sniper like gay heroes
and dont want traditional heroes like LS,OD ,PL ,Am (tournament picks)
alche is picked alot in tournament these days and Ck is great with support heroes..suggest me some more
diretide is updated
that roshan cannot be hexed or silenced but it can be stunned
means repeated stuns will finish the roshan in secs
suggest me some carry heroes i mean new
i dont want Drow,sniper like gay heroes
and dont want traditional heroes like LS,OD ,PL ,Am (tournament picks)
alche is picked alot in tournament these days and Ck is great with support heroes..suggest me some more
diretide is updated
that roshan cannot be hexed or silenced but it can be stunned
means repeated stuns will finish the roshan in secs
suggest me some carry heroes i mean new
i dont want Drow,sniper like gay heroes
and dont want traditional heroes like LS,OD ,PL ,Am (tournament picks)
alche is picked alot in tournament these days and Ck is great with support heroes..suggest me some more
diretide is updated
that roshan can be hexed and stunned but cant be silenced...
means repeated stuns will finish the roshan in secs
Silencer? is he a carry?
Yes. He's a pretty good carry cuz he gains free intelligence for kills and more intelligence = more damage. Plus his Glaives of wisdom can increase his dmg on the basis of his intelligence. But still he isn't a hard carry like FV, medusa etc.
You forgot the most important point. Pure Damage!
Well a simple AoE silence or Silencer himself can ruin the blink paradeI wonder what will happen if you're up against this team
Ice maiden(blink)
lets play today after 9 just like yesterday....want to play more mid weaver 15 min radiance![]()
lets play today after 9 just like yesterday....want to play more mid weaver 15 min radiance![]()