He wasn't noob but look at their team , I am sure they were feeder ...
Yea... a solo drow and rubick were always good meal for me
I also saw your game. Piyush some of those blind hooks were amazing. While I was watching you guys play, i was just thinking about your coordination; all cuz of last couple of matches.
@piyush yea m tat rampage! only. Sorry i was afk that time. So couldn't pick up tat call. I will surely play with you guys now. Its better to wait and play rather than playing with those malaysian noobs.
Btw can anyone teach me animation cancelling? And give me a guide for LS please.
Animation canceling? Ypu mean like magnus do and annoy the hell out of enemy team by animating and canceling his ulti? I've never tried. But when playing pudge if I think that my hook will miss I quickly move a lil so as to cancel my hook animation.
Guide on LS:
There are many guides simply because of the enemy draft.
--Mostly if you want to jungle then go for Tangos, Quellin blade and Stout shield. If laning, replace stout with 3 branches for a wand later.
--Now since Naix is slow in catching up to heroes get your simple boots first. You may want to upgrade it to either power treads or phase boots. I prefer phase so as to get extra speed and unit phase walking which is important in team fights.
--After getting simple boots, get your armlet asap. Most people think of making Midas, but let me tell you, if you areable to get your Midas complete before 8 mins mark, then it is useful otherwise you just filled up your slot with a not so important item. So its better to rush armlet first. I buy the helmet first from armlet components so as to gain hp regen and armor.
--After armlet complete your boots or if your team have some one with movt speed aura or movt speed bonus ability, then you can complete your boots later.
--Now this is the point where the game strategy divides. Now you can either go for straight hyperstone or make skull basher instead. I prefer buying hyperstone since it will help you in rage+ open wounds combo along with the active armlet. You may want to complete hyperstone to either mjollnir or AC. Go for AC if enemy have more physical dmg heroes. And make mjollnir if enemy have some illusion making heroes as mjollnir passive chain lightning will help you. Also its active charge around Naix help in close combat.
--So all naix need is boots, armlet , hyperstone and skull basher. If you have further gold to spend, then upgrade your SB to Abyssal blade. Some people prefer spending on a Reaver just to gain extra HP so as to annoy them more.
Some other builds which I made simply because of particular enemy draft.
-- A team with many disablers will make your rage look not enough. In that case make a BKB
--I once made phase boots, Drums and SnY after armlet because enemy had venomancer, abaddon, Viper. So movt speed was useful.
--Once I also made an Orchid because enemy had a storm spirit and no one in my team had a silence/disable ability. That item helped me a lot.
--And long time back I made a satanic just to troll the enemy team