Anyone gonna try 10 man stack for diretide?
want to play the most annoying weaver? check this game...died only once cause of venomancer's ulti but it was a very satisfying game
the trick is to go mid and farm radiance by 15 mins...20 mins max and start ganking...with radiance aura, swarm and weavers 3rd skill almost instant kill any hero....but if the mid lane is tough try to gank and get farm or just go with regular linkens sphere...the main key here is that you should be able to last hit almost every creep in mid lane and get radiance by 15 mins...i want someone to try this and post here about the game...
Tried this, got a 11min 30sec radiance and owned everyone
Steam Community :: Screenshot :: 11:30mins radianceDD
Tips for slardar pls to help me get moar kills
This is what i do
skill 1>attack hero>skill 2(AoE stun) but the enemy hero is already out of skill 2's range
always i end up 1/2/10 or 3/2/15.
I have got pissed off now. I'm getting matchmaked with such shitty players, who don't know what does a carry means.
Everyone blames each other like hell. All people from Malaysia and Singapore are retards. I'm shifting to any other server than SEA. PLease suggest me a server where good players can be found.
This game, I was PA. In the start, I thought pudge is a good player cuz of his cosmetic items like he had an immortal hook and other stuffs. But he came out to be a true noob. He was hooking me deliberately as I called him noob. No 1 was at out bot lane. Brood and Doom both were fighting for jungles. Clinkz wasn't going bot.
Please help me. M thinking of leaving Dota after seeing last few games.