BIOS Terminator
Make sure you post this in
they may fix this in tomorrow's mico-update
Have done that on the github issues page for Dota 2... Lets see.
Make sure you post this in
they may fix this in tomorrow's mico-update
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Inside Gaming Awards 2013
how to kill roshan?---------Source:Click here
Dota 2 Update - November 15th, 2013
- Increased the drop rate of special rewards given for killing higher levels of Roshan to 33% per level.
When you start Sugar Rush (Phase 2):
- All heroes are upgraded to level 25.
- Your gold now counts up at 1000/sec.
- Pudge's Flesh Heap is reset to 1.
- The timer to fight Roshan doesn't start until he either takes damage or 5 minutes have elapsed.
how to kill roshan?
Simple, get enough flesh heap stacks on Pudge to make him kill roshan in around 5 hits (not including crits). Because face it, the stacks needed to one-shot roshan is FIVE TIMES the amount needed to five-shot him, and since you can just stack attack speed through items, those four extra hits (again not including crits) are only going to take one or two more seconds of bashing.
Core assumptions * Diretide isn't on a timer * Flesh heap stacks infinitely * Extending the game past the 20 minute mark doesn't start the hall of fame counter
Roshan 80 armor (type: heavy) - 62 from items and abilities = 18 150,000 HP (312,500 EHP after armor reductions)
HEROES AND TEAMS Team 1 Team 2 Pudge DMG Bloodseeker +dmg buff Venge -armor/+dmg aura Shadow fiend -armor Magnus +dmg buff Templar assassin -armor Wisp +atk speed Slardar -armor Tinker perma HEX Alchemist -armor
Auras Minus armor: 5 venge, 20 slardar, 6 SF, 8 TA, 6 medallion, 5 cuirass, 6 deso, 6 alchemist Bonus damage: 120% bloodseeker, 36% venge, 30% wolf, 50% magnus, 100% DD rune = 336%
Let's say Team 1 is radiant and Team 2 is dire. Everyone on the dire team will remain lvl 1 throughout the game so that Pudge can farm flesh heap as fast as possible (hero lvl 1 = 5 second respawn timer, 5 heroes on 5 second respawn timer ~ 1 kill every second = 60 kills á minute = 3600 kills á hour = 6480 (3600*1.8) strength from flesh heap á hour).
Farming heroes for three hours would result in 3*6480 = 19440 bonus strength as BASE DAMAGE. If we then add the bonus damage modifiers which is 120% from bloodrage, 36% from venge aura, 50% from magnus empower, 30% from wolf aura and if possible, 100% from a DD rune, then that adds up to 336% extra damage. That results in 19,440 * 4.36 = 84758.4 damage per auto attack. With roshans armor down to 18 this results in a 52% damage reduction, making his EHP (effective hit points) 312,500.
With ~85,000 damage per auto attack and ~313,000 EHP on rosh, this would result in 4 hits to kill, and that is not factoring in that if you crit on one of the first two hits, he dies in two hits.
Source:Click here
When you start Sugar Rush (Phase 2): - All heroes are upgraded to level 25. - Your gold now counts up at 1000/sec. - Pudge's Flesh Heap is reset to 1. - The timer to fight Roshan doesn't start until he either takes damage or 5 minutes have elapsed.
1. The article you linked is 1 year ago, that means for previous diretide. Last year it was different. You have to kill roshan only once, and the lowest time achiever got into hall of fame. This year it is every time you kill roshan he will respawn with next level and increased health. And the circle goes untill the timer is up. The team go highest level will get into hall of fame.
2. The strategy iG took were they were playing 10 man party, one side picked squishy magical damage dealers, so they can feed pudge other side they picked Pudge(due to fresh leap), Magnus(Cleave) Troll(Attack speed and Bash) Veng (Aura) Bloodseeker(Increased damage for pudge).
3. Some strategy. they used Abbaddon to tank roshan. Pudge made 2bfurry + Magnus cleave = more than 100% cleave damage, pudge and magnus were attacking abbadon instead of roshan. so that the roshan get the increased damage from cleave plus cleave ignores roshan's massive armor.
Now they fixed the pudge fresh leap.
So no more feed pudge![]()
How is that possible
How is that possible
pm me if you guys are playing lobby
Lobby bachchaa
Two 5 man party, all of them start searching at the same time. So there is a chance of getting matched against each other. If they see the Accept Decline at same time they accept, otherwise they decline.
Good news for you. They added strange pudge hook with modifier like invisible hook, fresh leap count etc .