Do you own a desktop?

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Training To Beat Goku
Buddy, we are buying it for gaming, not for getting wow factor in college.

Really? An outdated i7 2700K still has more horse power than a latest 4th gen extreme high end i7 4900MQ laptop GPU. So instead of spending $1400 in every two years,spend $400 on average to get a new GPU in every two year....does it sounds too dumb to you? And you are just saying upgrade is possible, why are you not considering the cost involving to update it? Spending $1400 in every two year to get a new laptop which still lags on performance when compared to a 2 years old Desktop configuration .... idon't think is a good idea.

he's just saying that it is possible, there is and maybe will never be logic behind that. its just a possibility
and if one can afford, then why not?

we all played a few rounds of CS

you guys bought those laptops to just play cs in a lan party?


just wow dude :D,ur points are not fully valid :p
there are laptops better than mid range desktops too
for eg a laptop i5(M-series) is roughly equivalent than a desktop i3
heres an interesting link for this subject
ohh and check out the 2500k and the 3630qm benchmarks

1) you are comparing an entire generation gap worth of benchmark.. sandy bridge vs ivy bridge and that too an i7 vs an i5..
2) Even then, the sandy bridge desktop cpu wins because of it's price/performance ratio, also note the laptops the processor itself ships with, they must be super high end most likely costing 1 lakh plus.. at a 1 lakh budget, no sane person would go for a i5 2500k..
3) You yourself said benchmarks mean nothing, so why counter your own point ? (again)
4) No one plays LAN Party anymore.. its not 2003, ask all the veteran gamers in TDF, everythings online now, league of legends, Dota 2, BF3, .. that is how multiplayer is meant to be played, not hauling your ass to a friend's house to enjoy a few rounds of tdm.. that is the reason very few newer games support LAN functionaliyy


Cyber Genius FTW
I guess most people consider the monitor to be a part of their desktop system. I might be wrong though. Whereas everyone who has a laptop and wishes to game on a large screen, may not have access to one. A 40"+ 1080p TV doesn't come cheap.

well thats a different story but yet any display that can be connected to a desktop can be connected to a laptop as well

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he's just saying that it is possible, there is and maybe will never be logic behind that. its just a possibility
and if one can afford, then why not?

you guys bought those laptops to just play cs in a lan party?

no read the post again, i havent lost it :D
one of our friends had a netbook (and a good desktop at home) so we payed a few rounds of cs so he doesnt feel left out
we played crisis 1 and blur as well
the buying alienwares to play 1.6 would have made an epic tech joke though :lol:
u got my point about the laptop gpu thing correctly though :)
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1) you are comparing an entire generation gap worth of benchmark.. sandy bridge vs ivy bridge and that too an i7 vs an i5..
2) Even then, the sandy bridge desktop cpu wins because of it's price/performance ratio, also note the laptops the processor itself ships with, they must be super high end most likely costing 1 lakh plus.. at a 1 lakh budget, no sane person would go for a i5 2500k..
3) You yourself said benchmarks mean nothing, so why counter your own point ? (again)
4) No one plays LAN Party anymore.. its not 2003, ask all the veteran gamers in TDF, everythings online now, league of legends, Dota 2, BF3, .. that is how multiplayer is meant to be played, not hauling your ass to a friend's house to enjoy a few rounds of tdm.. that is the reason very few newer games support LAN functionaliyy

wyat??what u smoking man? learn to READ before posting
u countered ur own point!! it proves that ur sandy bridge $1000 pc will be beaten by a "mere" ivy bridge laptop worth $800 so desktops get outdated fast is what u are saying
benchmarks differ for real world performance yes but it was to prove a point, nevertheless it shows even in real world performance they should be equal on stock speeds and similiar ram etc
lan parties are outdated? how old are u?u complained about ur 512kbps connection previously
though i play on lan and online i have a 25mbps connection
fewer games support lan?? seriously man ur fighting a lost battle and are trying to make points to counter the "laptopfanboys" (this time im a different fanboy right)
u mad bro?:D :p

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Ever heard of Gameranger mate ;)

heard of network lag mate ;)
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Live to die another day
1) you are comparing an entire generation gap worth of benchmark.. sandy bridge vs ivy bridge and that too an i7 vs an i5..
2) Even then, the sandy bridge desktop cpu wins because of it's price/performance ratio, also note the laptops the processor itself ships with, they must be super high end most likely costing 1 lakh plus.. at a 1 lakh budget, no sane person would go for a i5 2500k..
3) You yourself said benchmarks mean nothing, so why counter your own point ? (again)
4) No one plays LAN Party anymore.. its not 2003, ask all the veteran gamers in TDF, everythings online now, league of legends, Dota 2, BF3, .. that is how multiplayer is meant to be played, not hauling your ass to a friend's house to enjoy a few rounds of tdm.. that is the reason very few newer games support LAN functionaliyy
Pretty sure that benchmark used the 2500k at stock speeds.. once over clocked it should reach same or better performance...


Superhuman Spambot
I am still clueless why some people are trying to compare desktop performance with laptop performance. These 2 are in completely different leagues. A laptop can never come near a desktop in the same budget in terms of performance.
While this may look good on paper, desktops have absolutely ZERO mobility. You can't move your @$$ and decide to play somewhere else. You are restricted and bound by shackles to play at the same place.


Cyber Genius FTW
I am still clueless why some people are trying to compare desktop performance with laptop performance. These 2 are in completely different leagues. A laptop can never come near a desktop in the same budget in terms of performance.
While this may look good on paper, desktops have absolutely ZERO mobility. You can't move your @$$ and decide to play somewhere else. You are restricted and bound by shackles to play at the same place.


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Pretty sure that benchmark used the 2500k at stock speeds.. once over clocked it should reach same or better performance...

yeah but not everyone overclocks right, some are faint of heart


In the zone
While this may look good on paper, desktops have absolutely ZERO mobility. You can't move your @$$ and decide to play somewhere else. You are restricted and bound by shackles to play at the same place.

AFAIK majority of the gamers don't need the mobility factor for gaming.

btw when you say you need mobility, where exactly do you intend to play ?


I own a desktop. I don't intend to buy a laptop in the near future, I don't really need mobility.
I feel more comfortable using a desktop than a laptop.


Jesus Christ! This is a ridiculous thread. I'm not sleeping right? I mean I'm awake and I'm reading this type of comment?

The only disadvantage a desktop impose is someone's inability to upgrade at a timely manner and the patience needed to put together the rig by yourself.

Whoever even thought about comparing a desktop and a bloody laptop, well :facepalm:

We who have a desktop, and always will have one over a crap laptop (by crap I mean Alienware and those kinds) are serious people, who don't go to college to show off others look I've this, or game while moving ( seriously people game when they are moving :O ) but game seriously, I mean in a fixed place, a serious gamer doesn't dance while playing or move the set up at a different place, or the professionals, who edit tons of videos and all those kinds.

I see why laptop is being preferred by kids :cool: Stay within what you like, discuss about it at length, I don't care, but don't even try to compare something serious with a piece of joke, I beg you.


:lol: +1


this thread is about to get locked IMHO.. :twisted:
btw, i own a mid-high range for indians laptop and an average desktop, and all this discussion can be concluded in one sentence:
"Laptop for portability, desktop for power. If you have money, why don't you buy both mf.." :p


a ga!ming laptop is meant for gaming. it is portable but very heavy. sure playing with your mates sitting next to you is wayy better than just hearing their vpice over the headset. you can always kick him if he was sitting next to you amd killed you in a deathmatch. :D

but no, real gamers play on desktops and some of them have gaming laptops for show.

for starters, notebook keyboard is not ergonomic at all.
you cannot play an fps with a touchpad
so called laptop gamers connect a monitor/tv+kb+mouse to their laptop and then game. essentially making their "laptop" a desktop.

i dont care anyway. i used to be pc gamer, been there, done that, **** pc and pc games, consoles ftw!!! :D

consoles are made for games- dont like it, go cry to your mama ok.

summary=fastest gaming laptop<fastest gaming pc
for portability=most portable notebook>most portable desktop
most regular consumer notebooks are not upgradable beyond mempory and hdd upgrade. all desktop apart from all in one desktops and some oem ones are upgradable in almost all aspects.

so, desktop wins performance and upgrade war and laptop wins portability war


The Slowest One
Whenever I imagine myself playing game like a hardcore gamer, always imagined on PC or console, not in laptop. If you want to game, get desktop.
Who started the comparison between laptop and desktop for games?


In the Zone
If you want to game, get a freaking console. Its better if you really care about the performance and graphics in the games. PC gets outdated in less than a year for new games even if you spend triple the amount you might spend on a console.


well thats a different story but yet any display that can be connected to a desktop can be connected to a laptop as well

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no read the post again, i havent lost it :D
one of our friends had a netbook (and a good desktop at home) so we payed a few rounds of cs so he doesnt feel left out
we played crisis 1 and blur as well
the buying alienwares to play 1.6 would have made an epic tech joke though :lol:
u got my point about the laptop gpu thing correctly though :)
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wyat??what u smoking man? learn to READ before posting
u countered ur own point!! it proves that ur sandy bridge $1000 pc will be beaten by a "mere" ivy bridge laptop worth $800 so desktops get outdated fast is what u are saying
benchmarks differ for real world performance yes but it was to prove a point, nevertheless it shows even in real world performance they should be equal on stock speeds and similiar ram etc
lan parties are outdated? how old are u?u complained about ur 512kbps connection previously
though i play on lan and online i have a 25mbps connection
fewer games support lan?? seriously man ur fighting a lost battle and are trying to make points to counter the "laptopfanboys" (this time im a different fanboy right)
u mad bro?:D :p

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heard of network lag mate ;)

you are such a dork :lol: Cilus gave up, Harshil gave up and now I give up.. Talking to a wall makes more sense than you do :lol:


Superhuman Spambot
Consoles lose in resolution.
and FPS games with a controller.............ewwwwww!!

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you are such a dork :lol: Cilus gave up, Harshil gave up and now I give up.. Talking to a wall makes more sense than you do :lol:

Cilus was way too ignorant about laptops to even have valid arguments imo.


Staff member
And soon this thread gets the love of lock.

On topic:
I like the gaming on big screen and pure performance. Desktop at home.

Laptop when I am away from home.


Cyber Genius FTW
you are such a dork :lol: Cilus gave up, Harshil gave up and now I give up.. Talking to a wall makes more sense than you do :lol:

well we all know who is off topic all the time
u should have given up on the internet instead of going to everything i post and put baseless arguements and start a tech war in the forums
one more time u do this , i swear i will report ur sad , i know ur game believe me
stick to the topic

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Brace yourselves: console vs PC posts are coming.
Rushes to grab popcorn

lol if that happens we previous posters will be on the same side!! :lol:

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Consoles lose in resolution.
and FPS games with a controller.............ewwwwww!!

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Cilus was way too ignorant about laptops to even have valid arguments imo.

exactly my thoughts!! :D
though i feel a disturbance in the force like console and pc people getting ready to fight unless this gets locked which it should soon imho :D
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