CPU/Chipset News

^^ Nvidia has already done it :p


Read on the review : *www.legitreviews.com/article/708/1/
There is a difference between what nVidia did and what's in store for us in the coming years. nVidia needed you to use IGP and DGP from SAME COMPANY in SAME FAMILY for their hybrid power to work. I'm talking about using Intel's ODGP with a HD5770 or GTX360. You need to switch drivers each time you wish to turn off the main GPU but its worth the effort when you see the power saved.
Intel Drops Larrabee GPU Plans

Intel has announced that it will dump its plans to launch discrete GPU codenamed Larrabee. As of now, both AMD and Nvidia will be happy to hear that no consumer version of Larrabee graphics chips would be out. Intel spokesperson Nick Knupffer justified this move by stating that Larrabee's silicon and software development was lagging behind than where it was assumed to be at this point in the project.


ROFL, and I was hoping that Larrabee would atleast LAUNCH, if not become competitively successful.

Even Intel's Core i3 on die GPUs are EPIC FLOPs in a way. They have just 150% the performance of existing GMA X4500HD IGPs bringing them to the level of 790GX HD3300 GPUs and thats about it.

No wonder AMD decided to postpone Fusion, since they want atleast dedicated desktop lower mid-end GPU level performance on the Fusion's GPU core.


Back to school!!
Intel debuts 48-core processor

Intel has debuted an experimental 48-core processor that could help revolutionize the future design of laptops, PCs and servers.

Indeed, the next-generation chip boasts approximately 10 to 20 times the processing engines found inside today's most popular Intel Core-branded CPUs.

The 48-core processor also features a high-speed on-chip network to facilitate the rapid sharing of information.

In addition, the chip includes new power management techniques that allow all cores to operate at 25 watts (idle), or at 125 watts when running at maximum performance.

According to Intel, future laptops powered by 48-core processors are likely to be capable of "vision" - or sensing - in the same way a human can see objects and motion in real-time.

"Imagine, for example, someday interacting with a computer for a virtual dance lesson or on-line shopping that uses a future laptop's 3-D camera and display to show you a 'mirror' of yourself wearing the clothes you are interested in. Twirl and turn and watch how the fabric drapes and how the color complements your skin tone," Intel explained in a statement.

"This kind of interaction could eliminate the need of keyboards, remote controls or joysticks for gaming. Some researchers believe computers may even be able to read brain waves, so simply thinking about a command, such as dictating words, would happen without speaking."

Although Intel conceded that programming processors with a large number of multiple cores was a definite "challenge," it noted that researchers have already begun porting cloud applications using a Java software framework known as Hadoop.

Additional chip specs include:

1. Intelligent cores - The concept chip features a high-speed network between cores to efficiently share information and data. This technique provides a significant improvement in communication performance and energy efficiency over today's datacenter model, as data packets are only required to move millimeters on a single chip instead of tens of meters to another computer system.

2. Software acceleration - Application software can use this network to quickly pass information directly between cooperating cores in a matter of microseconds, significantly reducing the need to access data in slower off-chip system memory. Applications can also dynamically manage exactly which cores are to be used for a given task at a given time, matching the performance and energy needs to the demands of each.

3. Core execution - Related tasks can be executed on nearby cores, passing results directly from one to the next as in an assembly line to maximize overall performance.

4. Core control - Software control is extended with the ability to manage voltage and clock speed. Cores can be turned on and off, thereby lowering or increasing performance levels and power consumption.


Bond, Desi Bond!
17 new Intel processors in first week of January

source: *news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-10417450-64.html

As reported previously, Intel said it will roll out new Intel Core i processors on January 7 at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, including the new i3 chip. These will be based on 32-nanometer technology for the first time. The smaller the geometry, the faster and more power-efficient the processor. Intel's main CPU processors are currently based on 45-nanometer technology.


Aspiring Novelist
Dual power mode I guess... Future drivers are expected to allow switching between graphics processing units WITHOUT rebooting the system and perhaps for reducing power consumption your HD5870 could be turned off when idle and control transfered to CPU.

Yes, that makes sense. But today do not the GPUs auto-down clock to 2D mode, and power consumption drastically comes down. Usually its IGP or discrete, if discrete is mounted, the IGP is forgotten forever.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Guys it seems INTEL will release their Core i3 processors at lower prices...here's a review:



Broken In
i am up to buying an AMD Phenom 2 X4 965 BE
is it a right choice???
please do suggest a motherboard (upto 10k)...
Should one prefer DDR2 over DDR3???


i am up to buying an AMD Phenom 2 X4 965 BE
is it a right choice???
please do suggest a motherboard (upto 10k)...
Should one prefer DDR2 over DDR3???
There is a C3 stepping for the processor which has 125W TDP. The standard on has 140W TDP and is not worth buying. Get the C3 stepping. Else, best bet for you would be to get a 955BE and OC it to 3.4GHz from the stock 3.2GHz. Mobo: GA-MA785GMT-US2H or UD2H @ 5.5k.

For raw performance, core i5 is a better choice, but you will have to buy a graphics card as well, which you need not with AMD. What is your purpose with this rig? Give us your existing config, budget for new config and why you are buying. As for the other query, DDR3 is the way to go.

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

Also, please post queries in the correct thread. Go to Hardware QnA section and post in one of the threads there called latest hardware prices and quotes.

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------

Or, better is the basic guide to purchase a new system thread


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
^Why does Intel always win? No power in AMD?

Dude i think u didnt even read the conclusion...it clearly states that while INTEL is faring well, AMD is the better way to go for performance, 4 cores(real :p), unlockable 4th core for X3s and much lower price...

i am up to buying an AMD Phenom 2 X4 965 BE
is it a right choice???
please do suggest a motherboard (upto 10k)...
Should one prefer DDR2 over DDR3???
Phenom II X4 965 C3 125W @ 9.3k

MSI 790GX-G65 AM3 @ 6.9k
Asus M4A785TD-V EVO @ 6.7k

Corsair 4GB DDR3 1600MHz C9 Titanium @ 5.8k

There u go DDR3 is the future now


^That MSI board is the one which should be in bold. The ASUS board is much much inferior to it excluding the IGP.


MSI board: 790GX chipset > 785G. MSI board is better overclocker. ASUS board supports CF in x4 mode :duh: :lol:, whereas the obviously better MSI board supports it in x8 mode. Also, ASUS is RMA'ed (after sales service) by Rashi Peripherals, which has given problems to many. MSI RMA is handled by Digilink, which is not excellent, but nowhere as bad as ASUS's Rashi. Now poof!

Apple Juice

Broken In
MSI board: 790GX chipset > 785G. MSI board is better overclocker. ASUS board supports CF in x4 mode :duh: :lol:, whereas the obviously better MSI board supports it in x8 mode. Also, ASUS is RMA'ed (after sales service) by Rashi Peripherals, which has given problems to many. MSI RMA is handled by Digilink, which is not excellent, but nowhere as bad as ASUS's Rashi. Now poof!
^^ correctly said..!!! :cool:


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Core i5 reviews::-






Broken In
thanks for replying...
Except for wattage, any technical difference in 965 and 955 BE?

what abt MSI NF980-G65

Corsair 4GB 1600 FSB, that means i have to Overclock, will this my warranty of mobo/RAM/CPU???


Make Way the LORD is Here
More Core i5 reviews

part 1

part 2


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
MSI board: 790GX chipset > 785G. MSI board is better overclocker. ASUS board supports CF in x4 mode :duh: :lol:, whereas the obviously better MSI board supports it in x8 mode. Also, ASUS is RMA'ed (after sales service) by Rashi Peripherals, which has given problems to many. MSI RMA is handled by Digilink, which is not excellent, but nowhere as bad as ASUS's Rashi. Now poof!
i never said that the MSI 790GX is bad...i only said the 785G EVO is good too
but i think u drew some other conclusions which u have a habit of..
u simply have habit of "caw-cawing" too much..
MSI board is better overclocker.
and about OC:-


The M4A785TD-V took our X2 550 sample to new limits. We had no difficulty achieving a maximum core clock speed of about 4036MHz for more than a 900Mhz increase. Thanks to ASUS’ great LLC implementation, vCORE values were rock solid and accurate. This certainly helped to squeeze every last MHz out of the processor. We achieved a very similar overclock with our higher-end MSI 790FX-GD70, but couldn’t quite break 4GHz with it. There is no doubt in our minds that cooling and the CPU itself are the limiting factors at this point, not the M4A785TD-V EVO.
i think this board is a great Overclocker..

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