[Complaint] Cheated by Viewsonic - Resolved by Digit

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Democracy is a myth
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

I don't have a digicam or mobile phone equipped with camera .. so it will not be possible for me to send a screenshot of the monitor ... what should I do ??

If u've any friend who has a mobile cam, ask him/her to take some shots on ur behalf.

Download pics in his/her pc (obviously) and then there u r having the necessary screenshots.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

ViewSonic should provide on-site warranty like others.....:evil:

Yup, that is what they should do ....

If u've any friend who has a mobile cam, ask him/her to take some shots on ur behalf.

Download pics in his/her pc (obviously) and then there u r having the necessary screenshots.

BTW, somehow managed to send a image to them but I am shocked by their reply :

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank You for contacting ViewSonic India Technical Support.

After studying your case deeply and verifying all the technical specification of the products, we have come to this conclusion that the black patches/spot that appeared on the screen is a result of misuse, external pressure e.g. touching small dot(s) on LCD screens or physical damage and is not covered under warranty.

All such problems basically come up due to mishandling. Such cases do not fall within the scope of ViewSonic.

This is equally disappointing and unfortunate for us and we deeply regret for the same.

Now tell me what should I do with those ****ing cheaters ???
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Point Blanc
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

I knew what they would say, I know about this, I have screwed my laptop screen.

many a times in long usage it happens, certainly because of some pressure point which gets the inside liquid come out. now if the liquid comes out whether physical damage or not they will always say physical damage.

---------- Post added at 09:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------

tell them there is not physical damage or any physical pressure spots showing up in the screen. But I know they wont consider it.
my laptop screen has got two pressure spots, through which all it started.

Now they are cheaters because they will never send someone to check it, and if they wont send someone nothing is going to happen.


Democracy is a myth
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

Simply ask them, threating that, how can they just analyze an image and come to such conclusion. They better at least check the monitor physically or get ready to hear from your lawyer, then they have to prove in court that the issue is due to mis-use.


Back to school!!
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

Yup, that is what they should do ....

BTW, somehow managed to send a image to them but I am shocked by their reply :

Now tell me what should I do with those ****ing cheaters ???
Its obvious they don't want to rma it for you, so you can either call them repeatedly or just go to consumer complaint forum, if nothing works out buy a samsung/lg lcd for 6.5k.


Retired Forum Mod
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

Its obvious they don't want to rma it for you, so you can either call them repeatedly or just go to consumer complaint forum, if nothing works out buy a samsung/lg lcd for 6.5k.

yah, visit a consumer complain center or forum. hope it works out that way.


Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

/off topic- bro krow where have you been roosting all these days:razz:
Real life got really hectic, so was not able to give TDF much time. Anyway, now I will have a little more time for TDF. :)
welcome bak krowman.
Thanks. :)

Its obvious they don't want to rma it for you, so you can either call them repeatedly or just go to consumer complaint forum, if nothing works out buy a samsung/lg lcd for 6.5k.
I would suggest that topgear should try and attach the image that he mailed them here first.

Before consumer courts, one last option would be to try and get in touch with some senior person at Viewsonic. Harrow them as much as you can. If not, then Consumer Court is the last resort.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

Don't think me as a dumb ... I know that as the warranty is near it's
ending period ( around 5 months left ) you are not willing to resolve
this problem.

And there is no external pressure or mishandling is involved with
those black spots . I've been using this monitor for 2 years and 7
months ( with perfect care for the monitor ) without any kind of

First some backlight bleeding issue occurred with the monitor ( at the
bottom part ) but as it is not harming my works I was not so
interested about RMA but one fine morning all these black spots has
started to appear.

The top part black spots appeared on 13th mar 2010 ( first it was a
tiny triangle and that it became to a large circle !! ) and the
bottom part black spot appeared on 17 th Mar 2010. And there is still
some backlight bleeding ( white spots ) on the monitor.

The reason I can think about this is the panel inside is slowly dying
and the dead pixels are growing increasingly inside the monitor and
huge number of dead pixels surely and backlight bleeding issue is
covered under warranty ...

Now I feel like completely cheated by buying viewsonic monitors - I've
3 of them in total - last 2 was bough on 2008 and I'm very much
worried about their warranties too as you will call any kind of
warranty claim as " mishandling or misuse"

I'm sorely disappointed and frustrated and I have left all the hopes
with your warranty service .......

I hope you may understand the right picture, honor your "valued" customers and send in some technician who will check the monitor physically and resolve the issue or give me a address of your service center in west bengal ( near kolkata ) so that I can take the monitor there ...


Thanks for replying guys ..... your replies always encourages me :p

My parents won't let me lodge a complaint in consumer forum ..... and it's very time consuming too ..

They have not even replied the mail that I've sent yesterday .... so this time it's looks like the cheaters actually won the game this time ...

But, I've some other resources ... thinking of contacting them and see if they can help out ....

Here's the pic :


---------- Post added at 06:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 AM ----------

I knew what they would say, I know about this, I have screwed my laptop screen.

many a times in long usage it happens, certainly because of some pressure point which gets the inside liquid come out. now if the liquid comes out whether physical damage or not they will always say physical damage.

---------- Post added at 09:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------

tell them there is not physical damage or any physical pressure spots showing up in the screen. But I know they wont consider it.
my laptop screen has got two pressure spots, through which all it started.

Now they are cheaters because they will never send someone to check it, and if they wont send someone nothing is going to happen.

Are you talking about Viewshit ( new name for viewsonic ) laptop ??
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Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

In chess there's a basic principle that says "The Threat is always greater than the Execution." . Although you might have been advised to not lodge a complaint in consumer court it does not mean that you can issue a statement to the company and to their management showing that you are definitely willing to pursue that option.

Also when you opt to take this method you need to do everything the right way. When the Support Center said that the problem was due to negligence then you should make sure that they give it to you in writing. That's right , get whatever they say in writing from the Manager or whoever.

Try to see if you can get through the First level of support and manage to get yourself to speak with someone worthwhile in Viewsonic itself. Make sure describe the situation properly to them and do not take no as an answer.


I've never gone beyond the following step here. usually the management of whatever companies product I have a problem with does the needful and generally gets my problem resolved. However if they still don't you could probably send the details to other forums, Tech Magazines , Websites and promise a multitude of bad publicity. At this point you are basically threatening the company with whatever means you have. You would be amazed at what bad media can do to the sales of a product.

I can't guarantee that you will get justice but what I can guarantee that you will at least get the satisfaction that you tried your best to get what you deserved. And on the bright side you probably influenced the decision of alot of New LCD Monitor purchases here.


Point Blanc
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

naah its an HP laptop, and it certainly was my fault not handling it properly. But it certainly is different for a LCD where you do not close the lid what we do incase of laptop

The reason I can think about this is the panel inside is slowly dying
and the dead pixels are growing increasingly inside the monitor and
huge number of dead pixels surely and backlight bleeding issue is
covered under warranty ...
Rest of the part is appropriate, instead of getting angry and just shouting for the sake of shouting showing frustration you have put your words properly. And as expected people in general avoid going to consumer forums.

as others said try getting some senior fellow's contact. And seriously it is their unwillingness to honor the warranty, not mattering whether it is 5 months or 2 years.

you have put it most appropriately. instead of this being a real physical damage or mis-handling it is the dead-pixels growing up panel coming to its death.

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

Corporate contact information
ViewSonic Technologies India Pvt Ltd.
Unit No.2, 3 & 4 (Ground Floor),
Tribhuvan Complex,
Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road,
New Delhi - 110065
Tel: +91-11-42603195-97

if someone from delhi is willing to help you it would be nice, they can manually go to their office with the written complaint.


Democracy is a myth
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

@OP, dude, u can consult Freashseason, he used to be a lawyer once. At least he can advice u what u can actually do and how to approach...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

Mailed them - but there is no response :

Just told them though I don't want to be this way they are compelling me to go here :


All I want is a repair or replacement of this faulty product of mine which is still under warranty. I've even asked them for the address of a local service center ... but they are unwilling to even provide that.

@ FilledVoid - Will try my best to spread this ... thinking of posting it in my blog

@ acewin - I think their higher authority is also unwilling to provide support as well but if someone in this forum is really willing to help out I can provide the necessary infos.

@ rhitwick - If needs be I will contact him .... thanks for let me know about him.

I've noticed 1 thing : ever since viewsonic products ( read LCD monitors ) became unavailable in the eastern region ( even lynx-india theintwares and many other online shops don't sell them now ) they are not so interested in providing support.


Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

Also, you may try another thing. Send a mail to Digit, either any admin or to the Editor. If you are lucky, they may take up this issue with the company.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: LCD Monitor Backlight Bleeding Issue

^^ I was also thinking about that ... but digit had a separate section for that in the mag .... the e-mail was servicewatch...at...thinkdigit.com if I'm not wrong ... what happened to it ... acn someone from digit please answer ?

Now as I read about a lot of viewsonic service related issues I found one common thing that even though viewsonic picked up the faulty product after repetitive calls most of the guys got the repaired/replaced unit back after 3-5 months later which is a long wait and in most of the cases even those repaired/replaced unit did not worked.

So as viewsonic screwed their after sales service and cheated it's customers I don't have any faith on viewsonic anymore ....

The service provider for viewsonic in here is is now RT OUTSOURCING SERVICES LIMITED.

Though they provide all kind of services for viewsonic - viewsonic listed them as only service provider for it's netbooks - what a silly joke.

Modas plase change the title of this thread to ... :


---------- Post added at 06:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 AM ----------

Here's a blog dedicated to the worst after sales service by those ****heads ( about viewsonic ) :p
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: Cheated by Viewsonic

Shoot an email to editor@thinkdigit.com

Should help I assume. I am never buying Viewsonic monitors.

Thanks for your suggestion .. . :p

presently using Viewsonic 19" lcd, decided not buy in future.

Yup, stay away from them at any cost ....

BTW, what I want now is this :

Say someone has convinced this ****heads ie viewsonic guys to resolve this issue ... so they will come to pick up the monitor ( which I bought for 11.5K ) ... but in many incidents I've read about they had returned the monitor after 3-5 months delay ... even after that most of'em got some junks which worked only around 1-3 months ... now that's bullshit

I'm sure that even if they some how convinced to pick up the faulty piece they will not return it to me that easiliy ... and only return it after it warranty is over ( and that would be piece which will show some probs in the future ) ... so that no further warranty can be claimed

the guys who can come to an conclusion by only seeing a picture without even physically inspecting it I don't expect anything better from them ... they all sucks big time ....

Will they come at my doorstep with a new monitor and take away the faulty piece ... as I don't trust them I'm reluctant about handling even a faulty piece to them ...
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Democracy is a myth
Re: Cheated by Viewsonic

Are bhai, tu AOC le le...kom dam-e pushtikor khadyo (good enough LCD in competitive price)


Wise Old Owl
Re: Cheated by Viewsonic

Dude seriously go to the freaking consumer forum tell them about the problem, keep your damage claim at double for what is the MRP of the same monitor currently and then send a mail to the viewsonic guys telling them you have taken action against them in CF....**** them and **** their screens i aint buying one of that shitsonic screens now .............;-)
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