Well in my administration portal still says that I'm on
Speed 256 Kbps Plan instead
Plan- HOME UL 900 Plus It was always like this even when I was subscribed to
Plan -HOME500 : Speed -256 Kbps so technically I'm not on HOME UL 900 Plus Plan. Wonder what speed would I get?
The plan they showed just seems like a big shagoofa
nothing more than trying to improve their performance which is highly doubtfully that they'll fulfill what they're commiting. It's BSNL afterall
heh. Anyways, since I'm HOME UL 900 Plus Plan subscriber (Billingwise
) there's nothing impressive for me what so ever. And with these new plans calling this year as a "Broadband Year" is nothing but b**ls**t. Hopefully they'll continue to improve their service in coming months but so far nada. And that's very big disappointment for all those HOME UL 900 Plus users. Actually we've been counting on BSNL heh. For other Plan subscribers
HAVE FUN GUYS!! It seems like It'll take us (HOME UL 900 Plus Plan subscribers) some time to join the party.