I appreciate the fact that in corporate news letters and in promotions, GearBox has not lied even for a single letter. They have clearly promoted Borderlands Pre-Sequel to be a game connecting the first and the second title of the franchise. They have never publicized it to be a game which is as would be expected by many, a partial or full overhaul and redecoration of the original game mechanics.
The game mechanics , as repetitive as it has so become, for a cause, was never meant to be changed in this game. The weapon system is immaculate in its abundance, but is basically same weapon with greater elemental chance, effect , duration, mag quantity, damage recoil and speed, which are nothing but elementary qualities of a GUN itself, that varies. Which in-fact apart from the two previous titles, has not been the main attraction of this game ever since a humongous number of players have already chewed BL2 apart with all the DLCs.
If you take interesting guns out of the table of the most successful game of last year, which impeccably used the concept to create the Action FPS RPG genre itself, what remains is the story and game play. Now BL2, for that, has set a new..very high standard of co-op elements and side-by-side a story so connected that it grew perfectly on the most Brilliantly developed villainy by Handsome Jack. If 10 Players have played BL2, yes...10 of them loved him, that is a fact. Now what happens when you take that character, make stuff up about him, call it origin story and connect the strings? It does not fail miserably , but it also does not completely agree with natural disposition you nurtured in your mind about his character, and it hurts to see him like that.
About performance and gameplay, this game will turn you off with weird and downright broken terrain design, flawed vehicle mechanics, specially the stingray Boost is borderline insulting to some levels if not frustrating enough. You will also find its incredibly slow and painstakingly difficult to move around in the map with all that lava and snow abyss, low gravity, impassable terrain, invisible walls and whatnot. Even the mission pointers are somewhat confusing. Speaking of missions tho, one will find it disturbing and straightaway pure of waste of time having a really long and boring training mission in the first part of the game, seriously? a game that connects two borderlands games, targeted at players with already veteran game handling skills? the O2 and jump slam adds little incentive for doing that too. Whats with the "cant open menu and change weapons mid air" stuff with the all the mobility the game so promises anyway?
Lastly 2K Australia is all over the game, with cliched pop culture references, witty native narrations and annotations in voice overs, no real interactions with NPCs, and a hell lot of overly saturated amount of unnecessary dialogues that YOU CANT SKIP. That thing is purely an absurdity and never required in this game. There is not even half as important characters in this game which is memorable and no-one, i repeat no-one cares what they have to say. 2K, fix it in BL3. We don't need narrations on anything and everything about a mission or its importance and backstage told from unseen or unattached characters while doing it. This game will do one thing right, kill your time, yes it will. A vast amount of time.
Except all these, claptrap new character is excellent, which actually will make you play this game, co-op is equally fun as the BL2, and thats about it. Oh dont freak out if you see horrendous FPS dip with the phyx effect some areas in the game for no reason

which i found cool though. If you had fun playing BL2 with friends, you will find it okay and thats about it, pretty much, its not a new game, but 2K and gearbox, you might get a pass this time with this decision, but gamers are mad, they change their mind in a snap, so you got to be careful to pull something risky as this in BL3.