Slot machine statistics:
Detailed Results (Combination, Prize, Number of Spins, Percentage) from most frequently occurring to most rarely occurring:
2 Same Symbols Without Bell (White Weapon) 3004 (36.22%)
No Match 1771 (21.36%)
3 Cherries (Green Weapon) 1163 (14.02%)
3 Psychos (Live Grenade) 881 (10.62%)
2 Same Symbols With Bell (Cash) 583 (7.03%)
3 7s (Custom Skin) 363 (4.38%)
3 Single Eridium (4x Eridium) 210 (2.53%)
3 Moxxi Legs (Blue Item) 148 (1.78%)
2 Bells (Cash) 85 (1.02%)
3 Double Eridium (8x Eridium) 45 (0.54%)
3 Triple Eridium (12x Eridium) 19 (0.23%)
3 Marcus (Purple Weapon) 11 (0.13%)
3 Bells (Lots of cash) 7 (0.08%)
3 Borderlands Vault Symbol (JACKPOT) (Orange Weapon) 3 (0.04%)
My Research:
I played the machine about 100 times so far I think, most grenades, few blue guns, some green guns, one purple gun(3 marcus) and no orange guns, a lot of white useless guns, lots of skins, about 20 eridium, some money.