Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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aravind_n20 said:
u haf to make it sata1 through a jumper seting at the back of HDD. its simple.

Also ull get only max 150MBps transfer rates[which is much higher than real speeds].



Ambassador of Buzz
Harvik780 said:
Go for new Intel mobos from asus which support overclocking.These mobos will surely support yorkfield.
However you won't get SLI capability.On the other site you can wait for nvidia's new chipset nforce 7 which will for sure support quadcore yorkfield.
Currently i am a bit suspicious as to why nvidia stated that the support was unavailable though guru3d have tested QX9650 with a beta bios from nvidia.

so if i wanna hv an immediate buy, wht are my options??
just get proccy n gfx card, wait for mobo??
or just gfx card??


die blizzard die! D3?
^^what about proccy+mobo and waiting for g.card,this sounds more reasonable to me.

FOr mobo you can try out mobos based on intel's x38 chipset----they support every latest technology(pci-e2.0 and all).


Ambassador of Buzz
^^ Stay away from ASUS if service Provider is RASHI. Lot of People have Very Very Bad Experience for ASUS board with RASHI when you will claim for Warranty or ask for Replacement.

j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
hey hey,who told u so?? buddies and I get most of the h/w from RP,never had any problem...they r quick and usally replaces the h/w even though there is only a small fault in them.:)

Only thing is dat u don't go directly to them,they don't like it!!:mad: from a well known h/w store.
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

Its true that not only ASUS, as its possible some boddy with have problem with some company, you may have faced with ASUS, as for me I have faced with every one :p even once Intel asked me in written to use DDR-II 667MHz RAM with 915GAV :lol:

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Ambassador of Buzz
choto throw some precious views of urs towards my near future purchase :D.

hey plz, i really need some response. waiting eagerly :).
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Ok, a little help...

Should I go for C2Q or C2D and which model along with the price.

667 Mhz. or 800 Mhz. Is 800 Mhz. going to be far better than 667 Mhz. or just a marginal improvement.

Graphics Card
8600GT (512MB DDR2) or 8600GT (256MB DDR3), which is better. BTW, will 8600GT support all recent games and the games to come in the next one year or so. I dont want to invest on something that will be out in a month or two. As such, my budget for Graphics card is around 8-9K. Is there a better card than this.

Please suggest ASAP as I am already in the market...
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


Budget man ??

if you are a gamer, then E6550 with 8800 GT if you are not a gamer rather some week end gaming then Q6600 with 8600 GT 256MB no need to buy 8600 GT 512 MB :p

try for 667 MHz 2 GB single stick if possible at kolkata its around Rs. 2200/- + TAX :)


40k for what ?? Procy + MObo + GRFX ????
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They Saurav, thanks a lot for all your support and your call. It was really nice talking to you. Will surely meet you in Kolkata...
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

your welcome !!! :)

by the way, when you come down to Kolkata come with a little time in hand I mean an extra day or 2 because some time you dont get a product on one go, so an extra day or 2 always helps :)
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Ambassador of Buzz

40k for what ?? Procy + MObo + GRFX ????[/quote]

make it 50 K.
and this is my whole query.
i wanna hv new gfx card mostly and if possible sli.
but my mobo dont support sli. so i wanna sell it + gfx card and probably proccy too.

now i am finding it difficult to sell proccy but already got an offer of 15 K for mobo + gfx card (P5B Deluxe + 7900 GT 256 MB).

yup ur rite . i was saying of changing proccy later ( with quad core ) rite now settle on a mobo + two gfx cards.

now tell me wht ll be the best?? change all three at once ( proccy + gfx + mobo) or wait for ny one??


Ambassador of Buzz

are those prices all inclusive?? and the prices are from which state?? i think Kolkata prices will be higher.

and MUHAHAHA ??!!


In the zone
BULLZI said:

are those prices all inclusive?? and the prices are from which state?? i think Kolkata prices will be higher.

and MUHAHAHA ??!!
He just can't believe you're spending 50k on just mobo+proc+graphics card !!!!!!


Hi Saurav!

My total Budget for the CPU is 30K. Now tell me the best config that I get in this budget. As I am a casual gamer, I prefer a more powerful processor than a GPU. I dont need a DVD-RW as I already have one and include the cost of Keyboard Mouse. Basically, its gonna be something like:

Cabinet & SMPS (Not very costly)
Processor (Preferebly C2Q)
HDD (160GB)
RAM (2 x 1GB 667Mhz)

I guess thats all. I prefer a motherboard with onboard LAN & Firewire and as many PCI slots as possible for future upgradation.

Please give me the details of the make and model along with their price so that I can even check for a quotation here at my place. I know its tedious, but thats gonna help me a lot.

Looking forward... Thanks...


Ambassador of Buzz
i ll go shopping may be next week and i dont wanna be robbed like the previous time.
hence, i request all of u to provide me with the prices of the hardwares in Kolkata as well as a good vendor and also any type of suggestion that can make things better for me.


In the zone
hi guys. i have a question.
i have a one year old machine which i havent used much wid the following config: amd64 3500+(939), gigabyte mobo wid onboard nvidia 6150, 512mb ddr400mhz ram.
now a very gud frnd of mine wants to buy a new machine, which will b most likely having a budget of around 8-9k for cpu+m/b+ram. so i think all he can manage is amd x2 4400+, asus 690g board wid 1-2gb ram.
so do u think it will b worth buying a new machine, when i can give him mine and mayb he can get 512mb ram extra. all he has to do is to watch hd muvies and play few games wid onboard grafix itself.
wont it suffice him for a year or so, or is the above mentioned upgrade really worth it?
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

[qoute]all he has to do is to watch hd muvies and play few games wid onboard grafix itself. wont it suffice him for a year or so, or is the above mentioned upgrade really worth it?[/quote]

No need to buy a new config... yes try and add another 512 MB RAM and this system would just work fine :)
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