Basic Guide Purchase a New System

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Ambassador of Buzz
guyz plz suggest.

i am going to upgrade some portions of my cpu. i want to make the cpu futureproof for at least 2 yrs ( except gfx card).
i am going to change either my proccy/gfx card or my mobo/gfx card. i am not sure abt it. so asking for help.
my current proccy C2D E6400, mobo P5B Deluxe(non wifi), gfx XFX 7900 GT.
By selling my mobo/gfx card i am gonna get at least abt 14K.
I have a total budget of approx. 40K.
Plz suggest wht shud i do?
Whether to change proccy and go for Quad COre?? With may be Gigabyte 8800GTX?? I saw the price for the card abt 26K inclusive tax.
Or i shud change mobo and get may be P5N32 E SLI along with two 8800GTs/8800GTSs??
Plz suggest me the best.
Thnx to all :).
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Ambassador of Buzz
thnx for ur reply Aravind.
i ll get the Q6600.
bt wht abt the card? i found by googling that 8800GTS 512 MB has launched bt i am unable to find a place to buy it.
i also found a card Asus EN 8800GT with 1 GB memory.
Has the 1GB model for new G92 8800GTS already launched?


Wise Old Owl
It has launched, but not showing up in Indianmarket yet. Wait a bit nd itt hit the stores before Jan.

Intel Pentium dual cores are waste...they are called Pentium D. They haf high clocks, but only gud at producing heat.

Intel dual cores are gud[E2140, 2160, 2180]. They are a kinda varient of C2D with less L2 cache. They have clocks like 1.6Ghz, 18 nd 2.0.
They perofrms similar to C2D with same clocks. Also they overclock like hell. They give bit less score for cache itense apps like audio/video compression, winrara extraction etc.
They haf very high vfm. But u need a gud mobo to oc it.

AMD dual cores are called Athlon X2. They too are gud, if not as gud as C2D, but hell of a lot better than Pentium D and Pentium 4.
They haf very high vfm nd is mainly suited for non crazy overclockers. They can only be oced to max of some 600~700Mhz more.
But at stock, they haf better vfm than C2D. Also AM2 mobos are cheaper nd has more features with better onboard gfx, so better suited for budget users nd gamers.
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Broken In
@Aravind Yes i am talking about 2140, 2160, 2180, 2200..
Thanks.. :)

OK so now i narrowed down to this config...
XFX 650i Ultra mobo, Intel® Pentium® dual-core 2.20 GHz (E2200), 2 x 1 GB DDR2 800MHz, XFX 8600GT (512 MB DDR2), Zebronics Antibiotic Cabinet...

Are all these things supported by each other?? (kick me, a complete noob question!).... I think they are supported, correct me if i am wrong..
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Ambassador of Buzz
aravind_n20 said:
Get Q6600 + 8800GT 512.

Or u can wait a bit nd get the new 8800GTS 1GB. It wub beat the cr@p outaa GTX.

got an offer for mobo+gfx card.
but just wanna make sure tht if i use my current proccy with two 8800GTs/GTSs, will there be a bottleneck?
I can oc my proccy to 3 GHZ without ny probs.Plz refer to my whole system :

C2D E6400 @ 3 GHZ (May be some more)
P5N 32 E SLI
2*1 GB Dominator Corsair PC2 8500
Corsair HX 620 Watt

Is it going to perform flawlessly?

P.S. - If no bottleneck situation, I will get Quad Core after 6 months may be.

Please suggest.


Ambassador of Buzz
^^well then ny other suggested mobo? plz dont mind but i m asking as i m finding it difficult to sell my proccy.

and rite now i got a quote of 15 K for my mobo + gfx card.
wht say??

i saw in Techtree that the 8800GTS 512 MB is retailing at 19,999K in India. Is this info trustworthy??
hey fellas. I am upgrading my system. I settled in for XFX 650i Ultra for the mobo but it seems that its out of stock. Its not available at rashi peripherals at mumbai!! So can anyone suggest me an alternate board with good performance? my budget for the mobo is 5k. I plan to get a e2160 cpu and overclock the hell out of it until i accumulate enuff wealth to get the quad core q6600 :p Is Zebronics ZEB650i worth looking at?

Also, XFX 8600GT was also not available anywhere(wats with xfx??) so got the BIG 8600GT 256 ddr2 instead for 5.2 k. any comments on this???
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BULLZI said:
^^well then ny other suggested mobo? plz dont mind but i m asking as i m finding it difficult to sell my proccy.

and rite now i got a quote of 15 K for my mobo + gfx card.
wht say??

i saw in Techtree that the 8800GTS 512 MB is retailing at 19,999K in India. Is this info trustworthy??
Go for new Intel mobos from asus which support overclocking.These mobos will surely support yorkfield.
However you won't get SLI capability.On the other site you can wait for nvidia's new chipset nforce 7 which will for sure support quadcore yorkfield.
Currently i am a bit suspicious as to why nvidia stated that the support was unavailable though guru3d have tested QX9650 with a beta bios from nvidia.
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


Apart from XFX 650i ultra Abit P35 or Biostar P35 based boards are also can be considered !!!

make sure you buy E2140 not E2160 or E2180 :p as price is not Value for money for those processors apart from E2140...


i need a new HDD , sata

running out of space,

i think we get sata-II hdd nowadays
my chipset is intel 865G , n it supports sata -I , n i currently have a sata hdd

does sata-II hdd's work in sata -I mobo ?

how much GB HDD can i get for 3k


Wise Old Owl
As choto cheeta said, go for E 2140 nd oc the hell outaa it.
And also get 8600GT with 256 MB DDR3 instead of 512 DDR2. The former one performs better.

E6400@ 3GHZ is enuf for 8800GT or 8800GTS 65nm.
Going for Q6600 now is not a gud option when u haf a 3Ghz C2D at hand. So i wud say get the best card out there now keeping ur current mobo nd proccy. Dun compromise on gcard. Ur current system can fuel the 8800.

Think bout an upgrade in a year or so, when the penryns are launched nd are available for gud vfm in market. Orelse ull haf to think bout another upgrade at that time even if u upgrade to quad now.


Wise Old Owl
u haf to make it sata1 through a jumper seting at the back of HDD. its simple.

Also ull get only max 150MBps transfer rates[which is much higher than real speeds].

j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
biostar tp35d2-A7 can be just called as P35 chipset based m/b;not real potential of P35 can be see in it. P35s heats up really hot......must need good cooling solutions(look at Asus and MSI mobs),biostar doesn't offer this; they come just with poor heatsinks.....most of the guys having Biostar complains abt lot of problems with this mob
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