Try to use both the good things if you can!
(don't misunderstand. just joking)
world is always full of compromises
DG31PR = 3500
If ur budget can be extended a little get this board.cost=4100 it can be overclocked much better
dual channel is not present in it.
and its for a friend, not myself. He is determined to have Dual channel. And if this turns out to be good, I myself might concider buying one. We both have the same current config, thats P4, Intel 915GLVG mobo, and ddr ram. Our mobos have no AGP or PCIe slots, so we both want to upgrade to something that can last till nehalem arrives. I have the patience to keep my current rig and wait, but he wants to go for something that can help him play crysis before marriage

. My patience too is wearing out, so I am also concidering an upgrade. We both want a solution thats as cheap as possible but still works fine. I don't mind OverClocking, and intend to do it to the maximum level that touches the boderline of safety(343.15 Kelvin). And my friend doesn't mind OCing if its done by someone ecept himself, who knows what to do.