!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Guys i really respect you as person... prak i know how helpful you r in linux side.... , and add to this even my grandma said the same wht you guys told me ... "time will change you stuff" but as time is passing .. i am really getting more into rational side and becoming a hardore aetheist....
I simply dont get it... many things in our countries history is awesome !!! but there is a limit to all these ... you cant simply authenticate everything which took place in history....that would too much of one sided thought...
When one of the greatest tantrik is proved beyond doubt that he is a fake... wht more do we need to do in order to impress religiuos ppl...???
you cant show god..
God cant come
God cant show himself nor showed himself in the recent 1000 or more years or even more...
and god does treat everyone equal... coz there are poor children suffeerinf from greater diseaes day to day.... and to top all these you dont have seven lives...
if so... even you haave taken the 3rd life for example .. are u remmebering your prev "LIVES"--------------> NO NO NO !!!!!
then wht is the purpose of seven lives...
isnt it bery dumb ????
i feel is deep **** dumb !!!
that equals up ...
I simply dont get it... many things in our countries history is awesome !!! but there is a limit to all these ... you cant simply authenticate everything which took place in history....that would too much of one sided thought...
When one of the greatest tantrik is proved beyond doubt that he is a fake... wht more do we need to do in order to impress religiuos ppl...???
you cant show god..
God cant come
God cant show himself nor showed himself in the recent 1000 or more years or even more...
and god does treat everyone equal... coz there are poor children suffeerinf from greater diseaes day to day.... and to top all these you dont have seven lives...
if so... even you haave taken the 3rd life for example .. are u remmebering your prev "LIVES"--------------> NO NO NO !!!!!
then wht is the purpose of seven lives...
isnt it bery dumb ????
i feel is deep **** dumb !!!
enticer86 said:
that equals up ...