Not everyone lives for money here, few people do believe in idea of free. If it weren't for these people, our world could have been mechanized very soon and tormented by the stupidest steps taken by mankind.who trained ?? and wht did they train ??? coincidence dude... !!!he doesnt charge a penny ??? nice way , to geta escape route.. coz he cant be charged for anydamage his prediction could result in !!!!
Its not like they hav the complete picture with digital footage of whats going to happen to you in near future. But a vague indication of something significant but not exactly what. Its upto you to sense the way u r heading and the consequences will be borne by you, u can change ur destiny if u r smart enuf or else u will be dumbfounded by that significant event to happen.I dont get you ... if a bad thing is going to be prevented by his prediction doesnt it mean that the future of the client( the one who seeks advice from these astrologers) is good ????
if its true then ?? are astologers near to god ( i dont believe in god either) who can change future of a person ???
if so why could astrologers prevented so many deaths in tsunami which hit few yeas back in southindia??? were they selffish ?? or simply is that they cant predict such large diasters ??? or sadist ??? like letthose poor souls die./..!!!!
lol man u were abt to do charity.well said gagandeep !!!!! true...
instead wastingtime with a astrologer do these..
1.) grow trees
2.)water them if u have any
3.)help thepoor
4.)donate the money you are going to spend to some orghanage
the simplest fact was.. yes i agree they were finding many things regarding ASTRONOMY.... which very much differs from ASTROLOGY ! and they tried to integrate both of them to make ASTROLOGY a legit stuff...
then wht it is ????
astrology gave way to pure billion dollar bussiness.... !!!
who trained ?? and wht did they train ??? coincidence dude... !!!he doesnt charge a penny ??? nice way , to geta escape route.. coz he cant be charged for anydamage his prediction could result in !!!!
I dont get you ... if a bad thing is going to be prevented by his prediction doesnt it mean that the future of the client( the one who seeks advice from these astrologers) is good ????
if its true then ?? are astologers near to god ( i dont believe in god either) who can change future of a person ???
if so why could astrologers prevented so many deaths in tsunami which hit few yeas back in southindia??? were they selffish ?? or simply is that they cant predict such large diasters ??? or sadist ??? like letthose poor souls die./..!!!!
think again dude.... you just want a answer to carry on your life... just a answer and you didnt care to loook into the content of it.... think AGAIN !!!
oooppps ...sorry i dint see this .... sorry anyway if i had hurted you in neway..
just want to clear things out...
double cheers![]()
praka123 said:IF you are a non-believer of the creator,then pls explain,how this world is made?how?it ends in a random inifinte loop of thoughts?then your ideology sucks(atheism)
i doubt the first question itself#1. Questions that science has ANSWERED (i.e Applied science, e.g. Sun is the centre of the solar system and all planets go around it)
Not everyone lives for money here, few people do believe in idea of free. If it weren't for these people, our world could have been mechanized very soon and tormented by the stupidest steps taken by mankind.
LOL !!!!When u r attached with possessions, it divulge out the greed and then the intent to murder.
Your idea is like you can charge a software company for any damage done to your data ? Lol...even paid one doesn't guarantee the perfect operation.
Its not like they hav the complete picture with digital footage of whats going to happen to you in near future. But a vague indication of something significant but not exactly what. Its upto you to sense the way u r heading and the consequences will be borne by you, u can change ur destiny if u r smart enuf or else u will be dumbfounded by that significant event to happen.
Why would anyone try to break the laws of nature, the way things are going. They could have foretold the Tsunami, but not exactly. They didnt cuz what we sow shall we reap. In the end what goes around comes around right in our face. We hav dome much damage to the nature.
Atleast i am not supporting some dumb ideas... LOL!!!lol man u were abt to do charity.
Btw you met with the wrong guys who make it as a profession, and all those crap in newspaper. Do you believe in something that is for commercial gain, wtf...all business shows that they are competing than other. Its just the shallow presentation, nothing else.
Well the person in question is a relative of mine and as far as i know, i know him much more than you do.SO before making some rash comments about someone you DONT know,think twice.I respect your thinking and ideology but that doesnt give you the right to assume things and bash up someone, be careful what you say about someone.
Prediction does not mean solution dear.
I forgot to mention, he himself said, even if something is predicted, you cannot stop it but atleast you can try to minimise the damage.
As for his 'TRAINING', it was imparted to him by his father who was a well respected Doctor ( Vaid in ancient times) who also had knowledge of astrology (The traditional indian method)
Mind you, he was NOT an astrologer but a Vaid by profession.He knew Rigveda by heart.I dont know many who are capable of that,for me he was special if he could remember a complete set of Veda amongst the 4 Vedas.
I dont think people get trained from childhood to con people in the future.
The Vaids regard themselves to be the descendants of Dronacharya, the Generalissimo of the Kauravas in the Kurukshetra war of the Mahabharata. Drona was born a brahmin, son of Bharadwaja, in modern day Dehradoon (a modification of dehra-dron, a clay pot), which implies that he was not gestated in a womb, but outside the human body in a Droon (vessel). Vaid also means doctor in Hindi.
As for the relative i am refering to, he was a govt. employee by profession and is retired and leading a simple life.(Read: middle class, live off the pension of his and wifes)He has no child for whom he needs to build a fortune and hence started this to mint money. His idea is to help people with whatever knowledge he has,plain and simple.You might not believe but there are people in this world for whom, money is not everything.
SO before making judgements about someone think twice, as you may be insulting someone unknowingly.
well,many people study astrology although they are well paid by other jobs,I know,many such people who are s/w Engineers by profession,but due to ancestoral knowledge of Ayurveda and Sarpa Pooja(nairs of kerala) which somehow got connection with these sciences too(Astrology etc).
I am amazed by the ability of these people how they knows everything.
there is another thing called "Para Hrudaya Gnanam" meaning , knowing your thinking!thats amazing!![]()
No,we are not going back to olden days.but Astrology is something which you have to Agree!there isnt proof for everything!Humans are limited;
Atheists,whoever I asked,just became impatient when I asked them,IF you are a non-believer of the creator,then pls explain,how this world is made?how?it ends in a random inifinte loop of thoughts?then your ideology sucks(atheism)
With all humility and respect for your relative, can you ask him, on my behalf, to establish a "cause" and "effect", between the planetary position and a random future event.
Let me give u a hint and establish a "cause" and "effect", between a planetary position and a present event. When moon comes close to earth (cause) we have tides (effect), because of gravitational pulls (reason).
Before i reply to that bear a small rant of mine. I believe that all questions, can be classified into 4 groups:
#1. Questions that science has ANSWERED (i.e Applied science, e.g. Sun is the centre of the solar system and all planets go around it)
#2. Questions that science is YET to answer (i.e. Theoretical science, e.g. Big Bang, Dark Matter etc./ Speculative science, e.g. SuperString Theory, Black Hole etc.)
#3. Questions that are plain WRONG. (i.e. Prejudice, e.g. "What is the purpose of life ?" - This question is prejudiced by the assumption, that THERE IS PURPOSE of life, waiting to be uncovered.)
#4. Questions that science DOES NOT YET KNOW, exist. (i.e. The Unknown/ Unobserved events - this is somewhat a redundant category.)
The question, "how the world is made" falls within the category #2, assuming that you are really asking how this universe was made. If you are literally asking how this world was made, then it is category #1 question and is not at all a mystery. Turning the pages of some astronomy or better still, astrophysics will tell you how (i.e. if you really want to know).
Your second question belongs to category #3. You have to first establish, that this universe actually ends, then establish that it ends, like you say it ends.
Now, let me rephrase your questions, just a little bit.
IF you are a believer of creator, then please prove there is indeed a creator. If you can't, then your ideology sucks (theism)
I was sayingin general. Words are not enuf to make the meaning absolute. You can always leave something and critics will catch that. I think u got the idea wat am trying to say.wait .. even popularity for some people is equivalent to money.. leave it ...
wht do u mean by these people.. please dont say6 that it denotes astrologersss... they are making others stupids... and thats more harmful if u take my word...
Tell me how much of Einstein equations you can decipher, how much can u learn hise white papers ?Dude please dont try to support a worhtless idea with more worthless visions !!!
wait if they that VAGUE idea of something is gona happen.... wait how many times did we hear from great astrologers and people like them predicting our worlds doom on particular year or a day... if u rememeber ... they told world is going to end by 2000 .... please dont give more stupid supporting ideas... for a $$ illusionistic bussiness $$$
worthless point, just tell me the probablity of a event gettting different outcome in a lapse of one second and the same choice by you ? How much control do you have for that last 1 second ? Even if u know u wont be able to do it perfect.It is only us, who can write our own destiny not those planetary positions.
We can't clear IIT-JEE without studying, can we?? Or should I say, we can clear JEE if we appear for at when time is fruitful for us. Then we can clear JEE without studying......![]()
I am just fighting coz because of this f cking astrology stuff,many innocent girls are pushed to state of depression coz many girls today are tagged as some astro abnormality,which prevents them to marry a normal man!
And there is more to these crap!
Thats why i am arguing so prove astrology is bullsh!t and god doesn exist!