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yup, its true n FIFA sucks badly.
Honestly when i was playing PES5 i thought i will never play FIFA games becoz i was addicted to PES after playing so many FIFA games.But when i installed FIFA07 it took me 2 days to get used to it and then i was impressed with FIFA07.Trust me PES6 is same as PES5 no improvement.wizrulz said:Can i jump into ur discussion....
Okay i also started with FIFA 1998....adn played it til 2005 but later i got my hand to PES and yet i have not installed FIFA game alsthough i have those games with me....and even if i have once or twice ..i have uninstalled it very next hr....
Ask any gamer what he values more GAMEPLAY or GRAPHICS and u will get ur answer and thats where PES scores...and what if u say PES graphics are bad...come to my place....i will show u the graphics and moves.....just apply all patches...adn then u can say EA will take another year to beat PES...year after year....
chesss said:PES4 Q's..
Possible to do lil lob/chip shot? pressing 'square' while pressing L1 results in a very long lob(always goes over the goal)
Any techniques/tips for defending set-pieces (corners)? like position players to stand in front of the oppposition.
The comp seems to get many goals from corners.
and are there any patches for commentary/menu or for keyboard play?
digitized said:
While defending corners you conceded, position one of your center backs near the near post. This will help you defend corners and the computer will have a hard time scoring from normal difficulty. This works for me.![]()
digitized said:
Tip: While attacking from corners keep pressed L2 while taking the corner kick to add swerve/bend to the corner delivery.
This always results in a long lob. i just want a lil chip shot.L1+shoot without the directional buttons to do a lob/chip shot over the goalie.
Thanks R2 gives a nice dip. For defending corners I recently discovered running my goalie(with the through pass button).While defending corners you conceded, position one of your center backs near the near post. This will help you defend corners and the computer will have a hard time scoring from normal difficulty. This works for me.
Tip: While attacking from corners keep pressed R2 while taking the corner kick to add swerve/bend to the corner delivery.
You can even press R1 when you leave Squaredigitized said:I think it is the same in every PES game till date. Press L1+shoot without the directional buttons to do a lob/chip shot over the goalie.
actually r2 make thre ball high trajedy.l2 makes it swervedigitized said:Sorry, wrongly posted previously. You have to keep R2 pressed to add swerve.