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18 Till I Die............
What error? What IRC server did you join? irc.freenode.net?
Once you connect to freenode then type
/join #think-digit
You could use opera's inbuilt chat client too. Or chatzilla for firefox.


Techtree Reviewer
Garbage said:
And I don't know who is he/she... :D

* Gr33n (i=3bb65dba@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e2cbcd6f0a1217c6) has joined #think-digit
* _Garbage_ sets mode -e _Garbage_
* You are now known as not_gr33n
<not_gr33n> :D
<Gr33n> :D
<pulsar> maurice green
<not_gr33n> :p
<Gr33n> :p
<Gr33n> (dont know what else to say)
* Gr33n has quit (Client Quit)

<pulsar> haha
<not_gr33n> lol
* You are now known as _Garbage_
* services. sets mode +e _Garbage_
<aditya|lunch> lololol
Last edited:


Fart mania

***pulsar listening to Afterglow
kicks Gigacore
***ray|raven sprays a whole can of air freshner
krazzy: intel 915 GM or something like that
too kicks Gigacore ,no need to announce :p
***krazzy closes his nose
farts again
sends Gigacore to Filled-Void's house
Abhinand: lol
krazzy: fartastic
gary4gar: Farting Machines
krazzy: fart Vader
Gigacore: two of you hold a fartest
krazzy: :D
gary4gar: Filled-void??
***Abhinand is listening to -> Christina Aguilera - Hurt | Back To Basics Pop 2006 <--> 0:06/4:04
farts once again on popular demand
wonders what Gigacore had for lunch
burns Gigacore alive
***ray|raven also sprays another can of air freshner
puts balloons in Gigacore pants
***krazzy blows balloons
lol its too much volatile
***amd64_man2005 enjoying the fun
where is filled-void
lights a match behind Gigacore to see if it is flammable
the master of farters
lol @ krazzy
***krazzy match explodes
***amd64_man2005 faints
krazzy: *boom*
ray|raven: SILENCE
how about bursting that baloon near Gigacore's face?
Abhinand: cool pulsar
bursts the fart filled ballon near Gigacore's face on pulsar's request
***ray|raven witnesses a huge explosion
krazzy: smell that biatch
gary4gar: how to i enable automactic indetation in VI?
krazzy: :D
redirects the burst back to pulsar's face
ray|raven: vi?
krazzy: :O
ray|raven: dude get a better editor like gedit or smthing
***Abhinand is listening to -> Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape | The Sweet Escape Pop 2006 <--> 0:49/4:07
ray|raven gets obsessed with smell
fires rockets at Gigacore
redirects the rocket towards krazzy
listening to Gigacore- Farting 0:15/2:00
krazzy: :D


* Teh Flirt King *
Linux Quotes Madness :

pulsar = Mehulved, Obi-Wan|Kenobi = ray|raven, Aditya is Aditya :p , And Me is Me. :D

<aditya> suggest me something to print on a T-Shirt... *nix related...
<aditya> I was thinking of "Avoid the Gates of hell... use Linux"
<QuizMasterAsh> aditya, That qoute Reboot - BeRoot
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> lolz
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> print my siggy
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> :d
<aditya> Obi-Wan|Kenobi: what? tell me
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> If the problem has a solution, worrying is pointless, in the end the problem will be solved. If the problem has no solution, there is no reason to worry, because it can't be solved.
<aditya> lol
<pulsar> how about the one with lots of commands?
<aditya> there are 10 kinds of people... know binary and don't
<QuizMasterAsh> aditya, Its old
<aditya> pulsar: tell me... what comands? Not the unzip, touch, mount one
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> aditya:   If you have a problem in Windows - reboot, if you have a problem in Linux - be root!
<QuizMasterAsh> yea thats what I suggested
<pulsar> aditya: unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes,fsck,fsck,fsck,umount, sleep
<QuizMasterAsh> finger sounds good :p
<pulsar> aditya: yes that one. tell them you love *nix CLI :D
<aditya> lol
<aditya> lol
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> `When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".'
<QuizMasterAsh> pulsar, blaah.. pleaaazzzz.. You are nerdest of all
* aditya thinks he will pass pulsar's suggestion for now
<pulsar> Obi-Wan|Kenobi: be root in *nix to reboot :P
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> lolz
<aditya> Obi-Wan|Kenobi: lol... it is i wrote a program to crash *nix
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> aditya: "How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for. I only coded it."
<aditya> 2+2=5 for very large values of 2
<aditya> there is no place like
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> Ubuntu , an african word for 'Slackware is too hard for me'
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> :D
<QuizMasterAsh> I can hack
<aditya> lololol Obi-Wan|Kenobi
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> Linus Torvalds on nix : "We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds."
<aditya> blue screen of death shirt
<QuizMasterAsh> O_O
<pulsar> how about the one I got here
<pulsar> "talk is cheap, show me the code"
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> haha
<aditya> drivers/usb/printer.c:static char *usblp_messages[] = { "ok", "out of
<aditya> > paper", "off-line", "on fire" };
<pulsar> aditya: yeah, that reminds me, check fortune-mod-kernel
<pulsar> you'll find lot of nice stuff there
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> aditya: *paste2.org/p/56505
<QuizMasterAsh> aditya, if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-advice") == 0) { printf("Don't Panic!\n"); exit(42); } 
<aditya> nice
<aditya> pulsar: how to check?
<pulsar> <james> Are we going to make an emacs out of apt? APT - Debian in a program.  It even does your laundry
<pulsar> aditya: search for fortune cookies in your package manager
<pulsar> 'Ooohh.. "FreeBSD is faster over loopback, when compared to Linux
<pulsar> over the wire". Film at 11.' -- Linus Torvalds
<aditya> I like pulsar's suggestion... also like QuizMasterAsh's code
<QuizMasterAsh> hehe
<QuizMasterAsh> "Windows Outside, Linux Inside"
<aditya> hows this? (I made it up)
<pulsar> vi is [[13~^[[15~^[[15~^[[19~^[[18~^ a
<pulsar> muk[^[[29~^[[34~^[[26~^[[32~^ch better editor than this emacs. I know
<pulsar> I^[[14~'ll get flamed for this but the truth has to be
<pulsar> said. ^[[D^[[D^[[D^[[D ^[[D^[^[[D^[[D^[[B^
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> ah to the hell with it , just get a hot chick printed on it
<aditya> Obi-Wan|Kenobi: that will be later
<aditya> this lecture makes me go 'sudo rm -rf' on my brain
<aditya> lol pulsar
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> haha, idea is nice , frame it well aditya
<aditya> me do... not me go
<aditya> # cp /dev/null /etc/passwd
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> how abt this
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> sudo rm -rf /
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> #<!--- listen to lecture>
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> sudo rm -rf /
<Obi-Wan|Kenobi> :D
<pulsar> I found that the Rubiks cube and Linux are alike. Looks real confusing
<pulsar> until you read the right book. :-)
<QuizMasterAsh> "...Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows NT (also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)."
<aditya> lol
<QuizMasterAsh> "Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment".
<aditya> push "contentsOfBrain"
<aditya>  /* listen to lecture */
<aditya> sudo rm -rf
<aditya> pop "contentsOfBrain"
<aditya> :D
<aditya> hows that?
<QuizMasterAsh> aditya, hehe funnu
<QuizMasterAsh> aditya, "Who wants to remember that escape-x-alt-control-left shift-b puts you into super-edit-debug-compile mode? "
<aditya> lol
<QuizMasterAsh> ""Never make any *mistaeks*.""
<QuizMasterAsh> OK this one is big -- Dont kick me!
<QuizMasterAsh> +#if defined(__alpha__) && defined(CONFIG_PCI) 
<QuizMasterAsh> + /* 
<QuizMasterAsh> + * The meaning of life, the universe, and everything. Plus 
<QuizMasterAsh> + * this makes the year come out right. 
<QuizMasterAsh> + */ 
<QuizMasterAsh> + year -= 42; 
<QuizMasterAsh> + #endif
<aditya> ray|raven:
<aditya> hows this
<QuizMasterAsh> Linux: The OS people choose without $200,000,000 of persuasion.
<aditya> push contentsOfBrain
<aditya>  /* listen to lecture */
<aditya> sudo rm -rf
<aditya> pop contentsOfBrain
<pulsar> printk(KERN_ERR "i82092aa: Oops, you did something we didn't think of.\n");
<aditya> lol
<aditya> gawk; grep; unzip; touch; strip; init, uncompress, gasp; finger; find,
<aditya> route, whereis, which, mount; fsck; nice, more; yes; gasp; umount; head, halt, renice, restore, touch, whereis, which, route, mount, more, yes, gasp, umount, expand, ping, make clean; sleep
<pulsar> if(ct<0) ct=2;        /* **** happens.. */
<aditya> and wine
<QuizMasterAsh> "The linuX Files -- The Source is Out There." 
<pulsar> aditya: go for this /* Ugly, ugly fscker. */ linux-2.6.6/include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_limit.h
<aditya> what?
<aditya> that line?
<QuizMasterAsh> aditya, Linux is Dirty!!!!!
<aditya> lol
<QuizMasterAsh> O.o
<QuizMasterAsh> panic("esp: daaarrrkk starrr crashesss...."); 
<QuizMasterAsh> panic("esp: Aiee penguin on the SCSI-bus."); 
<QuizMasterAsh> panic("esp: Mr. Potatoe Head is on the loose!"); 
<QuizMasterAsh> panic("esp: Heading to the promised land.");
<aditya> what is that O.o
<QuizMasterAsh> ____
<QuizMasterAsh> (from linux/drivers/scsi/esp.c)
<pulsar> this is nice, just modify it ->  Nobody will ever see this message
<QuizMasterAsh> lolz
<pulsar> change it to, nobody will ever see the message below, nothing below that :P
<QuizMasterAsh> lool
<aditya> lol
<aditya> santa claus <north pole >town
<aditya> cat /etc/passwd >list
<aditya> ncheck list
<aditya> ncheck list
<aditya> cat list | grep naughty >nogiftlist
<aditya> cat list | grep nice >giftlist
<aditya> santa claus <north pole > town
<aditya> who | grep sleeping
<aditya> who | grep awake
<aditya> who | grep bad || good
<aditya> for (goodness sake) {be good}
<QuizMasterAsh> what's the difference between chattr and chmod?
<QuizMasterAsh>  Me say: man chattr > 1; man chmod > 2; diff -u 1 2 | less
<aditya> pulsar: QuizMasterAsh
<aditya> hows this one
<aditya> the XKCD joke...
<aditya> make me a sandwich... no.. sudo make me a sandwich... okay
<QuizMasterAsh>This should be in IRC thread!


Staff member
abhi toh BGI graphics programming baaki hai (due to my cleverness and luck I never had to code in TurboC graphics during exams...lolz)
I so fcukin don't like it


Console Junkie
^^ Teacher teaching Hello world program in 'C' and me surtfing net. lolz :D
Thy use sucky TC! :(

LOL.... TC cause this is india and it is ages behind the world in terms of educational syllabus... They still teach using TurboC, they still teach 8085 uP. They still don't have digital oscilloscopes in all colleges. And many more...


OSS Enthusiast!
Guys hows SCJP(Sun Certified Java Programmer)course?? These ppl r charging 9k+ fdor it??Should I get it???

Need ans ASAP!!!!

Dont have time to create a new thread.. Teachers around :|
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