
  1. M

    ...any major diff bw Kingston, Hynix and Transcend?

    .. or maybe something which is more reliable? Heard ram's too can be overclocked.. so outta which can the maximum performance be extracted (once i learn how to overclock them i.e.!)?
  2. abhishek_sharma

    overclocking an amd sempron 2500

    can a amd64 sempron 2500+ on an asus k8v-mx mobo be overclocked. can the mobo also be overclocked?? if yes give a few links to resopurces or some tips... next the mobo can have upto 64mb shared gfx, i have a 512 mb ram, as well as a geforce4 mx 4000 128 mb dedicated gfx card which i used...
  3. abhishek_sharma

    overclocked gfx card

    i have a xfx nvidia geforce4 mx 4000 agp card which had factory clock freq as => 275 Mhz [core clock frequency] memory clock freq = 286 Mhz a couple of days back i tried overclocking it and clocked it to 300 and 357 mhz respectively, w/o any visible problems. i can now even play nfsu2 on...
  4. G

    XFX 6600 non Ultra : The next Solid card

    Nvidia is rocking the mid range gaming market all over the world with GeForce 6600GT, this card is not only really good bang for the buck, providin most value for money, it can even be overclocked higher to give even more perforance easily, However, now the things have changed, nvidia is soon...
  5. Aniruddh

    AMD Athlon64 3000+ Venice Beats FX-55 (In Gaming!)

    Here is the whole article, of Overclocking the Venice.... *www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=1255&page=2 At the second last page of the article, the gaming performance is shown, where, the Overclocked Venice beats the FX-55. Amazing.... To overclock your AMD ATHLON 64...
  6. S

    Intel P4 Oveclocked to 7.1 Ghz

    Hi Guys see the link below it says that intel p4 is overclocked to 7.1 Ghz. *www.techspot.com/news/18367-P4-Overclocker-reaches-71Ghz-Stable.html
  7. royal

    Help me make a choice

    Can anybody suggest a good card within 10K with which I can play DOOM 3 at 1024x768 and which can be overclocked ? :D
  8. S

    Can Athlon 64 be overclocked???

    Can Athlon64 processor be overclocked like the athlon XP. If yes then how :?:
  9. saROMan

    i Scrached my head ..but kudnt get it -Part II

    resently some where in the forum i came to a post which says P-4 Prescott 3.6 overclocked to 6 gz .........so i am confused that if it can be overclocked to this extect they why Intel is stuck to 3.x mark ..why donn they overclock it to 4 or 4.5 (coz normal pple donn hav Liquid cooling)by...
  10. C


    hey i overclocked my branded hp pavilion 8612 which comprised of P3 600Mhz EB ASUS mew-am 256 mb PC133 sdram Samsung Spin point SV40 Liteon 48x cdrom Aureal Vortex 8810 soundcard 56K modem earlier it worked like snail :( but now it has started to work nicely i identified its PLL(ie ICS...
  11. B

    To how much extent P4 can be overclocked?any suggestions..

    :) Hi to everybody.... I have just assembled a PC for my friend and he asked me that upto what extent any CPU can be overclocked. I am not so sure about that so i need help I gave him PC for following configuration....he is gaming enthusiast so please tell me in breaf....also any tweaks...
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