Get S05 if you are tight on budget, its a great laptop as well. OK, to be frank display of my laptop gives better quality compared to S02/03(I think its due to glossy screen vs matte screen in Series 5 which has better outdoor visibilty)
I do agree with the matte vs glossy part. Other laptops give glossy images due to the glass like display, ours is kinda rough glass

aka Matte, it gives clearer, but less glossy output. The ability to use it outside pays off for that, as you can use it in car, or anywhere without any problems.
Tight budget? what? The difference is only 5k dude. I don't think anyone who can spend 50k+ would bother spending an extra 10 or even 20k if the other product seems better.
My friend wants to buy lappy this suday, max budget 55k any suggestions??
Add just 2k to that and you can probably get a S05

, if you can find a dealer, I know one in Delhi.