
Adam young
Okay, I just saw this ending explanation video and I am amazed, if this is what Bioware had pulled off then I take back my words, bioware is truly the best game dev out there and ME3 ending was perfect, just a little bit complicated and took us weeks to understand, in future DLCs it would be cleared to us a bit I think, please watch this video, its big, but fully worth your time, enjoy:
thats a great explanation to the ending.even i think its right.if it is right then where is the real ending?it is just half of it which happened in shepard's mind but not in the real bioware should explain this.thank you tkin and the one who made that video.


Ok am not seeing this video till am done with the game.. :p

Just had a tragic scene which led to reload the last save again, but same result...
Mordin's Death!!! Epic death scene with him singing and the shroud collapsing!!! Absolutely epic but tragic :'(. I am so sad i couldnt save him. :( There must have been a way to save him. And a couple of hours later Thane dies. Which, again awesomely crafted.. but not as tragic as Mordin. Dying to undo the genophage he helped perfect... Hats of Bioware so far... !!!
I just wish there was possible.. 'everyone happy' choice for everything... but I am currently playing with a renegade profile (as far as my morality allowed me :p).. so, this should be expected.


Adam young
Ok am not seeing this video till am done with the game.. :p

Just had a tragic scene which led to reload the last save again, but same result...
Mordin's Death!!! Epic death scene with him singing and the shroud collapsing!!! Absolutely epic but tragic :'(. I am so sad i couldnt save him. :( There must have been a way to save him. And a couple of hours later Thane dies. Which, again awesomely crafted.. but not as tragic as Mordin. Dying to undo the genophage he helped perfect... Hats of Bioware so far... !!!
I just wish there was possible.. 'everyone happy' choice for everything... but I am currently playing with a renegade profile (as far as my morality allowed me :p).. so, this should be expected.
if i am right if you convince him not to cure the genophage as said by that politician(d..... i forgot his name) then i think you will be able to save him.but not sure as i didn't chose that option.
k guys now it is sure that a dlc is coming for the ending then what you guys think ?when it will be released.even i think there is mass effect 4 because here is a quote from the general manager or something of bioware,
Building on their research, Exec Producer Casey Hudson and the team are hard at work on a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey. You’ll hear more on this in April. We’re working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we’ve received. This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue.


Living to Play
The hell with their artistic integrity. Make a $hitty ending and say that its artistic. When fans deny to swallow it then make a dlc and make the gamers pay for it.
If they are so conserned why not make a free dlc afterall its their fault but no they are just money sucking parasites.


The Chosen One
I will reserve my judgement until after I have played the alternate ending DLC. Till then I am not getting excited about it. :|


The hell with their artistic integrity. Make a $hitty ending and say that its artistic. When fans deny to swallow it then make a dlc and make the gamers pay for it.
If they are so conserned why not make a free dlc afterall its their fault but no they are just money sucking parasites.


Yeah..Alternate Ending DLC Should Be free. Why should we pay for Their faults.


Steam High Templar
The hell with their artistic integrity. Make a $hitty ending and say that its artistic. When fans deny to swallow it then make a dlc and make the gamers pay for it.
If they are so conserned why not make a free dlc afterall its their fault but no they are just money sucking parasites.
even if they make the DLC paid(and i'm sure they will) there are other ways too;-)(this goes against my moral code but for publisher/devs like them they deserve some damage to thier revenue)


Thanks Sukesh.
I am so far loving the game. My Vangaurd Shepard is simply kick ass for most opponents... other than a few hard asses.. like Banshee's.. they are simply immune to my biotic charge!! If i charge.. they just grab me and instantly kill me.. its really hurts :(.


In the zone
hi all, those who have played mass effect 1, please answer MY doubt in mass effect/ mass effect 2 thread, here is the link:

thank you...


Playing the quarian part of the game. Starting to really hate to dumb ppl and symphesize with the geth. Too bad there isnt an option to shoot those admirals in the head!!.. so far... :)

The entire geth army would have been a more formidable army than the quarians anyways :p

One small question... anyone played Overlord and chose the renegade option of letting the doc keep his brother? any idea what effect will that have on this game? will the geth be allied to Cerberus from the start?
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