The Official Borderlands Thread


Long Live Gojira!
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Darn! You guys have pumped me. I'm gonna install this game right now and I think I'll join ye guys this Friday or Sat. Tell me what all I need, my Siamese twin brother? (tkin) :D

[Offtopic: You haven't upgraded ye'r PC, mate?]


Staff member
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Hi Iam new to Borderlands.Started playing just 2 hours ago.Now in the 9 toes boss fight.
Is it just me being n00bish or is the game really that tough?
Iam getting killed instantly by those stupid skags that 9 toe guy unleashes upon me.
Is the game difficulty just like Fallout 3.I found fallout 3 getting easier as you advance through the game.
Is there any general fighting tips or tricks or strategies you guys can share with me in borderlands.
The only strategy I adopted was to run around shooting like in Quake 3.BTW Iam using that 'terrible scattergun'.

Check ur skill level is not too low. I did it while running with scissors, didn't even know he was


Back to school!!
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Hi Iam new to Borderlands.Started playing just 2 hours ago.Now in the 9 toes boss fight.
Is it just me being n00bish or is the game really that tough?
Iam getting killed instantly by those stupid skags that 9 toe guy unleashes upon me.
Is the game difficulty just like Fallout 3.I found fallout 3 getting easier as you advance through the game.
Is there any general fighting tips or tricks or strategies you guys can share with me in borderlands.
The only strategy I adopted was to run around shooting like in Quake 3.BTW Iam using that 'terrible scattergun'.
Let me answer your questions one at a time.

Yes its tough until you reach level 15, once you finish the arid badlands it becomes easy.

You're dying because the scattergun is a shotgun and bullets spread out, so if you fire 10 bullets 1-2 bullet heats the target only, so less damage, use a single bullet long range weapon like the pistol that you got from the gun stash on your way to nine toes, or a machine gun/smg. This game is all about bullet dynamics, if you score headshots a lot more damage is done to the enemy, try shooting 9 toes in the head.

If you think 9 toes is tough wait till you meet bone-head and sledge.

This is not quake 3, its not run and gun, its like gears of war, use covers, even enemies use covers most of the time.


Staff member
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

If you think 9 toes is tough wait till you meet bone-head and sledge.

Sledge was tough as there was not enough space to move around but Rocket launcher with quick reload worked wonders.


Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Thank you ichi and tkin.Killed 9 toe.Had to make around 9-10 respawns.
I killed one of the skags first-->got killed and respawned-->next skag-->got killed again and repawned-->and then killed 9 toe. :)
Now reached level 8.Now it has become a bit easier to kill those skags and bandits.
BTW are u guys playing the 1.3.1 version?


Violent serenity.
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

I thought no one liked Siren :p

Btw upgrade your elemental tree as you will be getting some awesome snipers with shock damage.

Siren's awesome man. I played with Brick on my first time but didn't like him. So I tried Siren this time. And thanks for the heads up, will do that :).


Back to school!!
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Thank you ichi and tkin.Killed 9 toe.Had to make around 9-10 respawns.
I killed one of the skags first-->got killed and respawned-->next skag-->got killed again and repawned-->and then killed 9 toe. :)
Now reached level 8.Now it has become a bit easier to kill those skags and bandits.
BTW are u guys playing the 1.3.1 version?
What character have you chosen to play? Since you died so much I think you chose Mordecai? I chose roland and killed 9-toes in one go.

Darn! You guys have pumped me. I'm gonna install this game right now and I think I'll join ye guys this Friday or Sat. Tell me what all I need, my Siamese twin brother? (tkin) :D

[Offtopic: You haven't upgraded ye'r PC, mate?]
Install the game, get the latest dlc, if you go for the 'ahem' version then install the third dlc(from 'ahem') and it will automatically update your game to 1.3.0, the 1.3.1 patch is also available as a separate download from ahem :lol:, your game must be patched to the same version as others to play.

I got a HD5850, think I'll wait until 2011 to get a new config, also thinking about getting a HD6850/6870 as soon as it launches to get a reference card, non reference sucks.

Sledge was tough as there was not enough space to move around but Rocket launcher with quick reload worked wonders.
I played as soldier and killed him in the first try in solo, I actually had a problem with him when I tried to kill him in a co-op game, my friend(siren) died and I couldn't help him(or her), I died once but got a second wind by killing a midget.

Thank you ichi and tkin.Killed 9 toe.Had to make around 9-10 respawns.
I killed one of the skags first-->got killed and respawned-->next skag-->got killed again and repawned-->and then killed 9 toe. :)
Now reached level 8.Now it has become a bit easier to kill those skags and bandits.
BTW are u guys playing the 1.3.1 version?
Theres a nice strategy you could've tried, go near the elevator and wait for the skags to charge, get in the elevator and if one or more skags follow you the elevator will go up with them in it, kill them up top one at a time and then go after 9 toes.
Last edited:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

I've also jumped into BorderLands bandwagon :p

Patched the game with 1.3.1 update - have not installed any DLC yet though.

Finished 9 Toes and bone head. Sniper Rifle was very helpful while dealing with Bone Head - I did not even have to go near him - just finished him off from a safe place :p

I'm playing as Siren ( Lilith ) and on Level 9.

BTW, Got my first vehicle.


Staff member
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

^^there aren't many vehicle, just two and that too you can find everywhere. I always had hysterical fun mauling the hilly billies.


Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

^^i thought there was only one vehicle
which is the second one?


Staff member
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

^^both have same characteristics but looks slightly...very slightly differ.


Back to school!!
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

^^i thought there was only one vehicle
which is the second one?
There is only one vehicle in borderlands called outrunner but the general knoxx dlc adds 3 more, the racer(the fastest vehicle in game, same as outrunner but has a longer nitro boost and a spoiler, jet engine at back), the monster(the same vehicle that mad mel drives in main game, has homing missile that does massive damage, slower than racer but overall good speed, has a lot of health) and finally the lancer(has 4 separate compartments that can house 4 players at once, one gunner, one driver, one mine layer and one proximity blast seat, positions are not interchangeable, slowest vehicle but longest nitro boost, highest health for a vehicle and the main cannon uses shock longbow rounds that teleport to destination and hit targets), the dlc vehicles are not drivable in main game.


Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

simply amazing
i like the third one
will install the soon as i can


Back to school!!
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

simply amazing
i like the third one
will install the soon as i can
The monster is best for soloing as the homing missiles are nice for blind firing:

Lancer is best for party of 3 or more:

Racers are for speed, 4 players in racers can run circles around targets, but they lack health but make up with speed:


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Couple of questions again:
1.) Is skill point gaining only after we level up?
2.) In Zombie Island of Dr.Ned DLC, we seem to be gathering a lot of Zombie brains. Is that of any use?
3.) When we find any weapon in the game, what is the most important thing to look out for while picking it up? I mean in terms of a weapon which will cause a kick-ass damage to the enemies.


Back to school!!
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Couple of questions again:
1.) Is skill point gaining only after we level up?
2.) In Zombie Island of Dr.Ned DLC, we seem to be gathering a lot of Zombie brains. Is that of any use?
3.) When we find any weapon in the game, what is the most important thing to look out for while picking it up? I mean in terms of a weapon which will cause a kick-ass damage to the enemies.
1. Yes, but in case of mad moxxi you gain a free skill level after completing all the levels(so 61 levels for knoxx dlc+1 extra=62 skill point max in game)
2.Ok, heres the deal, those zombie brains have an use, there's a mission(optional, hard to find) which requires you to supply brains and in return you gain xp(loads of it) and some rare items.

To get the mission first go to hallow's end(one with the pumpkinhead mini boss), when standing in the village go to the southwest corner of the map(you'll see a house in a far end corner), there's a npc in it, I won't give any spoiler but its someone you know very well, he will give you the missions to get brains, the issue with this missions is that you need to get to 425 brains in total, its a tedious job so better the mission asap, so you can gain brains when you do the other missions.

The problem is that any brains you get till the mission starts do not count, it also does not count if you have collected all the brains needed for one mission and not turn in. eg: in one mission you need to get 25 brains, get the 25 and turn in, don't get more as it won't count but leave them, get the brains to the npc and turn in and he will eat one and vomit a item a few secs later, then he will give you another mission to get more brains, the four missions need 25, 50, 100 and 250 brains to complete, leave any brains in the ground and it will remain there till change map.

The missions can be a bit tedious but follow this pattern:
""The best strategy is to pick up the first mission when you go see Ned for the first time, complete the second mission while in the region. Complete the 100 one, before going to kill Pumpkinhead nearby, and pick up the 250 one, and continue to do all of the missions. Usually, before you kill off Dr. Ned, you will get all 250 done."

3.When picking up a weapon look at the rarity color, this the pattern:
Level 1 = White, rarity = 0-4.
Level 2 = Green, rarity = 5-10.
Level 3 = Blue, rarity = 11-15.
Level 4 = Purple, rarity = 16-49.
Level 5 = Light Orange, rarity = 50-60. (Not a category)
Level 6 = Orange, rarity = 61-65.
Level 7 = Dark Orange, rarity = 66-100. (Not a category)
Level 8 = Pearlescent, rarity = 101+

Then you need the stats, for revolvers/pistols look for damage, r.of and magazine size, scopes add accuracy.

Combat rifles and machine guns: look for accuracy as these are mid/long range weapons, then comes scopes, always give priority to scope(1.4x is needed as a longer scopes pose problem for enemy at close range), then comes r.of, rof of 10+ is needed atleast, last is damage, combat rifles may lack damage but make up with burst fire and high rof capabilities.

Shotgun: Damage and rof, damage is needed but rof is also a crucial factor, a shotgun of rof 1.2+ is good, also make sure shotgun has good reload speeds, automatic shotguns are therefore much preferable. Accuracy is a completely useless feature for shotgun as these are close range weapons, scopes are useless.

Snipers: Accuracy(96+) and scope(2x+) is needed, damage comes later as snipers can make up for low damage with critical shots(headshots)

Smgs: R.o.f, scope should be good.

Launchers: Damage and accuracy, look for one with high reload speed.

ALWAYS GIVE PRIORITY TO ELEMENTAL WEAPONS, fire is useful against bandit, skags, scythids but weak against lance and spiderant, corrosive is good against all enemies, explosive also good against all, shock good for only technical units(lance devastators in knoxx), craw worms(incl. crawmerax) and shields but weak against all else.

Legendary weapons do massive damage against enemies, look for examples in my first post here, smg called hellfire and sniper named volcano is pretty destructive(fire), for shock get "a hunter lives among the stars" sniper and corrosive is vitriolic crux and pestilant defiler.

PS: Zombies die from fire and explosive, corrosive and shock do not effect them much, also a type of enemy called badass tankestine is healed by shock so be careful while using siren(radiance skill), my friend's radiance got us mauled by badass tankestine in zombie island, he had to reset his skills and remove radiance.

Use this formula to compare guns:
((Damage)*(Accuracy/100))+(((Damage*(Magazine-1))/(((Magazine-1)/Fire Rate)+Reload)*((Accuracy-Recoil)/100)))

Reload is 2 unless altered in the stat block by a percentage.
Recoil is 10 unless altered in the stat block by a percentage.

Elemental effects are extra.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Now on Level 11 and finished Scar - I thought he was a man ( by his name ) but later I found something else :p


Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

thanks for the mammoth info
will surely help

but 1 question
i've never seen light orange and dark orange guns around here
and not even pearlescent


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The Offcial Borderlands Thread

Holy sh*t! That was amazing. Thanks a million for the detailed explanation.

Virtual rep to you Tkin. You certainly know this game inside out. I suggest you start writing a walk-through for the entire game. :)
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