Ok, live with it man! i am not saying anything ti anybody. I just warn people about my experience whenever there is a discussion going on and i am participating. I think that is completly fair.
So does every other manufacturer... But some of them just do it a little better than the other's....
The IBM Thinkpad branded one's for instance (now made by Lenovo)...
Though you would term it rock solid... Just a careful inspection of the two... One bought in India and another one in the US/EU.... you would find the difference...
so have you got ur motherboard replaced. and is it working fine now?---
Hi Abhishek,
Sorry for the inconvience caused,
We have organized the part and it is getting shipped from Bangalore tomorrow and expected to reach our RT Office at Kanpur by mid of next week.
Warm Regards
Sachin Mahajan
uhh...okey...u kidding right???after that write that your skin get burned due to the high temperature.
Write a letter to the MD of HP India, threatening legal action for the problems they have caused. (issue an Give me my money back/fix this/ give a new equivalent one or I'll take you to courtuhh...okey...u kidding right???
i'll give one more call to the service center again n tell thm abt the battery beep thing...if thy can't fix it...thn i think i'll have to do somethin...but wht can i do?? am just another poor inocent () little student